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Federal Highway Administration / Publications / Focus / June 2002

Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations

Publication Number: FHWA-RD-02-011
Date: June 2002

All HPC All the Time

Questions about high-performance concrete (HPC)? Interested in learning more about HPC projects that other States have done? Jump online and join the discussion at the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) new HPC Community of Practice. Located on the Web at knowledge.fhwa.dot.gov/cops/hpcx.nsf/home, the site is dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and information to promote better decision-making, spark innovation, and speed technology transfer throughout the transportation community.

HPC is engineered to produce mixes that better meet the requirements of specific bridge projects, resulting in bridges that last longer and require less maintenance. The site covers such HPC subject areas as:

Visitors to the Community of Practice can join a discussion in progress or initiate a new discussion in any of the subject areas. "The site also has reference materials and links to important Web sites. This is a place to share information and ideas," says Terry Halkyard of FHWA, one of the site's administrators. Users can subscribe to an email notification system that will send them a regular summary of postings to the site in any of the subject areas they choose.

Screenshot of HPC website.

The site also provides a link to a searchable database for FHWA's Innovative Bridge Research and Construction Program, which encourages States to build bridges using HPC and other new technologies. Database users can search for information on bridge projects by State or by material used.

For more information on the HPC Community of Practice or HPC in general, contact Terry Halkyard at FHWA, 202-493-3467 (email: terry.halkyard@fhwa.dot.gov) or Lou Triandafilou at FHWA's Eastern Resource Center, 410-962-3648 (email: lou.triandafilou@fhwa.dot.gov). You can also obtain more information on HPC by contacting FHWA's HPC Technology Delivery Team (see below).

Formed in 1997, the HPC Technology Delivery Team's (TDT) goals include establishing HPC as standard practice for every State highway agency; partnering with others in the highway community to develop and lead a national agenda on HPC technology; and educating users on HPC design, materials, and construction practices.

Team Members

FHWA Field Offices

Lou Triandafilou, Eastern Resource Center, 410-962-3648 (lou.triandafilou@fhwa.dot.gov)

Barry Brecto, Washington Division Office, 360-753-9482 (barry.brecto@fhwa.dot.gov)

Milo Cress, Nebraska Division Office, 402-437-5977 (milo.cress@fhwa.dot.gov)

Douglas Edwards, Florida Division Office, 850-942-9650, x. 3037 (douglas.l.edwards@fhwa.dot.gov)

Hala Elgaaly, Eastern Federal Lands Highway Office, 703-404-6233 (hala.elgaaly@fhwa.dot.gov)

Myint Lwin, Western Resource Center, 415-744-2660 (myint.lwin@fhwa.dot.gov)

Claude Napier, Virginia Division Office, 804-775-3363 (claude.napier@fhwa.dot.gov)

Michael Praul, Maine Division Office, 207-622-8350, x. 11 (michael.praul@fhwa.dot.gov)

Tom Saad, Midwestern Resource Center, 708-283-3521 (thomas.saad@fhwa.dot.gov)

Jeff Smith, Southern Resource Center, 404-562-3905 (jeff.smith@fhwa.dot.gov)

FHWA Headquarters

Terry Halkyard, Office of Research and Technology Services, 202-493-3467 (terry.halkyard@fhwa.dot.gov)

Gary Crawford, Office of Pavement Technology, 202-366-1286 (gary.crawford@fhwa.dot.gov)

Joseph Hartmann, Office of Infrastructure R&D, 202-493-3059 (joey.hartmann@fhwa.dot.gov)

Jon Mullarky, Office of Pavement Technology, 202-366-6606 (jon.mullarky@fhwa.dot.gov)

Marcia Simon, Office of Infrastructure R&D, 202-493-3071 (marcia.simon@fhwa.dot.gov)

Suneel Vanikar, Office of Pavement Technology, 202-366-0120 (suneel.vanikar@fhwa.dot.gov)

State, Academic, and Association Members

Michael Bergin, Florida DOT, 352-337-3248 (michael.bergin@dot.state.fl.us)

Shri Bhide, National Concrete Bridge Council, 847-972-9100 (sbhide@portcement.org)

Charles Goodspeed, University of New Hampshire, 603-862-1443 (chgi@christa.unh.edu)

Gerald Lankes, Texas DOT 512-506-5855 (glankes@dot.state.tx.us)

Celik Ozyildirim, Virginia Transportation Research Council, 434-293-1977 (celik@virginiadot.org)

Madhwesh Raghavendrachar, California DOT, 916-227-7116 (mraghave@dot.ca.gov)

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Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000