NBI Record Format
With the conversion to metric and the addition of new items it is required to expand the size of the NBI record to 445 characters. The following format will be used to submit data to the FHWA.
1 | State Code | 1 - 3 | 3/N |
8 | Structure Number | 4 - 18 | 15/AN |
5 | Inventory Route | 19 - 27 | 9/AN |
5A | Record Type | 19 | 1/AN |
5B | Route Signing Prefix | 20 | 1/N |
5C | Designated Level of Service | 21 | 1/N |
5D | Route Number | 22 - 26 | 5/AN |
5E | Directional Suffix | 27 | 1/N |
2 | Highway Agency District | 28 - 29 | 2/AN |
3 | County (Parish) Code | 30 - 32 | 3/N |
4 | Place Code | 33 - 37 | 5/N |
6 | Features Intersected | 38 - 62 | 25/AN |
6A | Features Intersected | 38 - 61 | 24/AN |
6B | Critical Facility Indicator | 62 | 1/AN |
7 | Facility Carried By Structure | 63 - 80 | 18/AN |
9 | Location | 81 - 105 | 25/AN |
10 | Inventory Rte, Min Vert Clearance | 106 - 109 | 4/N |
11 | Kilometerpoint | 110 - 116 | 7/N |
12 | Base Highway Network | 117 | 1/N |
13 | Inventory Route, Subroute Number | 118 - 129 | 12/AN |
13A | LRS Inventory Route | 118 - 127 | 10/AN |
13B | Subroute Number | 128 - 129 | 2/N |
16 | Latitude | 130 - 137 | 8/N |
17 | Longitude | 138 - 146 | 9/N |
19 | Bypass/Detour Length | 147 - 149 | 3/N |
20 | Toll | 150 | 1/N |
21 | Maintenance Responsibility | 151 - 152 | 2/N |
22 | Owner | 153 - 154 | 2/N |
26 | Functional Class Of Inventory Rte. | 155 - 156 | 2/N |
27 | Year Built | 157 - 160 | 4/N |
28 | Lanes On/Under Structure | 161 - 164 | 4/N |
28A | Lanes On Structure | 161 - 162 | 2/N |
28B | Lanes Under Structure | 163 - 164 | 2/N |
29 | Average Daily Traffic | 165 - 170 | 6/N |
30 | Year Of Average Daily Traffic | 171 - 174 | 4/N |
31 | Design Load | 175 | 1/N |
32 | Approach Roadway Width | 176 - 179 | 4/N |
33 | Bridge Median | 180 | 1/N |
34 | Skew | 181 - 182 | 2/N |
35 | Structure Flared | 183 | 1/N |
36 | Traffic Safety Features | 184 - 187 | 4/AN |
36A | Bridge Railings | 184 | 1/AN |
36B | Transitions | 185 | 1/AN |
36C | Approach Guardrail | 186 | 1/AN |
36D | Approach Guardrail Ends | 187 | 1/AN |
37 | Historical significance | 188 | 1/N |
38 | Navigation Control | 189 | 1/AN |
39 | Navigation Vertical Clearance | 190 - 193 | 4/N |
40 | Navigation Horizontal Clearance | 194 - 198 | 5/N |
41 | Structure Open/Posted/Closed | 199 | 1/AN |
42 | Type Of Service | 200 - 201 | 2/N |
42A | Type of Service On Bridge | 200 | 1/N |
42B | Type of Service Under Bridge | 201 | 1/N |
43 | Structure Type, Main | 202 - 204 | 3/N |
43A | Kind of Material/Design | 202 | 1/N |
43B | Type of Design/Construction | 203 - 204 | 2/N |
44 | Structure Type, Approach Spans | 205 - 207 | 3/N |
44A | Kind of Material/Design | 205 | 1/N |
44B | Type of Design/Construction | 206 - 207 | 2/N |
45 | Number Of Spans In Main Unit | 208 - 210 | 3/N |
46 | Number Of Approach Spans | 211 - 214 | 4/N |
47 | Inventory Rte Total Horz Clearance | 215 - 217 | 3/N |
48 | Length Of Maximum Span | 218 - 222 | 5/N |
49 | Structure Length | 223 - 228 | 6/N |
50 | Curb/Sidewalk Widths | 229 - 234 | 6/N |
50A | Left Curb/Sidewalk Width | 229 - 231 | 3/N |
50B | Right Curb/Sidewalk Width | 232 - 234 | 3/N |
51 | Bridge Roadway Width Curb-To-Curb | 235 - 238 | 4/N |
52 | Deck Width, Out-To-Out | 239 - 242 | 4/N |
53 | Min Vert Clear Over Bridge Roadway | 243 - 246 | 4/N |
