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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: May 21, 2013

EDC News

May 21, 2013

Innovation of the Month: Tennessee Enacts Legislation on CM/GC

During its 2013 Legislative Session, the Tennessee General Assembly enacted legislation for the "Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) Contracts for Construction Manager/General Contractor Services Pilot Program." FHWA's Tennessee Division provided extensive assistance to TDOT and the Tennessee Road Builders Association as they explored strategies for implementing the CM/GC. Tennessee had selected this innovative contracting method to implement under EDC 1 and 2.

This legislation, signed into law by Governor Bill Haslam on May 13, 2013, creates a pilot program made up of three challenging or technically complex projects that have yet to be determined. The legislation requires TDOT to report to the Tennessee House and Senate Transportation Committee chairs upon selecting a project and then again in February 2019 on actual cost of each project upon completion, the estimated and actual time of completion, and the number and value of any change orders. The five-year program becomes effective July 1, 2014 and sunsets July 1, 2019. The bill would terminate on July 1, 2019, unless re-enacted or extended by the general assembly prior to such date.

Read more Information about this legislation.

BTEP participated in National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training

The FHWA-sponsored Border Technology Exchange Program of the Arizona Department of Transportation sponsored two top officials from the State of Sonora (Mexico), Department of Public Safety, to attend a one and a half day SHRP 2 (Strategic Highway Research Program) Train the Trainer session that was held in San Antonio, Texas on May 7, 2013. Encouraged by the success of a 4-hour modified version of this training held in Nogales, Mexico in March 2013, the Mexican officials are interested in offering the workshop to other state jurisdictions. The TtT course was designed to help responders achieve the Traffic Incident Management National Unified Goal objectives of: Responder Safety; Safe Quick Clearance; and Interoperable Communications. The session also covers the full scope of responder training materials and information to help instructors prepare to teach the course materials to others.

Read more information about Traffic Incident Management Responder Training

Horizontal Curve Peer Exchange

Delaware and Maryland state highway agencies have identified roadway departure crashes as a priority, and both have embraced the implementation of EDC 2 High Friction Surface Treatment. Each is proceeding with implementation, and on May 14, the two offices participated in a Horizontal Peer Exchange with seven other states.

More information about High Friction Surface Treatment

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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