U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Bridges & Structures



Current Publications

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Publication Code Publication Title Publication Year Last Errata Update Publication #
CFL Culvert Pipe Liner Guide and Specifications  2005  FHWA-CFL/TD-05-003 
CFL Culvert Assessment and Decision-Making Procedures Manual, For Federal Lands Highway, First Edition  2010  FHWA-CFL/TD-10-005 
EDC A Primer on Modeling in the Coastal Environment  2017  FHWA-HIF-18-002 
HDS 02 Highway Hydrology Third Edition  2024  FHWA-HIF-24-007 
HDS 04 Introduction to Highway Hydraulics  2008  FHWA-NHI-08-090 
HDS 05 Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, Third Edition  2012  FHWA-HIF-12-026 
HDS 07 Hydraulic Design of Safe Bridges  2012  FHWA-HIF-12-018 
HEC 01 Selected Bibliography of Hydraulic and Hydrologic Subjects     
HEC 09 Debris Control Structures Evaluation and Countermeasures  2005  FHWA-IF-04-016 
HEC 14 Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and Channels  2006  10/01/2012 FHWA-NHI-06-086 
HEC 15 Design of Roadside Channels with Flexible Linings, Third Edition  2005  FHWA-IF-05-114 
HEC 16 Highways in the River Environment: Roads, Rivers, and Floodplains, Second Edition  2023  FHWA-HIF-23-004 
HEC 17 Highways in the River Environment - Floodplains, Extreme Events, Risk, and Resilience, 2nd Edition  2016  02/26/2020 FHWA-HIF-16-018 
HEC 18 Evaluating Scour at Bridges, Fifth Edition  2012  FHWA-HIF-12-003 
HEC 19 Highway Hydrology: Evolving Methods, Tools, and Data  2023  FHWA-HIF-23-050 
HEC 20 Stream Stability at Highway Structures Fourth Edition  2012  FHWA-HIF-12-004 
HEC 21 Design of Bridge Deck Drainage  1993  FHWA-SA-92-010 
HEC 22 Urban Drainage Design Manual Fourth Edition  2024  FHWA-HIF-24-006 
HEC 23 Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures Experience, Selection, and Design Guidance Third Edition, Volume 1  2009  FHWA-NHI-09-111 
HEC 23 Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures Experience, Selection, and Design Guidance Third Edition, Volume 2  2009  09/05/2019 FHWA-NHI-09-112 
HEC 24 Highway Stormwater Pump Station Design  2001  FHWA-NHI-01-007 
HEC 25 Highways in the Coastal Environment - 3rd edition  2020  FHWA-HIF-19-059 
HEC 26 Culvert Design for Aquatic Organism Passage  2010  FHWA-HIF-11-008 
HIF Infrastructure Resilience to Extreme Events and Climate Change - Federal Lands Sensitivity Case Studies  2022  FHWA-HIF-22-043 
HIF Emerging Issues Associated with Sea Level Rise: Findings from FHWA Peer Exchanges  2022  FHWA-HIF-22-051 
HRT Assessing Stream Channel Stability at Bridges in Physiographic Regions  2006  FHWA-HRT-05-072 
HRT Effects of Inlet Geometry on Hydraulic Performance of Box Culverts  2006  FHWA-HRT-06-138 
HRT Junction Loss Experiments: Laboratory Report  2007  FHWA-HRT-07-036 
HRT Hydraulics Laboratory Fact Sheet  2007  FHWA-HRT-07-054 
HRT Hydrodynamic Forces on Inundated Bridge Decks  2009  FHWA-HRT-09-028 
HRT Bridge Pressure Flow Scour for Clear Water Conditions  2009  FHWA-HRT-09-041 
HRT Pier Scour in Clear-Water Conditions With Non-Uniform Bed Materials  2012  FHWA-HRT-12-022 
HRT Submerged Flow Bridge Scour Under Clear Water Conditions  2012  FHWA-HRT-12-034 
HRT Fish Passage in Large Culverts With Low Flow  2014  FHWA-HRT-14-064 
HRT Scour in Cohesive Soils  2015  FHWA-HRT-15-033 
HRT Hydraulic Performance of Shallow Foundations for The Support of Vertical-Wall Bridge Abutments  2017  FHWA-HRT-17-013 
HRT Updating HEC-18 Pier Scour Equations for Noncohesive Soils  2016  FHWA-HRT-16-045 
