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Bridges & Structures


Bridge Replacement Unit Costs 2017

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using converted metric data

NHS | non-NHS | NHS and non-NHS

StateTotal Number of SD NHS Bridges 2017*Total Area of SD NHS Bridges 2017 (ft2)*Replacement Unit Costs of NHS Bridges (dollars/ft2)Estimated 2017 Total Costs (dollars) Assuming Replacement of Total Number of SD NHS BridgesEstimated 2017 Total Costs (dollars) Assuming Rehabilitation of Total Number of SD NHS Bridges (Rehabilitation cost = 68% of Replacement cost)
2015 Costs Collected in 20162016 Costs Collected in 20172017 Costs Collected in 2018Cost Used For 2017 Estimates**
Alabama 48 1,126,357 102 123 160 128 144,549,095 98,293,385
Alaska 24 269,776 340 277 340 319 86,058,640 58,519,875
Arizona 44 570,578 118 107 130 118 67,518,397 45,912,510
Arkansas 71 2,365,963 125 124 205 151 358,049,041 243,473,348
California 424 12,379,210 187 189 207 194 2,405,693,080 1,635,871,294
Colorado 110 1,267,086 146 120 129 132 166,832,973 113,446,422
Connecticut 102 3,919,915 375 442 288 368 1,443,835,322 981,808,019
Delaware 9 512,854   195   195 100,006,595 68,004,484
District of Columbia 6 229,075       232 53,145,383 36,138,861
Florida 20 1,406,718   100 135 118 165,289,389 112,396,785
Georgia 38 1,016,650 95 109 151 118 120,303,609 81,806,454
Hawaii 23 136,608   674 1,589 1,132 154,571,795 105,108,821
Idaho 22 250,203 143 150 159 151 37,697,210 25,634,103
Illinois 366 7,847,712 202 184 179 188 1,477,985,752 1,005,030,311
Indiana 109 1,919,877 128 430 368 309 592,602,016 402,969,371
Iowa 33 1,100,608 149 130 117 132 145,280,287 98,790,595
Kansas 18 494,662   98 118 108 53,423,483 36,327,968
Kentucky 42 1,428,623 249 135 196 193 276,200,374 187,816,254
Louisiana 138 8,373,973   138 245 192 1,603,615,821 1,090,458,759
Maine 27 225,002 109 197   153 34,425,346 23,409,235
Maryland 42 952,484   292   292 278,125,319 189,125,217
Massachusetts 217 5,110,151 469 440 472 460 2,352,372,934 1,599,613,595
Michigan 153 3,631,569 194 259 206 220 797,734,675 542,459,579
Minnesota 31 463,802 165 159 199 174 80,856,210 54,982,223
Mississippi 38 989,073 53 85 104 81 79,785,227 54,253,955
Missouri 151 3,954,979 111 114 88 104 412,636,104 280,592,551
Montana 59 908,466 191 115 148 151 137,481,138 93,487,174
Nebraska 56 368,750   152 151 152 55,865,689 37,988,668
Nevada 6 61,647       232 14,301,989 9,725,353
New Hampshire 38 499,075   234 363 299 148,973,763 101,302,159
New Jersey 201 3,957,766 419 614 328 454 1,795,506,299 1,220,944,283
New Mexico 44 415,952 178 188 161 176 73,068,932 49,686,874
New York 400 11,303,488 311 287 289 296 3,342,064,497 2,272,603,858
North Carolina 174 3,162,003 161 102 110 124 393,142,405 267,336,835
North Dakota 12 148,876     129 129 19,205,007 13,059,405
Ohio 94 1,624,081 331 164 169 221 359,463,198 244,434,975
Oklahoma 86 1,297,909 97 102 100 100 129,358,287 87,963,635
Oregon 39 1,048,083   232 195 214 223,765,683 152,160,664
Pennsylvania 425 5,357,432 312 292 299 301 1,612,587,041 1,096,559,188
Rhode Island 87 1,608,047 522 525 277 441 709,684,878 482,585,717
South Carolina 103 1,724,661 106 122 144 124 213,857,969 145,423,419
South Dakota 18 97,250 171 152 145 156 15,170,924 10,316,228
Tennessee 102 2,670,648 81 95 142 106 283,088,639 192,500,274
Texas 55 2,774,916 65 62 80 69 191,469,177 130,199,040
Utah 12 121,516       232 28,191,607 19,170,293
Vermont 9 142,940 468 437 322 409 58,462,284 39,754,353
Virginia 136 2,775,393   220 360 290 804,863,998 547,307,519
Washington 133 4,302,216 194 166 271 210 904,899,344 615,331,554
West Virginia 167 2,923,915 148 152 196 165 483,420,557 328,725,979
Wisconsin 85 751,070 111 124 107 114 85,622,010 58,222,967
Wyoming 91 911,763   138 151 145 131,749,785 89,589,854
Puerto Rico 72 1,581,953 390 179   285 450,065,691 306,044,670
Totals 5,010 114,483,320     232   26,153,924,872 17,784,668,913
  • *Year of the National Bridge Inventory data set used is the December 2017 archive, see http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/deficient.cfm
    • Square Meters is Converted to Square Feet by multiplying by 10.764
  • **Costs used for estimates is determined by averaging the current and the previous 2 years of submitted Replacement Unit Costs of NHS Bridges.
