March 28, 2014
Innovation of the Month: Intelligent Compaction
Intelligent compaction, an innovation on the Every Day Counts roster, uses modern vibratory rollers with high-precision positioning systems to improve the quality and uniformity of pavements.
The Federal Highway Administration encourages the use of intelligent compaction on highway projects for several reasons:
- It’s a proven technology.
- Equipment is readily available. Eight companies in the United States manufacture the machines.
- It can improve the quality and performance of pavements because it produces a more consistent and uniform compacted material.
An FHWA Transportation Pooled Fund project - Accelerated Implementation of Intelligent Compaction Technology for
Embankment Subgrade Soils, Aggregate Base and Asphalt Pavement Materials—added to the knowledge base on intelligent compaction and demonstrated its use on field projects.
FHWA workshops are available to bring transportation professionals up to speed on how to use intelligent compaction. The workshops are designed to familiarize participants with the fundamentals of intelligent compaction and demonstrate its use in the field for successful implementation.
At FHWA’s Intelligent Compaction Technical Support Services Center, highway agencies can ask questions and get support for implementing the technology in their states.
Arkansas Trains Trainers on Incident Response
FHWA partnered with the Arkansas Municipal League to offer a traffic incident management first responder train-the-trainer session in North Little Rock. Forty-one representatives of police, fire, emergency medical service and towing agencies from all over the state attended the March 18-19 event. The Arkansas Municipal League plans to sponsor another train-the-trainer session in central Arkansas in September. The organization is matching State Transportation Innovation Council incentive funds from FHWA to bring a national trainer to Arkansas.
Kansas Residents Learn About Interchange Project
Overland Park, Kan., residents were invited to a March 27 open house to learn about the upcoming construction of a diverging diamond interchange at I-435 and Roe Avenue in the city. Staff from the Kansas Department of Transportation, city of Overland Park and consulting and contracting firms were on hand to talk about the project’s construction plans, schedule and potential impacts on traffic. The $9.5 million project—scheduled to start in April—should take four to five months to finish. It’s one of the state’s first diverging diamond interchanges.
New Website Covers 3-D Modeling Basics
A new FHWA website links to a variety of resources on three-dimensional modeling. It focuses on helping transportation agencies, designers and construction contractors get started in implementing 3-D technology. It features the 3-D Engineered Models Technical Support Services Center, which has experts available to answer questions by telephone or email. It also provides details on a series of webinars on 3-D engineered models for construction, including registration for the next event on April 2.