Guidebook Version 2.0
January 2007
Version 2.0 of the Systems Engineering Guidebook for ITS has been restructured, extensively edited and revised, and new content has been added. The intent of this update was to make the guidebook a more convenient, current, and comprehensive reference for systems engineering for ITS projects. While the Guidebook was co-sponsored by FHWA and Caltrans, the systems engineering information has broad applicability beyond the state of California. Those who have used the previous version (1.1) will note the following key additions and improvements:
- The document has been restructured to move the key "ITS Lifecycle Processes" chapter forward in the document. The lifecycle processes are now documented in chapter 3.
- A series of case studies have been included that describe the actual application of systems engineering to real ITS projects. These case studies augment the "example projects" that continue in this version from Version 1.1.
- Lessons learned from other systems engineering activities have been reflected into this version. In addition to the case studies, the recent systems engineering evaluation of current practices and capabilities at Caltrans has provided fresh insight into how systems engineering can best be mainstreamed into traditional transportation project development processes.
- The section that discusses the interface to the regional ITS architecture has been revised to improve consistency with the updated version of the Regional ITS Architecture Guidance Document.