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Formulas, Takedowns, and Setasides
Current Law Administration Proposal
H.R. 2088 & S. 1072 as Modified
SAFETEA of 2003
H.R. 3 as Passed House
H.R. 3 as Passed Senate
SAFETEA of 2005
Recreational Trails Program
Administration of Recreational Trails program up to 1.5% Same as current law Same as current law Same as current law
Formula Factors:
50% equal shares to each eligible State Same as current law Same as current law Same as current law
50% nonhighway recreational fuel use during the preceding year Same as current law Same as current law Same as current law
Minimum Apportionment:
None Same as current law Same as current law Same as current law
None Same as current law Same as current law Same as current law

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