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2D Hydraulic Modeling User’s Forum

Meeting Agenda

Update on EDC CHANGE developments and an overview of the updates and new features in SRH-2D 3.2.1 / SMS 12.3, which will be officially released by the end of this week. One of the most significant improvements is in the modeling of HY-8 culverts. Simulation run times have been dramatically reduced and smaller time steps are no longer necessary when modeling culverts. Join us to hear more about the culvert improvements and much more…..

Registration Information

Once registered, you will receive an email with the dial-in phone number and web conference link. First time registration can take up to a day or two, so please register at least two days before the web meeting.
To register for the training please use the following link: (click to register).

FHWA Web Portal Registration Process

Registration is a two-step process. First, non-DOT users including State DOTs must request access to the FHWA External Portal. Second, non-DOT users including State DOTs must login using the email address used to request access to the site and their requested password. Federal DOT staff and DOT-badged contractors do not need to register for an account. In the new External SharePoint System, EXTERNAL users (those without a @dot.gov email address) will have to request an account before they can register. Here is the link to request an account: https://collaboration.fhwa.dot.gov/FBA/Register.aspx. Step-by step instructions on how to request an account can be found here: https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/espnon-dotstaff/.

The account issuance takes approximately one business day. Once they receive their account information, they can access the site by clicking on the registration link and logging in. DOT users do not have to create an account in order to register. They can click on the registration link and use their DOT credentials to access the site.

If you are interested in viewing past meetings and presentation slides/resources, here’s a link to the web room:
Adobe Hydraulic Modeling Users Forum

Additional Information
  • Download the Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) Software. Here’s the link through our FHWA Hydraulics Page: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/engineering/hydraulics/software.cfm. The SRH-2D software is included with the SMS installation. There are also additional resources noted on the web page.
  • Licensing: There are three licensing options available:
    1. FHWA license - FHWA provides ‘pro’ version SMS (and WMS) licenses for all DOT employees
    2. Community License – A free ‘community’ version of SMS is available to everyone. It does not include advanced analysis and graphics features.
    3. Reviewers License - Anyone who will be reviewing models rather that developing models can request a free ‘full’ version of SMS from Aquaveo. Before requesting a license, reviewers must complete the form at the following link and submit it to Aquaveo. www.aquaveo.com/regulatory-review

ALL users must request a license code through the Aquaveo licensing system. The steps are outlined as follows:

  1. Install SMS (usually requires admin rights)
  2. Run SMS
  3. From the Menu at the top of the screen, select Help, then Register, then Change Registration, and Request License.
  4. This should take you to the Aquaveo Registration page. (If not, use this link: http://www.aquaveo.com/request-license?s=SMS&v=12.2)
  5. Select the appropriate option (Gov’t License (FHWA/DOT User), Community License, or Evaluate/Purchase(Non-FHWA/DOT) Click ‘Request Evaluation’
  6. The user should receive and immediate temporary license code from noreply@aquaveo.com. This code is good for 14 days. Once the request is approved, the user will receive a SECOND email from noreply@aquaveo.com with the ‘permanent’ code that is good for one year.
  7. In some states, the firewall blocks the license code registration. If this happens, please use the following link and follow the instructions: licenses.aquaveo.com/submit
  8. For all FHWA/DOT licensing issues please contact Scott Hogan at scott.hogan@dot.gov. All others contact www.Aquaveo.com or support@aquaveo.com

Here’s a link and a list of recommendations for optional pre-course training: http://www.aquaveo.com/software/sms-learning

NHI TRAINING COURSE 135095 – Two-dimensional Modeling of Rivers at Highway Encroachments
Sign up or check for available sessions. You can also set an alert to get an email when new courses are posted.


The Aquaveo wiki site is essentially a user’s manual. It explains many things in more detail and describes the steps for model development.



Page last modified on May 22, 2018
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000