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General P3 Publications

Discussion Papers:

Concept Design for an Online Information Source for Major Surface Transportation Projects: A Discussion Paper

June 2017

This discussion paper explores the issues associated with compiling information on major surface transportation projects in a publicly accessible online information source or database to assist in establishing benchmarks on projects delivered conventionally and through Public-Private Partnerships (P3s). Information on projects delivered conventionally and through P3s for operating transportation facilities and those in various phases of development could also provide a resource for practitioners seeking to develop or implement similar projects.


Case Studies of Handback Experience with Public-Private Partnerships

December 2017

Public-Private Partnership (P3) handback experience is very limited the U.S. and internationally. This paper analyzes the handback experience in three highway P3 projects: East-Link Bridge in Dublin, Ireland, Highway 4 (VT4 Järvenpää-Lahti) in Finland and M4 Tollway in New South Wales, Australia. Two of the projects did not have any material handback clauses in their P3 contracts. Still, the handback processes and outcomes of all three projects are considered successful. The projects experienced a relatively smooth handback process, mainly due to very good working relationships between the contracting authority and the P3 concessionaire. There have not been significant technical quality concerns or problems in the years immediately following the handback. Other drivers for successful P3 handback include clear definition of handback requirements, sufficient incentives and protections, clear procedures and joint inspection processes, a collaborative approach, and workforce sustainment. These contractual requirements and financial incentives and protections are very beneficial as working relationships between P3 agencies and concessionaires will not always be excellent, which could lead to less smooth handback processes.

Report on Highway Public-Private Partnership Concessions in the United States

December 2016

This report assesses the experience of the 28 highway P3 concession projects that have been implemented in the U.S. since 1992. The report presents trends that have occurred for three groups of P3 projects: real toll concessions, availability payment concessions and long term leases. It analyzes how financing strategies and procurement structures have evolved over time, focusing on federal financial tools and related approvals. The report includes an appendix with 28 narrative P3 Story documents providing comprehensive information on the different highway P3 projects.

Successful Practices for P3s

March 2016

For many transportation agencies in the U.S. public-private partnerships (P3s) offer an opportunity to tap new financing sources and transfer certain project delivery risks. These partnerships differ from standard procurement practice wherein the public sponsor controls each phase - design, construction, finance, operation and maintenance - of the project's lifecycle. In a P3, a single private entity (which may be a consortium of several companies) assumes responsibility for multiple phases, accepting long-term risks in return for prospective rewards. DOT has developed this report to describe how government agencies can best work with the private sector to deliver transportation facilities that protect the public interest.

International Public-Private Partnership Synthesis Report

April 2013

This report synthesizes the findings of a series of reports (including the one below) prepared for FHWA following an international P3 scan conducted in 2008. Investigators studied P3 markets in the United Kingdom, Australia, Portugal, and Spain to identify transferable lessons for the evolving P3 market in the U.S. The report summarizes notable P3 practices used in the four scan countries and Canada (included in the analysis but not formally part of the scan trip), including P3 delivery options, value for money analysis, and risk allocation. The report provides a brief overview of the development of the P3 market in each of the five countries, accompanied by twelve project profiles of notable P3 projects in each market.

Public-Private Partnerships for Highway Infrastructure: Capitalizing on International Experience

March 2009

FHWA, AASHTO, and NCHRP sponsored a scan to collect information about P3 programs for highway infrastructure in Australia, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom, where P3 experience is more extensive. In this publication, the scan team reports that P3s are an effective strategy for delivering highway projects, and they are service arrangements as much as financial ones. The team observed that potential P3 projects must be analyzed and structured thoughtfully to preserve public interests and that managing the partnership over the life of the contract is critical to providing the services expected. Team recommendations for U.S. implementation include convening workshops, developing training guidelines, establishing an expert task group, developing a research strategy, and publishing principles and guideline documents on P3 topics.

Innovation Wave: An Update on the Burgeoning Private Sector Role in U.S. Highway and Transit Infrastructure

July 2008

This 2008 report describes the use of P3s by state and local transportation authorities as an update of U.S. DOT's 2004 Report to Congress on P3s. This report refines and focuses the 2004 report's P3 definition to reflect the increasing utilization in the U.S. of long term, concessions. The report describes the advantages of P3s as an alternative to the failings of traditional approaches to project funding and delivery, and it identifies certain risks commonly attributed to P3s and how they can be managed and evaluated.

Case Studies of Transportation Public-Private Partnerships in the United States

July 2007

This report focuses on P3 applications to transportation projects in the United States as of the mid-2000s. It promotes greater understanding of the role of institutional factors in the implementation of P3s.

Case Studies of Transportation Public-Private Partnerships around the World

July 2007

This report focuses on P3 applications to transportation projects in England, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Denmark, Sweden and Argentina as of the mid-2000s.

Synthesis of Public-Private Partnership Projects for Roads Bridges & Tunnels from Around the World: 1985-2004

August 2005

This report presents a synthesis of a comprehensive database of highway infrastructure projects from around the world financed or delivered through some form of P3. The synthesis reveals the predominant types and sizes of P3 contracts used in various regions and countries around the world for developing highway infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and tunnels.

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