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A Look at the History of the Federal Highway Administration
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April 4
1986 Administrator Rex Whitton issues a checklist of desirable construction practices, drawn up with help from industry, to improve contractors' image. This is a followup to a program outlined on February 21, 1966, for carrying out construction in a way that minimizes public inconvenience and fully considers the interests of highway users, adjacent property, and natural resources.
1994 Administrator Rodney Slater and his staff complete preparations for a 14-day, 14-State, border-to-border road tour highlighting the vital role transportation plays in the economy. The tour begins tomorrow in Buffalo, NY, and ends in Laredo, TX, on April 18. "President Clinton has challenged all of us to rebuild America, and Transportation Secretary Federico Pea is leading the effort to invest in transportation infrastructure, which will increase productivity, stimulate the economy, and create jobs. This trip will give me a firsthand opportunity to look, listen and learn about the transportation needs of people in their communities."
A stop on the Roadtour: Accompanied by Mayor Fred Montgomery of Henning TN, Administrator Rodney Slater visits the home and gravesite of writer/historian Alex Haley (author of Roots). His epitaph, "Find the Good and Praise It," captures the spirit of the Roadtour.
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