New Mexico Department of Transportation

ITS Project Checklist – Systems Engineering Compliance

For All ITS Projects, a systems engineering checklist must be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for review.  Typically this form will be filled out by the ITS bureau to be submitted with the PS&E for ITS projects.

If all requirements in this form can be identified at 30% design, the project is considered a “minor” ITS project and it is likely that systems engineering planning requirements have been met partly or in their entirety, otherwise the project is considered a “major” ITS project and a System Engineering Management Plan must be submitted to FHWA for approval –Note either way testing and validation will still need to occur during construction for both Major and Minor ITS projects.  A guide for this checklist can be found at:

Text Box: Section 1 - Project Information by Applicant

Do Not Fill out


NSE [ ]

Maj [ ] Min [ ]



Your Name, phone number, and Title

Project contact **if this is not you



Project Title


Brief Description / Purpose of ITS project / including list of ITS elements Brief Description / Purpose of ITS project / including list of ITS elements


Non-Systems Engineering Project (NSE)  Yes  No (see below)

If your project does not include any ITS devices, or only devices listed below, then the project is NSE –stop after Section 1.

Signal controller upgrades, Signal re-timing / Coordination, Stand alone ITS devices that do not / will never communicate *projects with Fiber or Conduit only are not considered ITS projects.


New Project or Modification

Is project currently programmed for planning and/or implementation, or a result of a Corridor study? 

 CMP; Project ID #________________

 MTP; Project ID #________________

 TIP; Project ID #________________

 Corridor Study; Project ID #________________

 ITS Architecture Project # _______________

Project location

Estimated Project Dates

Total Funds


Start Date

 State    Fed   Other


End Date

Amount $

Nature of Work

 Software Development  Implementation of ITS  Traditional construction with ITS Operations (HELP Trucks)  Maintenance (Equipment Replacement)  Other

If Other Explain:

Relationship to Other Projects and Phases



Text Box: Section 2 - MPO and or Planning Data  

What issues are the ITS elements intended to address?


Portions of the Regional ITS Architecture being implemented *check service corresponding to the ITS architecture used (stakeholder role and responsibilities table)

 Archived Data Management          Public Transportation

 Traveler Information                         Traffic Management

 Vehicle Safety                                  Commercial Vehicle Operations

 Emergency Management               Maintenance and Construction Management

 Traffic Signal Control                      Highway management              

 Incident Management                     Transit Management     

Market Packages –Attach all applicable market packages from Turbo or Online Architecture


Regional Architectures impacted by the project

 NM Statewide     Albuquerque     Farmington    Las Cruces     Santa Fe            El Paso, TX        Other:

Changes recommended to Regional Architectures due to the project

No Yes

If Yes Provide Detail:

Party / Agency responsible for maintenance and funding source


List any Agreements utilized or needed for this project Table 15 / 16 in AMPA Regional ITS Architecture

Existing: Table 15 (pg 131)


Potential agreements identified for the project: Table 16 (pg 135)



Text Box: Section 3 - Project Implementation and Design 

Procurement Methods (should correspond with project risk) *Check all that apply

Commodity Supplier – off-the-shelf ITS products (low-bid selection of pre-qualified packages)  Low Bid Contractor with CD – typical for construction projects (low bid contractor) Systems Manager – manager responsible for delivering operational system (quality based selection) Design Build –major projects with construction (best value selection) Consultant – supplement in-house capabilities or consultant / manager selection (qualifications based)  Outsourcing – for a capability or function rather than a specific system (best value or low bid)        

 Commodity Supplier             Low Bid Contractor with Consultant Design                   Systems Manager     Design Build     Consultant     Outsourcing     Other




Project Matrix – Documentation **If “Existing” attach to checklist or make available

The matrix below should be completed by an engineer familiar with the SE on past projects. *note some projects have multiple ITS elements only some of which will have the required documentation, please check all that apply to the project.

Existing – documentation is available from previous projects which would apply to the current project without modification (for typical deployments, i.e. DMS signs) * if this is chosen incorrectly the project could be held up at a later date

To be Modified - documentation is available from previous projects which would apply to the current project after some modification (could be due to a policy change, new communication standard or new jurisdiction involvement on a typical deployment), please note the required changes

To be Completed - this is for new or new to the agency projects. Indicates a “Major” ITS project and that a systems engineering management plan is required

Not Applicable – In some instance an off the shelf project may be used, in this case testing may have been done by the supplier. Please note why the requirement is not applicable to the project



To be Modified

To be Completed

Not Applicable


High Level Design Alternatives Analysis


Concept of Operations


Detailed design


Integration Plan


Test Plan


System Acceptance Plan









Is a Systems Engineering Management Plan Required?        Y / N ____

This determination will be made jointly by NMDOT and FHWA and will be determined by the project risk (If yes, then it should be attached).



NMDOT Approval_________________________________________________/__/__

    Print Name                                    Signature                          Date