    • When cost data is not submitted for a particular year in the 3 year period, an average of the costs submitted is used.
    • When no cost data is submitted for the entire 3 year period, the National Average of the Costs Collected for the current year is used.
    • Blank means no cost data was submitted for the particular year.
    • Bridge construction costs may vary year to year. To minimize this variation, an average unit cost is used as it is a good measure of central tendency.
      • The use of average unit costs has historically been done for calculating the Highway Bridge Program apportionments.
    • National Average of the costs collected to replace NHS bridges is $232/ft2
      • National Average = Average of all the costs in column '2017 Costs Collected in 2018'.
    • FHWA initiated the collection of Replacement Unit Costs of NHS and non-NHS Bridges in 2012 as is required under MAP-21.
    • Collection of costs related to bridge construction is required by the National Bridge and Tunnel Inspection Standards (23 U.S.C.144(b)(5)).

StateTotal Number of SD non-NHS Bridges 2017*Total Area of SD non-NHS Bridges 2017 (ft2)* Replacement Unit Costs of non-NHS Bridges (dollars/ft2)Estimated 2017 Total Costs (dollars) Assuming Replacement of Total Number of SD non-NHS BridgesEstimated 2017 Total Costs (dollars) Assuming Rehabilitation of Total Number of SD non-NHS Bridges (Rehabilitation cost = 68% of Replacement cost)
2015 Costs Collected in 20162016 Costs Collected in 20172017 Costs Collected in 2018Cost Used For 2017 Estimates**
Alabama 1,152 2,287,019 93 98 114 102 232,513,577 158,109,232
Alaska 141 384,834   283 449 366 140,849,319 95,777,537
Arizona 161 719,591 171 138 135 148 106,499,412 72,419,600
Arkansas 694 2,183,215 124 123 143 130 283,817,933 192,996,194
California 1,179 6,322,399 243 210 364 272 1,721,800,115 1,170,824,078
Colorado 378 1,069,838   183 173 178 190,431,115 129,493,159
Connecticut 230 862,325 480 439 411 443 382,297,525 259,962,317
Delaware 30 116,560 199   297 248 28,906,805 19,656,627
District of Columbia 2 64,618       200 12,923,538 8,788,006
Florida 245 1,569,209 100 159 163 141 220,735,455 150,100,109
Georgia 654 2,068,048 116 136 134 129 266,088,791 180,940,378
Hawaii 43 75,827       200 15,165,357 10,312,442
Idaho 371 806,165 218 178 189 195 157,202,205 106,897,499
Illinois 1,937 6,829,849 163 197 192 184 1,256,692,228 854,550,715
Indiana 1,326 2,846,627 158 485 171 271 772,384,673 525,221,577
Iowa 5,034 9,269,237 90 103 108 100 930,013,479 632,409,166
Kansas 2,097 3,222,024 105 85 84 91 294,278,218 200,109,188
Kentucky 1,068 2,053,565 157 176 151 161 331,308,463 225,289,755
Louisiana 1,683 6,521,706 140 164 125 143 932,603,926 634,170,670
Maine 299 811,670 220 234 260 238 193,177,529 131,360,720
Maryland 258 944,802 406 401 346 384 363,118,788 246,920,776
Massachusetts 265 1,294,998 424 460 367 417 540,014,347 367,209,756
Michigan 1,022 2,301,323 180 222 232 211 486,346,185 330,715,406
Minnesota 678 1,894,764 126 91 127 115 217,266,321 147,741,098
Mississippi 1,970 4,038,706 67 74 75 72 290,786,838 197,735,050
Missouri 2,935 6,858,371 103 109 110 107 736,131,795 500,569,620
