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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: July 11, 2014

EDC News

July 11, 2014

Innovation of the Month: Learn Online with Every Day Counts Webinars

School may be out for the summer, but webinars are a convenient way to learn about Every Day Counts innovations any time of the year.

Free recordings are available on a variety of topics:

Check the Every Day Counts website for more recorded webinars and to sign up for live events.

TIM Executive Leadership Group Meets in Washington, DC

The National Traffic Incident Management Executive Leadership Group met for the fourth time at DOT headquarters on July 9 to discuss a wide range of activities, including training of first responders under the SHRP2 National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training. That effort recently passed a milestone: 50,000 individuals have received the TIM training since the effort began in June of 2012.

Rhode Island Receives $100,000 STIC Incentive Funds

The Rhode Island DOT has been allocated $100,000 in State Transportation Innovation Council incentive funds, FY2014 monies for four activities: implementing Geospatial Data Collaboration and creating a Programmatic Agreement for historic resources ($45,000), facilitating Construction Manager/General Contractor Training and hosting a CM/GC workshop ($15,000), implementing 3D/4D/5D Roadway design software program ($20,000), and developing 3D/4D/5D modeling standards for intermodal projects ($20,000). The STIC incentive program provides resources to help make innovations standard practice in a state. The funding opportunity is $100,000 per state per year.

Washington State plans weekend slide of existing steel truss bridge in Puyallup

This weekend, contractor crews working for the Washington State DOT will "slide out" a 379-ton steel truss bridge to make way for a new northbound SR 167 span across the Puyallup River. Once the bridge is relocated, crews will use the remainder of the weekend to pave the roadway connections at both ends of the old bridge and inspect it for any necessary repairs. The old bridge will be put back in service by the end of the weekend, and it will continue being used until the new bridge is completed by the design-build contractor, sometime in 2015. The bridge slide system used to move the bridge is the same one that was employed to move the replacement I-5 Skagit River bridge section into place in September of 2013.

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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