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Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

FHWA Home / Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act / Technical Assistance and Local Support

Technical Assistance / Local Support

Find Your Local Federal Highway Office

FHWA Federal-aid Highway Division Office

The FHWA Federal-aid Highway Division Offices are the primary contact for States and local public agencies with FHWA. FHWA's Division Offices provide stewardship, guidance, best practices, and technical assistance with contributions from FHWA's Headquarters and technical program staff, as needed. They also ensure that the overall objectives of the Federal-aid Highway Program are met and the Federal financial resources are distributed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Division Office should be the first place to reach out for assistance.

Contact the FHWA Federal-aid Highway Division Office for your State.

Office of Tribal Transportation

The Office of Tribal Transportation administers the Tribal Transportation Program and provides stewardship and oversight for direct funding agreements with 135 federally recognized Tribes and provides support for all FHWA activities affecting Tribal transportation. The Office of Tribal Transportation should be the first place for Tribes to reach out for assistance.

Contact the Office of Tribal Transportation.

Find Technical Support and Training for Your Projects


FHWA Resource Center

The Resource Center is the primary source of technical assistance and technology deployment support to FHWA's Federal, State, and local partners. It provides personalized technical assistance, customized training, and ongoing support; supports implementation of new innovations; and shares knowledge of national and international best practices.


The funding tab includes the funding apportioned (distributed) to States based on formulas specified in Federal law. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides funding through competitive grant programs. For competitive program opportunities available to States, MPOs, Local governments, Federal Lands Management agencies, among others, refer to the competitive grant programs matrix.

For information on new and existing highway and bridge transportation funding programs for which Tribes are eligible, please refer to Transportation Funding Opportunities for Tribal Nations.


Fact Sheets

FHWA develops program fact sheets that list key information including purpose, Federal share, eligible activities, project selection, among other key information.

Federal-aid Essentials
for Local Public Agencies

The Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies features practical information designed to help local agency professionals navigate all facets of the Federal-aid Highway Program.

National Highway Institute

The National Highway Institute (NHI) delivers a broad range of instructor-led and web-based training courses to build and maintain the professional capacity of the transportation workforce. One training course of note is “Federal-Aid Highways – 101,” which introduces participants to the Federal-aid Highway Program and provides them with a basic understanding of the major aspects of the program.

Title 23 Applicability Dashboard

FHWA developed a dashboard, to serve as a reference tool for viewing FHWA's determination of applicability of 23 CFR to non-State DOT recipients of discretionary grants.


Local Technical Assistance
Program (LTAP)

FHWA supports local and rural road agencies by providing training, technical assistance, and technology transfer services to help them manage and maintain their roadway systems through the Local Technical Assistance Program. There are 51 LTAP centers - one in each State and one serving Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Tribal Technical Assistance
Program (TTAP)

The Tribal Technical Assistance Program provides comprehensive transportation training and technical assistance to Tribal communities, building skills and expertise to ensure the safety and maintenance of Tribal roads and the professional development of the Tribal transportation workforce.

FHWA has awarded seven Tribal Technical Assistance Program Cooperative Agreements to re-establish regional Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) centers across the country.

USDOT Rural Opportunities to
Use Transportation for
Economic Success (ROUTES)

Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success supports potential applicants in identifying and navigating USDOT discretionary grant funding opportunities for rural transportation projects.

Page last modified on February 5, 2025
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000