U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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1998 Excellence in Highway Design

Congratulations from the Administrator

Photo: Kenneth R. Wykle

One of the most difficult challenges facing the transportation community is to provide facilities that meet our transportation needs in ways that put people first - facilities that move people and goods in the safest and most efficient way, while maintaining respect for the environment and nearby communities. As illustrated in this brochure on the 1998 Excellence in Highway Design Awards, transportation providers at the local, State, and Federal levels, as well as highway designers in the private sector, have embraced that challenge with resounding success.

For thirty years the Federal Highway Administration has had the privilege of showcasing hundreds of outstanding examples of highways, bridges, bicycle paths, pedestrian facilities, environmental accommodations, and other projects that demonstrate what we can do when we unleash the creativity and sensitivity of the thousands of men and women we call the "highway community."

Again this year the highway community has shown how we can create transportation facilities that do so much more than simply move people and goods. And, for the first time in this competition, we see how existing facilities can be operated much more efficiently through the use of Intelligent Transportation System improvements that monitor traffic and inform motorists -- a capability that will be essential in the 21st Century.

With this brochure, I am pleased to honor the men and women who conceived and constructed America's best highway transportation designs. Secretary Slater and I renew the challenge to the highway community to make quality highway products that we can all be proud of from the very best in highway design. And to the winners of this competition and to the hundreds of other nominees, I say "Congratulations."

Kenneth R. Wykle
Federal Highway Administrator

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Updated: 06/27/2017
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000