54 | Minimum Vertical Underclearance | 247 - 251 | 5/AN |
54A | Reference Feature | 247 | 1/AN |
54B | Minimum Vertical Underclearance | 248 - 251 | 4/N |
55 | Min Lateral Underclear On Right | 252 - 255 | 4/AN |
55A | Reference Feature | 252 | 1/AN |
55B | Minimum Lateral Underclearance | 253 - 255 | 3/N |
56 | Min Lateral Underclear On Left | 256 - 258 | 3/N |
58 | Deck | 259 | 1/AN |
59 | Superstructure | 260 | 1/AN |
60 | Substructure | 261 | 1/AN |
61 | Channel/Channel Protection | 262 | 1/AN |
62 | Culverts | 263 | 1/AN |
63 | Method Used To Determine Operating Rating | 264 | 1/N |
64 | Operating Rating | 265 - 267 | 3/N |
65 | Method Used To Determine Inventory Rating | 268 | 1/N |
66 | Inventory Rating | 269 - 271 | 3/N |
67 | Structural Evaluation | 272 | 1/AN |
68 | Deck Geometry | 273 | 1/AN |
69 | Underclear, Vertical & Horizontal | 274 | 1/AN |
70 | Bridge Posting | 275 | 1/N |
71 | Waterway Adequacy | 276 | 1/AN |
72 | Approach Roadway Alignment | 277 | 1/AN |
75 | Type of Work | 278 - 280 | 3/N |
75A | Type of Work Proposed | 278 - 279 | 2/N |
75B | Work Done By | 280 | 1/AN |
76 | Length Of Structure Improvement | 281 - 286 | 6/N |
90 | Inspection Date | 287 - 290 | 4/N |
91 | Designated Inspection Frequency | 291 - 292 | 2/N |
92 | Critical Feature Inspection | 293 - 301 | 9/AN |
92A | Fracture Critical Details | 293 - 295 | 3/AN |
92B | Underwater Inspection | 296 - 298 | 3/AN |
92C | Other Special Inspection | 299 - 301 | 3/AN |
93 | Critical Feature Inspection Dates | 302 - 313 | 12/AN |
93A | Fracture Critical Details Date | 302 - 305 | 4/AN |
93B | Underwater Inspection Date | 306 - 309 | 4/AN |
93C | Other Special Inspection Date | 310 - 313 | 4/AN |
94 | Bridge Improvement Cost | 314 - 319 | 6/N |
95 | Roadway Improvement Cost | 320 - 325 | 6/N |
96 | Total Project Cost | 326 - 331 | 6/N |
97 | Year Of Improvement Cost Estimate | 332 - 335 | 4/N |
98 | Border Bridge | 336 - 340 | 5/AN |
98A | Neighboring State Code | 336 - 338 | 3/AN |
98B | Percent Responsibility | 339 - 340 | 2/N |
99 | Border Bridge Structure Number | 341 - 355 | 15/AN |
100 | STRAHNET Highway Designation | 356 | 1/N |
101 | Parallel Structure Designation | 357 | 1/AN |
102 | Direction Of Traffic | 358 | 1/N |
103 | Temporary Structure Designation | 359 | 1/AN |
104 | Highway System Of Inventory Route | 360 | 1/N |
105 | Federal Lands Highways | 361 | 1/N |
106 | Year Reconstructed | 362 - 365 | 4/N |
107 | Deck Structure Type | 366 | 1/AN |
108 | Wearing Surface/Protective System | 367 - 369 | 3/AN |
108A | Type of Wearing Surface | 367 | 1/AN |
108B | Type of Membrane | 368 | 1/AN |
108C | Deck Protection | 369 | 1/AN |
109 | AVERAGE DAILY TRUCK TRAFFIC | 370 - 371 | 2/N |
112 | NBIS BRIDGE LENGTH | 374 | 1/AN |
114 | FUTURE AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC | 376 - 381 | 6/N |
115 | YEAR OF FUTURE AVG DAILY TRAFFIC | 382 - 385 | 4/N |
- | Federal Agency Indicator * | 390 | 1/AN |
- | Submitted By (State Code or Owner Code)* | 391-392 | 2/N |
- | Washington Headquarters Use* | 393 - 433 | - |
CAT10 | Bridge Condition* (as defined by 23 CFR 490 Subpart D.) | 434 | 1/AN |
CAT23 | Lowest Condition Code* (lowest value of Items 58, 59, 60, and 62.) | 435 | 1/AN |
CAT29 | Deck Area* (as defined by 23 CFR 490 Subpart D). | 436 - 445 | 10/N |
* These fields are not a part of the NBI submittal file. They are for download only.