HRT Advanced Methodology to Assess Riprap Rock Stability At Bridge Piers and Abutments  2017  FHWA-HRT-17-054 
Other Structural Design Manual for Improved Inlets and Culverts  1983  FHWA-IP-83-6 
Other NCHRP Report 25-25 (04) Environmental Stewardship Practices, Procedures, and Policies for Highway Construction and Maintenance  2004   
Other Design for Fish Passage at Roadway-Stream Crossings: Synthesis Report  2007  FHWA-HIF-07-033 
Other Underwater Bridge Inspection  2010  FHWA-NHI-10-079 
Other Underwater Bridge Repair, Rehabilitation, and Countermeasures  2010  FHWA-NHI-10-029 
Other 2D Hydraulic Modeling for Highways in the River Environment  2019  FHWA-HIF-19-061 
Other Office of International Program Successes Video: HPIP Technologies and Benefits - YouTube  2022   
Other Tsunami Design Guidelines Factsheet: International Collaboration Improves Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Mitigation in the United States  2022   
RC Benchmarking of SRH-2D  2021  FHWA-RC-21-006 
RD Field Observations and Evaluations of Streambed Scour at Bridges  2005  FHWA-RD-03-052 
RD Enhanced Abutment Scour Studies For Compound Channels  2004  FHWA-RD-99-156 
RD Bridge Scour in Nonuniform Sediment Mixtures and in Cohesive Materials: Synthesis Report  2003  FHWA-RD-03-083 
RD Bottomless Culvert Scour Study: Phase I Laboratory Report  2002  FHWA-RD-02-078 
RD Performance Curve for a Prototype of Two Large Culverts in Series Dale Boulevard, Dale City, Virginia  2001  FHWA-RD-01-095 
RD Hydraulics of Iowa DOT Slope-Tapered Pipe Culverts  2001  FHWA-RD-01-077 
RD Durability Analysis of Aluminized Type 2 Corrugated Metal Pipe  2000  FHWA-RD-97-140 
RD South Dakota Culvert Inlet Design Coefficients  1999  FHWA-RD-01-076 
RD Effects of Gradation and Cohesion on Scour, Volume 6, "Abutment Scour in Uniform and Stratified Sand Mixtures"  1999  FHWA-RD-99-188 
RD Effects of Gradation and Cohesion on Scour, Volume 5, "Effect of Cohesion on Bridge Abutment Scour"  1999  FHWA-RD-99-187 
RD Effects of Gradation and Cohesion on Scour, Volume 4, "Experimental Study of Scour Around Circular Piers in Cohesive Soils"  1999  FHWA-RD-99-186 
RD Effects of Gradation and Cohesion on Scour, Volume 3, "Abutment Scour for Nonuniform Mixtures"  1999  FHWA-RD-99-185 
RD Effects of Gradation and Cohesion on Scour, Volume 2, "Experimental Study of Sediment Gradation and Flow Hydrograph Effects on Clear Water Scour Around Circular Piers"  1999  FHWA-RD-99-184 
RD Effects of Gradation and Cohesion on Scour, Volume 1, "Effect of Sediment Gradation and Coarse Material Fraction on Clear Water Scour Around Bridge Piers"  1999  FHWA-RD-99-183 
RD Portable Instrumentation for Real Time Measurement of Scour At Bridges  1999  FHWA-RD-99-085 
RD Remote Methods of Underwater Inspection of Bridge Structures  1999  FHWA-RD-99-100 
RD Bottomless Culvert Scour Study: Phase II Laboratory Report  2007  FHWA-HRT-07-026 
TechBrief Hydraulic Considerations for Shallow Abutment Foundations  2018  02/24/2021 FHWA-HIF-19-007 
TechBrief Overview on Practices on 2D Models  2019  FHWA-HIF-19-058 
TechBrief Scour Considerations within AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications  2021  FHWA-HIF-19-060 
TechBrief Pier Scour Estimation for Tsunami at Bridges, Office of Research, Development, and Technology  2021  FHWA-HRT-21-073 
TechBrief Scour Design within AASHTO LRFD Limit States  2023  FHWA-HIF-23-040 
TechBrief Hydraulic Considerations for Abutments on Deep Foundations and Bridge Embankment Protection  2023  FHWA-HIF-23-048 
Updated: 10/10/2023
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000