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April 2009 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State April March
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2009 (Preliminary) 2008 2009 (Revised) 2008
Connecticut 4 166 162 2.2 3 159 162 -1.5
Maine 63 481 482 -0.2 64 472 470 0.5
Massachusetts 9 219 211 3.9 7 217 208 4.0
New Hampshire 20 296 289 2.4 16 283 282 0.2
New Jersey 6 374 375 -0.4 6 367 379 -3.1
New York 57 1,195 1,179 1.4 56 1,213 1,209 0.3
Pennsylvania 27 2,056 2,059 -0.1 28 1,947 1,941 0.3
Rhode Island - 55 53 2.7 - 46 45 1.6
Vermont 31 225 221 1.9 31 225 233 -3.2
Subtotal   5,067 5,031 0.7   4,929 4,929 0.0
South Atlantic
Delaware - 133 133 -0.3 - 121 121 0.0
District of Columbia - 0 0 0.0 - 0 0 0.0
Florida 95 2,102 2,062 1.9 94 2,199 2,268 -3.0
Georgia 63 2,149 2,139 0.5 65 2,013 2,080 -3.2
Maryland 26 741 727 1.9 26 727 754 -3.6
North Carolina 19 1,651 1,539 7.3 19 1,572 1,702 -7.6
South Carolina 77 1,360 1,301 4.6 78 1,298 1,398 -7.2
Virginia 74 1,701 1,633 4.2 103 1,608 1,736 -7.4
West Virginia - 616 607 1.5 - 690 703 -1.8
Subtotal   10,453 10,141 3.1   10,228 10,762 -5.0
North Central
Illinois - 1,383 1,364 1.3 - 1,303 1,314 -0.8
Indiana 38 1,511 1,542 -2.0 38 1,394 1,411 -1.2
Iowa 92 1,065 1,043 2.2 80 1,020 1,032 -1.2
Kansas 65 769 768 0.1 64 731 756 -3.4
Michigan 60 1,532 1,517 1.0 59 1,509 1,516 -0.5
Minnesota 35 1,453 1,372 5.9 35 1,331 1,362 -2.3
Missouri 77 1,448 1,415 2.4 77 1,266 1,263 0.2
Nebraska 30 673 667 0.9 30 643 663 -3.0
North Dakota 33 325 315 3.1 33 309 303 1.8
Ohio 48 1,629 1,622 0.4 46 1,571 1,556 0.9
South Dakota 43 361 347 4.1 43 351 364 -3.7
Wisconsin 92 1,455 1,422 2.3 95 1,400 1,427 -1.9
Subtotal   13,604 13,394 1.6   12,828 12,967 -1.1
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,450 1,440 0.7 - 1,378 1,412 -2.4
Arkansas 23 893 886 0.9 20 1,044 1,037 0.6
Kentucky 57 1,401 1,364 2.7 56 1,345 1,334 0.8
Louisiana 7 951 937 1.6 5 925 918 0.7
Mississippi - 1,117 1,106 1.0 - 1,150 1,145 0.4
Oklahoma - 1,123 1,112 1.0 - 1,044 1,052 -0.7
Tennessee 12 1,511 1,506 0.3 6 1,663 1,688 -1.5
Texas 76 4,618 4,562 1.2 76 4,858 4,880 -0.5
Subtotal   13,064 12,913 1.2   13,407 13,466 -0.4
Alaska 29 107 100 6.9 30 96 97 -0.8
Arizona - 1,029 963 6.9 48 931 976 -4.7
California 9 3,755 3,500 7.3 9 3,323 3,500 -5.1
Colorado 69 835 867 -3.7 71 967 991 -2.5
Hawaii 4 101 103 -2.4 3 103 106 -2.3
Idaho 96 431 426 1.3 92 412 427 -3.4
Montana 58 422 421 0.2 60 394 415 -5.2
Nevada 34 326 324 0.8 34 316 336 -6.2
New Mexico 42 738 733 0.8 40 735 760 -3.3
Oregon 95 852 840 1.4 95 830 848 -2.2
Utah 43 476 467 1.9 43 460 474 -3.0
Washington 72 864 844 2.3 72 807 830 -2.8
Wyoming 80 333 351 -5.0 81 317 339 -6.4
Subtotal   10,269 9,939 3.3   9,691 10,099 -4.0
Totals 1,990 52,457 51,418 2.0 2,037 51,083 52,223 -2.2

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration