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Moving Americans into the 21st Century
Fact Sheet
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* Authorizations shown here will be augmented by a portion of Minimum Guarantee funds.

Program Purpose

The STP provides flexible funding that may be used by States and localities for projects on any Federal-aid highway, including the NHS, bridge projects on any public road, transit capital projects, and intracity and intercity bus terminals and facilities. A portion of funds reserved for rural areas may be spent on rural minor collectors.

Distribution of Funds

The following funds are to be set aside from authorized amounts:

Apportioned funds are to be distributed based on the following new formula [1103(b)]:

State suballocations of apportioned funds are retained with some changes --

Transfer of Funds [1310]

Transportation Enhancement (TE) setaside - Up to 25 percent of the difference between the amount set aside for TE for the fiscal year and the amount set aside for TE for FY 1997 may be transferred to IM, CMAQ, NHS and/or the Bridge Program. [1310]

Safety setaside - Safety setaside funds equivalent to the funds made available for FY 1991 for the Hazard Elimination and Railway-Highway Crossing Programs (23 USC 130 and 152) may not be transferred. Up to 25 percent of the difference between the remainder of the safety setaside for the fiscal year—the "optional safety" funds—and the comparable amount for FY 1997 may be transferred to IM, CMAQ, NHS and/or the Bridge Program. [1310]

Suballocation to areas - STP funds allocated to sub-State areas (rural, urbanized areas with population over 200,000) may not be transferred. [1310]

Transfers to STP from the IM, NHS, CMAQ, and Bridge Programs will not be subject to further STP setasides or suballocations.

Eligible Activities

Expands STP eligibilities to specifically include the following [1108(a)]:

Program Administration

See fact sheet on Program Administration for important changes in program delivery and project oversight that affect the STP.

September 14, 1998

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