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Highway Statistics 2015

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May 2020
Table VM-2


Alabama 6,012 - 5,371 4,415 4,281 1,350 6,853 28,283 8,736 532 9,508 7,093 4,177 63 8,867 38,974 67,257
Alaska 835 - 305 117 301 144 424 2,126 750 - 927 539 239 129 337 2,920 5,045
Arizona 6,361 30 3,301 1,566 2,440 448 1,444 15,589 7,468 7,617 8,057 15,555 4,100 141 6,518 49,455 65,045
Arkansas 3,860 369 3,585 2,786 3,444 652 2,167 16,864 5,072 1,041 3,686 4,470 1,787 64 1,912 18,033 34,897
California 15,463 5,225 10,007 7,547 7,604 2,523 5,311 53,680 72,627 60,406 53,076 48,893 24,614 302 21,941 281,859 335,539
Colorado 4,444 236 4,081 1,992 1,747 735 1,471 14,707 9,030 5,219 9,087 6,158 2,619 45 3,574 35,730 50,437
Connecticut 469 297 441 408 807 145 592 3,158 9,926 4,147 3,803 5,153 2,598 234 2,573 28,434 31,592
Delaware - 610 865 321 606 170 428 3,000 1,351 603 2,118 1,077 794 51 936 6,931 9,931
Dist. of Columbia - - - - - - - - 457 374 991 704 261 - 770 3,557 3,557
Florida 9,589 1,815 7,745 3,476 3,479 1,427 5,599 33,130 28,456 13,367 43,386 27,845 18,199 3,414 39,186 173,852 206,982
Georgia 7,091 - 5,872 5,620 4,931 980 4,095 28,590 23,497 3,526 15,901 17,530 5,706 385 22,972 89,517 118,107
Hawaii - - 323 541 153 34 722 1,773 1,877 505 2,084 998 688 257 2,119 8,527 10,301
Idaho 2,484 - 2,271 958 1,297 228 2,300 9,537 1,488 - 2,360 1,679 687 4 907 7,124 16,662
Illinois 8,747 103 3,552 4,385 4,479 420 3,344 25,030 23,835 1,159 19,831 15,499 8,142 170 11,557 80,193 105,223
Indiana 7,360 735 4,063 3,853 5,398 2,062 4,752 28,223 10,875 1,386 10,134 8,893 4,262 417 14,630 50,596 78,819
Iowa 4,966 - 6,043 2,613 3,365 817 1,485 19,289 3,105 - 4,103 3,548 1,120 - 1,996 13,872 33,161
Kansas 3,545 1,251 3,125 2,260 2,662 337 1,800 14,980 4,047 1,909 1,428 4,266 2,140 229 2,379 16,399 31,379
Kentucky 7,965 1,834 3,411 3,547 4,034 2,212 3,130 26,132 6,604 872 4,644 5,606 2,122 146 2,550 22,543 48,675
Louisiana 5,681 204 2,886 3,162 3,295 1,089 2,202 18,520 9,352 766 8,238 6,523 2,951 218 1,612 29,660 48,180
Maine 2,293 - 1,881 1,760 2,269 865 1,481 10,550 839 143 682 989 954 25 448 4,080 14,629
Maryland 2,063 - 2,218 1,863 1,589 936 1,701 10,369 15,039 6,240 11,463 6,975 4,175 134 3,121 47,146 57,516
Massachusetts 806 64 269 461 538 124 561 2,822 16,488 5,798 12,047 10,695 3,389 - 8,018 56,435 59,257
Michigan 5,030 2,386 4,045 6,566 7,924 921 2,244 29,116 17,147 6,150 17,206 15,590 4,982 28 7,624 68,727 97,843
Minnesota 3,850 9 6,850 4,757 4,098 1,297 2,591 23,452 8,807 3,568 5,273 8,892 2,782 41 4,579 33,942 57,395
Mississippi 4,256 - 5,047 3,471 3,980 416 4,989 22,160 4,069 451 5,153 2,593 1,744 6 3,714 17,730 39,890
Missouri 6,819 3,818 4,026 3,453 5,071 691 5,567 29,444 13,893 5,170 5,814 6,353 3,253 48 7,943 42,474 71,918
Montana 2,473 - 2,422 1,053 926 448 1,206 8,529 597 - 1,215 652 421 27 906 3,816 12,345
Nebraska 2,845 985 2,348 2,371 1,504 237 1,093 11,383 1,534 1,196 2,149 1,976 632 2 1,229 8,718 20,101
Nevada 2,118 - 1,509 388 333 231 432 5,011 4,165 1,686 3,091 4,620 45 1,915 5,392 20,915 25,925
