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ARRA Reporting Tables

Recipients Table

Table use and description: This file contains data for each State, which is considered a recipient. This file primarily exists to meet OMB 1512 reporting requirements.

Due: This file is due prior to the State's submittal of its 1512 report in October 2009. Updating Executive Compensation data is required on an annual basis and should correspond with the end of each recipient's fiscal year.

Projects Table

Table use and description: The Projects file contains an entry for each project in the State's 1511 certification. A project cannot be included in any of the other files in RADS until it has been included in this file along with an assigned Federal Project Number. This file contains most of the descriptive data that are used in most every RADS report, as well as special fields that are used for analyzing projects. The NEPA and EDA data are routinely used to categorize and analyze the ARRA projects.

Due: New projects need to be submitted within 2 weeks of being added to the State's 1511 certification. Updates and edits should be submitted as they occur. FHWA Division Offices are expected to provide monthly updates to the NEPA data items.

GIS Locations Table

Table use and description: The data in this table are used for determining the geospatial location of each ARRA project in RADS. Especially important is the Length field, which is also used in a number of performance measures. If a State is unable to provide the specific location information for a project (route and end points), they will still need to provide the State_Code, State_Project_Number, and Length_Miles data.

Due: The submittal of these data should correspond to the addition and updating of projects in the Projects file.

NEPA Status Table

Table use and description: This file contains the NEPA comment field that is required for the quarterly report to the President's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).

A record entry in the NEPA Status Table must have a corresponding State FIPS Code, State Project Number, and Federal Project Number in the Projects Table. If the NEPA action has been completed, then this file does not need to be completed.

Due: States and/or Divisions should update these data as changes are made to the NEPA fields in the Projects file or as new projects are added.

Awards Table

Table use and description: This file contains basic information on each awarded project. The data are used in a variety of reports and performance measures. The Principal Place of Performance data are used to determine the general location of each project. While most of the data in this file can be provided at the time the project is awarded, States will occasionally need to update some of the data. This is especially important for the date fields.

A record entry in the Awards Table must have a corresponding State FIPS Code, State Project Number, and Federal Project Number in the Projects Table.

Due: New projects, changes, and updates are to be submitted within 4 weeks of project initiation.

Sub-Recipients Table

Table use and description: This file contains information on the sub-recipients for the quarterly 1512 report per OMB guidance. Recipients and sub-recipients are advised to closely review the guidance on reporting Executive Compensation in the Data Description section of this document.

Due: The initial submittal of these data is due prior to the State creating its first 1512 report in October 2009. Updating the Executive Compensation data is required on an annual basis and should correspond with the end of each sub-recipient's fiscal year. However, the DUNS Number is a prerequisite for Awards Table records where "Work Performed By" is coded "L" for LPA.

Sub-Awards Table

Table use and description: This file contains information on sub-recipient contracts and is required for the quarterly 1512 report per OMB guidance. Some of the data will also be used for other reports and internal performance measures. This table is only required if reporting a contract with the LPA, not the LPA forces.

A record entry in the Sub Awards Table must have a corresponding State FIPS Code, State Project Number, Federal Project Number, and State Contract Number in the Awards Table.

Due: States need to submit new projects within 4 weeks of the day the contract is awarded.

Monthly Status Table

Table use and description: These data will be used for meeting the reporting requirements of Sections 1201 and 1512. The data are to be provided for each Recovery Act project. The State DOT is responsible for compiling and reporting the State, local, and contractor provided employment data for each project.

A record entry in the Monthly Status Table must have a corresponding State FIPS Code, State Project Number, Federal Project Number, and State Contract Number in the Awards Table.

Due: The DBE Payments and Percent Complete data are due the 10th of each month. The Total Employees, Total Hours, and Total Payroll data are due the 20th of each month. States have the option to submit all five data on the 10th.

Payments Table

Table use and description: These data are required for the quarterly 1512 submittal per OMB guidance. The file contains information on the quarterly payments and disbursements to vendors and State forces funded by ARRA.

A record entry in the NEPA Status Table must have a corresponding State FIPS Code, State Project Number, and Federal Project Number in the Projects Table.

Due: States need to update and submit this file within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter.

Sub-Payments Table

Table use and description: The data in this file is used to track the quarterly payments to sub-recipient's vendors for the quarterly 1512 report per OMB guidance.

A record entry in the Sub-Payments Table must have a corresponding State FIPS Code, State Project Number, Federal Project Number, State Contract Number, and Local Contract Number in the Sub-Awards Table.

Due: States need to submit this file within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter.

Quarterly Status Table

Table use and description: The Quarterly Status file contains information required for the quarterly 1512 report per OMB guidance. This file will be populated automatically by RADS using data provided in the Awards and Sub-Awards files.

A record entry in the Quarterly Status Table must have a corresponding State FIPS Code, Federal Project Number, and Report Quarter in the Projects Table.

Due: States need to update and submit this file within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter.

Maintenance of Effort Table (Form 1201)

This data will be used to measure the State's performance under the MOE provisions in section 1201 of the Recovery Act. In order to ensure that comprehensive and consistent statewide data is collected on MOE, this report will constitute the report for the entire State (i.e., all State expenditures that will be counted towards meeting the certified maintenance of effort amount under section 1201 of the Recovery Act). States must report actual expenditures from State sources for the types of projects funded by each of the Act's covered programs. This report should not reflect just the expenditures controlled by the State DOT, and States must complete this form for all covered program areas listed, not just for "Highway Infrastructure Investment."

If the State prefers to have an agency other than the State DOT report this statewide MOE data, the State should contact the FHWA Division Office to make arrangements for giving the selected reporting agency access to RADS.

As with the 1201 planned expenditure certifications, these reports are for expenditures of State funds on the various types of projects funded under the Recovery Act (not obligations or encumbrances). The 1201 Maintenance of Effort Actual Expenditures Report must include any State funds spent on the types of projects funded under the Act's covered programs, regardless whether those projects are receiving Recovery Act funding or are otherwise eligible for Federal-aid assistance. This includes, for example, any State-funded match for federally-assisted projects, State funding for non-federally-assisted projects that are eligible for Federal funding, and State-funded projects that are for the type of activities that could be funded under the Act even if the project is not on the Federal-aid system or is not eligible for Federal-aid funding for other reasons.

Table use and description: These data are required for the periodic 1201(c) reports to Congress. The data reflect each State's planned expenditure of State funds during the life of ARRA and the actual expenditures for each reporting period. Further guidance on these data is provided in the Data Items section of this document.

Due: Each State needs to update their Maintenance of Effort data within 30 days of the statutory deadlines of 90 and 180 days, and 1, 2, and 3 years from the date of enactment of ARRA.

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