This guidance was canceled July 3, 2007 by Transmittal 38 of the Federal-Aid Policy Guide

December 9, 1991, Transmittal 1

G 6011.10




  1. Purpose
  2. Authority
  3. Need for Bid Price Data
  4. Reporting Requirements
  5. Preparation of Form

  1. PURPOSE. To prescribe the requirements for the reporting of Bid Price Data, Form FHWA-45 (OMB NO. 2125-0010).

  2. AUTHORITY. 23 U.S.C. 103(e)(4) and 315, 23 CFR 1.32.

  3. NEED FOR BID PRICE DATA. The information provided by Form FHWA-45, (see Attachment 1) is used:

    1. to compute the highway construction price index, which is published in "Price Trends for Federal-Aid Highway Construction,"

    2. by congressional committees in developing highway legislation, and

    3. for determining amounts of money available for each State having substitute projects under Section 103(e)(4) of Title 23.


    1. Preparation. A Form FHWA-45 report should be submitted by the FHWA division offices for all Federal-aid primary, urban, and Interstate high way projects, or the State highway agency oper ating under certification acceptance for theprojects in its CA program, involving construc tion performed under contract awarded by com petitive bidding, except for the following:

        (1) Projects for which the total contract amount of roadway and bridge is less than $500,000.

        (2) Projects consisting primarily of (a) the installation of protective devices at rail road grade crossings, (b) traffic control devices, or (c) highway beautification.

    2. Optional Reporting. A State highway agency not operating under certification acceptance may prepare the FHWA-45 on behalf of the FHWA if it so desires.

    3. Reporting Frequency. The original copy of the Form FHWA-45 should be transmitted directly to Washington Headquarters (Federal-Aid and Design Division, HNG-13) within 2 weeks after award of the contract.


    1. General Information

        (1) The FHWA-45 report is prepared by using contract quantities and bid prices.

        (2) A separate report (Form FHWA-45) shall be prepared for each contract except that the data for two or more contracts on the same project, or on adjacent projects, may be combined where such contracts are awarded at the same letting. Where a single con tract covers more than one project, only one report covering the entire contract should be prepared. The original only should be transmitted to the Washington Headquarters (Federal-Aid and Design Divi sion, HNG-13).

        (3) If bid items for nonparticipating work or nonparticipating quantities of bid items are included in the report, the total con tract cost shown should include the nonpar ticipating contract amount. If bid items for nonparticipating sections are included in the report, the total contract cost should include the contract amount for the nonparticipating sections.

        (4) Urban or Rural should be checked to indicate whether the major cost is for work within an urban area or in a rural loca tion.

        (5) The construction type codes to be used shall be those applicable, as set forth in Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual, Volume 6, Chapter 3, Section 1, Subsection 2.

        (6) Mileage need no longer be reported.

        (7) The number of units (to the nearest whole unit), the total cost (to the nearest dol lar), and the unit price (derived by divid ing the total cost by the number of units, and rounded to the nearest cent) should be reported for each contract item listed on Form FHWA-45. All items must be entered in the units called for by the form. When an item is bid on a lump-sum basis, the quan tity involved, the computed unit price and the total amount bid for the item should be reported. If a contract does not contain any item listed on Form FHWA-45, no report is required.

        (8) The responsible engineer will be expected to establish such review procedures within his/her office as will ensure both the ac curacy and completeness of the report.

    2. Roadway Excavation

        (1) For the purpose of this report, Common Excavation is defined as material consisting of earth and loose rock, including boulders of less than one-half cubic yard in volume. Roadway excavation other than common, solid rock, borrow, or muck should be considered as unclassified.

        (2) The various ways in which the States segregate their bid items for performing roadway excavation make it essential that, to obtain comparable data, all States utilize the same basis in computing and reporting contract bid prices for this work. The reported unit price per cubic yard for the two types of roadway excavation should always be the amount for which the contractor will remove the material from the cut, transport it to the fill or other place of disposal and perform all manipulation, compaction or treatment required to incorporate it into its final position. It should also include the cost of water used. In some cases, the entire "excavation-haul-place" process is included in one bid item. More frequently, however, the process is divided into a number of separate bid items, in which case the total cost for performing all the separate items should be used.

        (3) Where unclassified roadway excavation is reported, an estimate of the probable amount or percentage of this item which is, or should be classified as rock, and the estimated or most probable unit bid price at which this rock could have been con tracted, should be shown under "Remarks." If the unclassified roadway excavation con tains no rock, it should be so noted.

        (4) Do not include muck or borrow in common or unclassified excavation when they are bid as separate items.

        (5) Do not include structural excavation.

    3. Steel

        (1) Do not include reinforcing steel for continuously reinforced Portland cement con crete pavement, nor any other type of pave ment reinforcement in item 421, structural reinforcement.

        (2) The total quantities of structural reinforcement and structural steel to be placed should be reported in items 421 and 431, respectively. Where all or a part of the steel is to be furnished by a State or county, the total quantity including any to be obtained by the contractor from other sources, the total cost for furnishing, fabricating, and erecting, including the value of the State or county-furnished steel, and the unit price derived by divid ing the total cost by the total quantity of steel should be reported. If the steel is to be fabricated and furnished under one contract and erected under a later con tract, or furnished under one contract and fabricated and erected under a later con tract, the quantity and combined total cost in place, and also the combined total con tract amounts, should be reported on Form PR-45 for the later contract only.

    4. Surfaces

        (1) For bituminous concrete surface, report the total number of tons of mix in place for roadway and shoulder construction, including binder and leveling courses. When aggregate and bituminous material are bid separately, the weight and cost of the bituminous material should be added to the weight and cost of the aggregate. In con verting gallons of bituminous material to tons, an average factor of 235 gallons per ton may be used if a specific conversionfactor is not available. In States where the specifications provide payment for bi tuminous material in addition to that for the mix, the weight of the mix only should be reported. The cost reported should be the sum of the costs for the mix and the bituminous material. Where bid on a square yard basis, conversion to tons may be made by using an average weight of 110 pounds per square-yard-inch. The total cost re ported should include the cost of all mate rials, hauling, processing, manipulation, and compaction.

        (2) For Item 781, "Portland Cement Concrete Surface," the unit price per square yard should be the adjusted price. The adjust ment for "steel not bid separately" for Item 781 refers to pavement reinforcement and not to joint steel.

        (3) The square yard price adjustments for longitudinal and transverse joints should in clude the cost of forming or sawing the joints plus the joint steel. Fine finish ing of pavement subgrade, when bid as a separate item, should be added to the unit bid price of the pavement. All price ad justments should be based on current pric es. When variable thickness is planned for a particular project, the weighted average thickness to the nearest tenth of an inch should be shown.

        (4) Do not include bridge approach slabs.

    5. Structural Concrete. Structural concrete should include the combined quantities of concrete used in superstructures, substructures, foundations and footings, culverts, headwalls, and concrete used in all other major and minor structures. Report the unit price per cubic yard, adjusted to exclude the estimated cubic yard price of any reinforcing steel not bid separately and adjusted to include the cubicyard price of any cement or aggregate which are bid separately. Do not include slope paving under bridges or bridge approach slabs.

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