New Hampshire 1,044 142 1,034 1,111 992 481 362 5,166 1,913 1,347 1,316 1,682 877 - 793 7,928 13,094
New Jersey 1,180 426 704 660 821 167 877 4,835 14,545 12,135 16,367 11,156 4,536 724 11,094 70,558 75,393
New Mexico 4,392 - 3,442 1,691 1,647 573 3,787 15,532 2,629 81 4,073 1,910 1,125 322 1,764 11,903 27,435
New York 5,717 539 3,889 3,448 3,710 2,592 4,865 24,760 20,655 16,810 19,092 17,637 7,423 159 15,164 96,939 121,699
North Carolina 5,803 2,367 5,641 5,742 6,916 2,813 8,350 37,633 18,260 5,550 15,053 13,602 6,828 587 14,366 74,246 111,879
North Dakota 1,517 - 2,539 871 1,204 - 1,160 7,291 472 - 855 617 294 - 508 2,745 10,036
Ohio 8,348 1,704 4,317 4,250 7,764 1,706 5,695 33,783 23,045 5,997 13,660 13,740 9,997 449 13,002 79,890 113,673
Oklahoma 5,124 - 5,040 2,840 5,422 171 2,572 21,169 5,514 3,108 5,721 4,854 1,456 114 5,776 26,544 47,713
Oregon 3,758 - 4,022 1,756 1,773 774 2,221 14,303 5,537 1,387 5,474 4,278 2,629 268 2,122 21,695 35,999
Pennsylvania 11,126 2,084 4,113 6,497 4,162 1,824 5,589 35,395 14,992 6,775 15,799 12,056 7,431 - 8,497 65,550 100,945
Rhode Island 305 65 223 103 146 25 22 888 1,858 1,189 1,842 1,041 611 19 384 6,945 7,833
South Carolina 7,724 230 4,107 3,925 4,409 245 2,970 23,610 7,310 714 7,787 6,559 3,681 32 2,034 28,116 51,726
South Dakota 1,945 412 1,503 985 1,064 146 457 6,512 715 64 483 980 288 - 283 2,813 9,324
Tennessee 7,446 - 4,836 4,306 2,714 3,593 2,572 25,467 14,257 2,322 12,541 9,245 3,383 686 8,770 51,203 76,670
Texas 17,046 7 21,976 11,357 12,189 1,835 4,479 68,889 47,986 32,941 41,207 30,193 25,750 657 10,499 189,233 258,122
Utah 3,082 77 1,775 778 910 504 1,161 8,287 7,445 413 5,191 2,437 1,739 233 3,858 21,317 29,604
Vermont 1,219 5 706 973 1,142 219 936 5,199 539 58 485 366 275 11 381 2,115 7,314
Virginia 6,460 545 4,906 4,596 3,512 993 2,590 23,602 18,772 5,156 13,861 10,762 4,560 558 5,353 59,023 82,625
Washington 4,609 1,753 2,285 2,130 3,509 1,073 1,156 16,514 11,832 5,719 9,594 7,677 3,463 107 4,745 43,138 59,653
West Virginia 2,190 44 2,197 1,444 2,403 329 1,115 9,722 3,510 84 2,475 2,174 1,077 48 737 10,104 19,827
Wisconsin 5,788 844 6,743 5,021 7,722 2,059 3,943 32,120 7,731 3,190 8,717 5,292 2,522 0 2,502 29,954 62,073
Wyoming 2,517 - 1,627 536 627 720 624 6,652 538 12 792 448 398 33 725 2,945 9,597
U.S. Total 235,766 31,214 185,488 140,728 157,315 44,780 127,487 922,778 541,186 238,878 469,837 400,070 199,926 13,499 303,666 2,167,063 3,089,841
Puerto Rico (2) 435 - 180 265 149 0 0 1,029 4,724 902 3,218 3,054 1,634 0 3 13,535 14,564
Grand Total 236,201 31,214 185,668 140,994 157,464 44,781 127,487 923,807 545,910 239,781 473,055 403,124 201,560 13,499 303,669 2,180,598 3,104,406

(1) Travel for the rural minor collector and rural/urban local functional systems is estimated by the States based on a model or other means and provided to the FHWA on a summary basis. Travel for all other systems are estimated from State-provided data in the Highway Performance Monitoring System.

(2) 2014 data.


Page last modified on June 9, 2020
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000