Montana 456 1,022,337 131 119 158 136 139,037,825 94,545,721
Nebraska 2,202 2,927,233 133 149 181 154 451,769,591 307,203,322
Nevada 25 82,969 231     231 19,165,794 13,032,740
New Hampshire 232 572,983 338 306 316 320 183,354,596 124,681,125
New Jersey 395 1,805,927   473   473 854,203,410 580,858,319
New Mexico 207 638,946 125 258 183 189 120,547,869 81,972,551
New York 1,437 4,228,922 302 288 314 301 1,274,315,130 866,534,289
North Carolina 1,680 6,522,779 111 128 123 121 787,081,954 535,215,729
North Dakota 602 693,851 173 178 206 186 128,825,061 87,601,041
Ohio 1,559 4,077,061 172 191 180 181 737,947,965 501,804,616
Oklahoma 3,148 5,737,855 112 111 94 106 606,300,027 412,284,019
Oregon 405 1,431,658 199 150 174 174 249,585,667 169,718,254
Pennsylvania 3,748 7,905,885 341 300 335 325 2,572,047,858 1,748,992,543
Rhode Island 94 384,700     269 269 103,484,178 70,369,241
South Carolina 823 3,162,927 142 153 108 134 424,886,544 288,922,850
South Dakota 1,063 1,577,060 165 163 134 154 242,867,258 165,149,736
Tennessee 851 2,538,294   148 124 136 345,207,975 234,741,423
Texas 792 2,433,491 118 89 109 105 256,327,764 174,302,879
Utah 75 109,175   186   186 20,306,480 13,808,406
Vermont 136 320,977 349 360 294 334 107,313,271 72,973,024
Virginia 689 2,101,313 170 211 281 221 463,689,757 315,309,035
Washington 266 1,317,956 213 208 241 221 290,829,005 197,763,723
West Virginia 1,205 2,633,022 201 165 184 183 482,720,695 328,250,073
Wisconsin 1,160 2,582,268 123 109 117 116 300,403,793 204,274,579
Wyoming 219 701,710 142 123 110 125 87,713,777 59,645,369
Puerto Rico 229 755,717 218 231 208 219 165,502,112 112,541,436
Totals 49,550 125,684,304     200   22,518,789,294 15,312,776,720
  • *Year of the National Bridge Inventory data set used is the December 2017 archive, see http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/deficient.cfm
    • Square Meters is Converted to Square Feet by multiplying by 10.764
  • **Costs used for estimates is determined by averaging the current and the previous 2 years of submitted Replacement Unit Costs of non-NHS Bridges.
    • When cost data is not submitted for a particular year in the 3 year period, an average of the costs submitted is used.
    • When no cost data is submitted for the entire 3 year period, the National Average of the Costs Collected for the current year is used.
    • Blank means no cost data was submitted for the particular year.
    • Bridge construction costs may vary year to year. To minimize this variation, an average unit cost is used as it is a good measure of central tendency.
      • The use of average unit costs has historically been done for calculating the Highway Bridge Program apportionments.
    • National Average of the costs collected to replace non-NHS bridges is $200/ft2
      • National Average = Average of all the costs in column '2017 Costs Collected in 2018'.
    • FHWA initiated the collection of Replacement Unit Costs of NHS and non-NHS Bridges in 2012 as is required under MAP-21.
    • Collection of costs related to bridge construction is required by the National Bridge and Tunnel Inspection Standards (23 U.S.C.144(b)(5)).

