TEA-21 logo TEA-21 - Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
Moving Americans into the 21st Century
Fact Sheet
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Program Purpose

The Bicycle Transportation and Pedestrian Walkways provisions of Section 217 of Title 23, as amended by TEA-21, describe how Federal-aid funds may be used for bicycle and pedestrian projects. These projects are broadly eligible for all of the major funding programs where they compete with other transportation projects for available funding at the State and MPO levels.

Eligible Use of Funds

Bicycle and pedestrian projects are eligible for NHS, STP (including Transportation Enhancements, and Sections 130 and 152), CMAQ, Federal Lands, Scenic Byways, and Recreational Trails funds.

TEA-21 amends the eligibility of certain projects for Federal-aid funding including:

Program Features

Provides additional information and guidance on a wide range of planning, policy and safety issues affecting bicycling and walking, including:

Definitions [1202(a)(7)]

Clarifies the permissibility of motorized wheelchair use on trails and pedestrian walkways that otherwise prohibit motorized use and also permits the use of electric bicycles on these facilities where State or local regulations permit.

Electric bicycles are defined as any bicycle or tricycle with a low-powered electric motor weighing under 100 pounds, with a top motor-powered speed of 20 miles per hour.

September 14, 1998

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