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The Buck Starts Here Motor Fuel Attribution:

PowerPoint presentation: MFAttribution.ppt

The Buck Starts Here Motor Fuel Attribution: - Slide 1

FHWA Estimation of Highway Trust Fund Tax Receipts From Each State

Apportionments - Slide 2

Funds for several FHWA programs are apportioned to the States:

  • Formula based
  • Generally made without regard to the source of the funds
  • The Donor-Donee issue

Apportioned Programs - Slide 3

The following FHWA programs use motor fuel data as part of the apportionment calculation:

  • NHS - 30 percent diesel gallons
  • STP - 35 percent HA contributions
  • IM - 33 percent CV contributions
  • Minimum Guarantee

Table showing Apportionment Formulas for Programs Distributed Using Motor Fuel Data - Slide 4

STP (Surface Transportation Project) Program: (Title 23, U.S. Code, Statute 104(b)(3)

  • Total lanes miles of Federal-aid highways 25% (Statute 104(b)(3)
  • Total VMT on Federal-aid highways 40%
  • Estimated tax payment attributable to highway users paid into the Highway Account of the HTF

IM (Interstate Maintenance) Program: (Title 23, U.S. Code, Statute 104(b)(4)

  • Interstate system lane miles 33 1/3 %
  • VMT on Interstate system 33 1/3 %
  • Annual contributions to the Highway Account of the HTF attributable to commercial vehicles 33 1/3%

NHS (National Highway System) Program (Title 23, U.S. Code, Statute 104(b)(1)

  • Lane miles on principal arterial routes (excluding Interstates) 25%
  • VMT on principal arterial routes (excluding Interstates) 35%
  • Diesel fuel used on highways 30%
  • Total lane miles on principal arterial highways divided by the State's total populaiton 10%

Minimum Guarantee: (Title 23, U.S. Code, Statute 105

  • Each State's share of apportionments for aggregate sum of specified programs is at least 90.5% of its percentage contributions to the Highway Accoutn of the HTF

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Finance Federal-Aid Highways, Appendix E

The Attribution Process - Slide 5

  • FHWA attribution supports the apportionment process
  • How does FHWA calculate attribution
  • Why is State data necessary

Attribution - Slide 6

State-by-State contributions to the Federal Highway Trust Fund are not available from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Attribution - Slide 7

  • Typical federal motor fuel taxpayer is an oil company or oil wholesaler
  • 8,000 are licensed with IRS
  • Federal tax is imposed as the fuel crosses the rack
  • Where is the fuel consumed?
  • IRS doesn't know

Attribution - Slide 8

  • IRS reports tax receipts (after refunds and transfers) for each motor fuel tax type
  • HTF contributions from highway users in each State is estimated using State motor fuel data

Attribution - State Data - Slide 9

From State-reported motor fuel data

  • Measure on-highway gallons of motor fuel: Gasoline, Gasohol, and Special fuels
  • Sum to derive the national total (by type)
  • Derive each State's share of the national total
  • Use those shares to determine revenue shares

Attribution - Slide 10

  • For the federal truck taxes: 1) Tire tax, 2) Truck and trailer retail sales excise tax, and 3) Heavy vehicle use tax
  • Attribution to each State is in proportion to the highway use of special fuels

Summary - Slide 11


  • Apportionment process
  • Attribution process


  • State data
  • Motor fuel reviews

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