U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Bridges & Structures

Subject: INFORMATION: The Secretary's Discretionary Bridge Program, FY 2003, Seismic Retrofit Category Date: July 10, 2003
From: /s/ Original signed by:
Raymond J. McCormick, P.E.
Acting Director of Bridge Technology
Reply to Attn. of: HIBT-30
To: Mr. Gary N. Hamby
Division Administrator
Sacramento, CA

The purpose of this memorandum is to allocate FY 2003 Discretionary Bridge Program (DBP) funds for 3 projects. A listing of these projects is as follows:

Transaction NumberStateProject Name/LocationAllocated Funds
Q070001ArkansasI-40/Mississippi R.
Memphis, TN
Q070002TennesseeI-40/Mississippi R.
Memphis, TN.
Q070003CaliforniaGolden Gate Br.
San Francisco, CA.
Q070004MissouriPoplar St App.
St. Louis, MO

These DBP awards include 100 percent obligation limitation. Since these funds are being allocated so late in the fiscal year, we do not anticipate that your offices will be able to obligate all of the funds. With this in mind, we do expect that through the August redistribution, the obligation authority for those funds that cannot be obligated this fiscal year will need to be returned and reallocated in FY 2004.

We are requesting each Division monitor the obligation of funds. Please advise the Office of Bridge Technology, HIBT-30, as soon as possible, if the funds are not going to be obligated this fiscal year.

The Federal share payable may not exceed 80 percent of the cost of the project and should be programmed under Appropriation Code Q07.

Updated: 10/05/2022
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000