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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: May 16, 2013

EDC News

May 16, 2013

Innovation of the Month: Fond du Lac Reservation Road Project Uses CM/GC

The Federal Highway Administration's Central Federal Lands Highway Division is using the Construction Manager/General Contractor method to accelerate delivery of the Fond du Lac Reservation Road project west of Duluth, Minn. A major road for the reservation, it's also a significant route for emergency vehicles and school buses. It has been closed since a June 2012 storm washed out the roadway, drainage structure and embankment. Central Federal Lands is using CM/GC to get the road finished and reopened in 2013 before winter weather starts.

Click here, for more information on CM/GC

New Mexico Offers Project Training for Local Public Agencies

The New Mexico Department of Transportation, Local Technical Assistance Program, and FHWA have developed a training program on the highway project development process. "Cradle to Grave: Federal and State–Inception to Completion for a Successful Project" is designed to train local public agency staff on State and Federal regulations and requirements on project development, including those in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act. More than 60 people participated in sessions in Albuquerque in April and Las Cruces in May. The goal is to require participation in the training to certify local public agencies to manage projects involving state and federal funds.

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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