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Environment, Air Quality, and Realty

Resource Directory

Cover of the 2008 FHWA Environment Technical Services Team Directory of Team Services and State Information. The logos of the FHWA and the FHWA Resource Center appear. Three artistic photos depicting roads in rural settings appear as a background image

Caption: Cover of the 2008 FHWA Environment Technical Services Team’s Directory of Team Services and State Information. The logos of the FHWA and the FHWA Resource Center appear. Three artistic photos depicting roads in rural settings appear as a background image.

Dear Environmental Colleague:

The roles and responsibilities of environmental disciplines within the transportation industry continue to change. Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship continues to be an important strategic objective as FHWA is going through the process of developing and rolling out its updated Strategic Plan. . Across the country, transportation industries continue to add environmental knowledge and expertise to design, construction, maintenance and operations units to provide assurance that projects and programs are delivered on time and within budget. Also, trends towards incorporating strategic and program level environmental analysis and information are becoming apparent. Environmental stewardship is a cornerstone of sound asset management practice, and is essential to the efficient use of tax dollars and human resources.


Who We Are

The FHWA Resource Center’s Environment Technical Service Team (TST) is comprised of a substantial team of subject matter experts representing diverse natural and social science and engineering disciplines and experiences. The scientists and engineers are located in five Resource Center locations around the country, but cut across geographic boundaries to deliver services. The Environment TST is committed to enhancing FHWA’s performance by providing high-level technical assistance and quality workshops and seminars to our customers and partners.

What We Can Do

The RC Environment TST actively promotes the effective integration of the environmental disciplines into all of FHWA’s business practices. But, we are more than just a multidisciplinary team – we seek to find new solutions that are born out of the interaction of people with different perspectives and experiences. This is probably the most important contribution the Environment TST makes to Keeping America Moving..

It has been shown that an Interdisciplinary Approach optimizes the probability of success. Interdisciplinary approaches to problem solving goes much further than multidisciplinary approaches. Interdisciplinary approaches encourage subject matter experts to learn from, educate, and develop synergy with other disciplines. In fact, peer reviewed literature suggests that teams and organizations which integrate the widest range of inter-related skills to problem solving tend to have better chances of success than teams comprised of individuals representing a narrower range of expertise.

The entire Environment TST is dedicated to this interdisciplinary approach. As a team comprised of a wide variety of skill sets and professional backgrounds, we have the breadth and depth of knowledge – that is our strength and the advantage we can provide to you. The RC Environmental Team actively promotes the effective integration of the environmental disciplines into all of FHWA’s business practices.

Bringing the Environment TST to assist with a program or project need is enlisting a trusted partner. Call us and tell us about the goal you are trying to achieve. We’ll discuss potential solutions, including just-in-time, custom training; peer reviews; technical and research forums; interdisciplinary problem-solving; developing noteworthy practices; development and delivery of workshops; and conference presentations.

The Environment TST is comprised of subject matter experts on environmental analysis techniques, compliance with environmental laws, regulations, guidance, and executive orders, and records-keeping and documentation. Some recently delivered subjects include:

Organizational Performance

Issue-specific Conflict Resolution
Integrated Processes
Multiple Agency & Interdisciplinary Teams
Program Audits and EMS
Construction and the Environment
Linking Planning with Project Development
Geographic Information Systems

Statutes and Regulatory Compliance

National Environmental Policy Act
Clean Water Act
National Historic Preservation Act
Coastal Barriers, and Coastal Zone
Endangered Species Act
Section 4(f) of the DOT Act of 1966
Assessing Induced Growth
Indirect and Cumulative Effects

Natural Sciences and Engineering

Wetlands, streams, lakes, and coasts
Water Quality, Storm water
Habitat and Road crossings for biota
Noise Impacts to fish & wildlife
Invasive Species
Soil Erosion & Sediment Control
Climate Change
Migratory Birds
Ecosystem and Watersheds

Social Sciences and Public Involvement

Community Integrity and Cohesion
Cultural Resources
Environmental Justice
Native American Consultation
Noise Impacts
Context Sensitive Solutions

The Environment Team publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Environmental Quarterly, and keeps its website populated with examples of current projects and best practices from our work with our customers. Please check out our website at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/resourcecenter/teams/environment.

This brochure is divided into two parts. The first part provides contact information on the Environment TST members, and descriptions of many of our service offerings. The second part is a state directory with background information on division environmental contacts and their respective state partners. This directory can be used for information sharing and mentoring among the field offices on similar environmental program successes or issues.

I hope you will use the information provided here to help you in your day-to-day activities and as you develop your office work plan for next year. Please feel free to contact me or any of my staff to discuss how we can meet your needs and in accomplishing our FHWA mission.

Don Cote
Team Manager, Environment Technical Services Team
don.cote@fhwa.dot.gov , 720-963-3210


The ENV TST is working with NHI, FHWA Headquarters, numerous State DOTs, and several regulatory agencies to deploy a sequence of web-based, classroom, and field workshops in transportation-related wetland impact, permitting, indirect and cumulative impacts and mitigation issues.

We provide technical assistance on a broad range of issues including SAFETEA-LU implementation. We support FHWA Headquarters in developing new policies and guidance. We conduct technology deployment activities to a broad spectrum of transportation stakeholders. We assist Division Offices in conducting peer and process reviews; and in reviewing State DOT polices and guidance upon request. We offer Executive Briefings and Conference presentations on many environmental topics upon request. All workshops and webinars can be customized and tailored to your special needs.

Currently, the NEPA 101 web seminar can be found on the NHI website. A self-paced tutorial on Section 4(f) can be found at www.section4f.com. A blended webinar on Public Meetings and a joint effort with Headquarters on Hazardous Wastes in Highway Rights of Way are currently under development.

For additional information regarding these services and workshops, please call.

NHI (National Highway Institute)
The professionals on the Resource Center’s Environment TST also serve as instructors for many NHI Environmental Training Courses.
To learn more about scheduling an NHI course, please contact the NHI at:

4600 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203
Phone: (877) 558-6873, Fax: (703) 235-0593

Or visit NHI’s website at: http://www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov


Page last modified on March 19, 2018
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000