StateTotal Number of SD NHS and non-NHS Bridges 2017*Total Area of SD NHS and non-NHS Bridges 2017 (ft2) *Estimated 2017 Total Costs (dollars) Assuming Replacement of Total Number of SD NHS and non-NHS BridgesEstimated 2017 Total Costs (dollars) Assuming Rehabilitation of Total Number of SD NHS and non-NHS Bridges (Rehabilitation cost = 68% of Replacement cost)
Alabama 1,200 3,413,375 377,062,672 256,402,617
Alaska 165 654,611 226,907,959 154,297,412
Arizona 205 1,290,169 174,017,809 118,332,110
Arkansas 765 4,549,178 641,866,974 436,469,542
California 1,603 18,701,609 4,127,493,195 2,806,695,373
Colorado 488 2,336,924 357,264,089 242,939,580
Connecticut 332 4,782,240 1,826,132,847 1,241,770,336
Delaware 39 629,414 128,913,399 87,661,112
District of Columbia 8 293,693 66,068,921 44,926,867
Florida 265 2,975,928 386,024,844 262,496,894
Georgia 692 3,084,698 386,392,401 262,746,832
Hawaii 66 212,435 169,737,152 115,421,263
Idaho 393 1,056,368 194,899,415 132,531,602
Illinois 2,303 14,677,561 2,734,677,979 1,859,581,026
Indiana 1,435 4,766,504 1,364,986,689 928,190,949
Iowa 5,067 10,369,846 1,075,293,766 731,199,761
Kansas 2,115 3,716,686 347,701,701 236,437,157
Kentucky 1,110 3,482,187 607,508,837 413,106,009
Louisiana 1,821 14,895,679 2,536,219,747 1,724,629,428
Maine 326 1,036,673 227,602,875 154,769,955
Maryland 300 1,897,286 641,244,108 436,045,993
Massachusetts 482 6,405,150 2,892,387,281 1,966,823,351
Michigan 1,175 5,932,892 1,284,080,860 873,174,985
Minnesota 709 2,358,567 298,122,531 202,723,321
Mississippi 2,008 5,027,779 370,572,065 251,989,004
Missouri 3,086 10,813,349 1,148,767,898 781,162,171
Montana 515 1,930,803 276,518,963 188,032,895
Nebraska 2,258 3,295,983 507,635,280 345,191,990
Nevada 31 144,615 33,467,783 22,758,092
New Hampshire 270 1,072,058 332,328,359 225,983,284
New Jersey 596 5,763,692 2,649,709,709 1,801,802,602
New Mexico 251 1,054,898 193,616,802 131,659,425
New York 1,837 15,532,409 4,616,379,628 3,139,138,147
North Carolina 1,854 9,684,782 1,180,224,358 802,552,564
North Dakota 614 842,727 148,030,068 100,660,446
Ohio 1,653 5,701,141 1,097,411,164 746,239,591
Oklahoma 3,234 7,035,764 735,658,314 500,247,654
Oregon 444 2,479,741 473,351,350 321,878,918
Pennsylvania 4,173 13,263,317 4,184,634,899 2,845,551,732
Rhode Island 181 1,992,747 813,169,057 552,954,958
South Carolina 926 4,887,588 638,744,513 434,346,269
South Dakota 1,081 1,674,310 258,038,182 175,465,964
Tennessee 953 5,208,941 628,296,613 427,241,697
Texas 847 5,208,407 447,796,941 304,501,920
Utah 87 230,690 48,498,087 32,978,699
Vermont 145 463,916 165,775,555 112,727,377
Virginia 825 4,876,706 1,268,553,755 862,616,553
Washington 399 5,620,172 1,195,728,349 813,095,277
West Virginia 1,372 5,556,937 966,141,253 656,976,052
Wisconsin 1,245 3,333,338 386,025,803 262,497,546
Wyoming 310 1,613,473 219,463,563 149,235,223
Puerto Rico 301 2,337,671 615,567,802 418,586,106
Totals 54,560 240,167,625 48,672,714,166 33,097,445,633
Updated: 03/28/2022
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000