July 19, 2013
Innovation Implementation: Programmatic Agreements
Programmatic Agreements takes routine environmental requirements that are commonly encountered and looks at them programmatically, rather than individually by project. By getting all the various entities involved to sign off on such repetitive actions beforehand, more time can be taken in other areas, and the entire environmental process can be streamlined.
Leaders Meet on National Traffic Incident Management
On July 9, FHWA hosted the second meeting of the National Traffic Incident Management Executive Leadership Group. The group includes leaders from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, International Association of Fire Chiefs, International Chiefs of Police, National Volunteer Fire Council, and Towing and Recovery Association of America. The group deliberates on national policies related to traffic incident management and presents perspectives on topics from their constituents’ points of view. It also provides outreach to firefighting, emergency medical services, law enforcement, towing and transportation professionals around the nation. Among the meeting agenda items was discussion on an outreach strategy to get more practitioners into the second Strategic Highway Research Program traffic incident management responder training course.
Colorado Plans Overnight Bridge Move
The Colorado Department of Transportation plans to use self-propelled modular transporters to move a new bridge into place overnight on July 20 on I-70 at Pecos Street in Denver. In addition to accelerated bridge construction techniques, the agency is using the construction manager/general contractor delivery method on the Highways for LIFE-funded bridge replacement project. The new bridge, built directly on the ground, will be jacked up, moved by SPMTs and slid into place on new abutments built below the existing bridge. The $18.9 million project replaces a structurally deficient bridge and will improve connectivity in surrounding neighborhoods for pedestrians, drivers and freight carriers.
Oregon Sets Willamette River Bridge Ribbon Cutting
The Oregon Department of Transportation will celebrate the opening of the new northbound I-5 bridge over the Willamette River in Eugene on July 26. The agency used the construction manager/general contractor delivery method to complete the $180 million project. The bridge aesthetics and design enhancements used on the project ensure that this signature bridge is not only functional, but also fits its environment. It includes design enhancements to honor the history and heritage of the Kalapuya Tribe in the area.