August 2, 2013
Innovation Implementation: Accelerated Bridge Construction
Programmatic Agreements was last month's Innovation, and it seemed appropriate to include a topic here to transition to this month's: Accelerated Bridge Construction. PA's can be applied to speeding up early phases of project delivery for bridges, particularly some historic ones. (Shown below is a typical reinforced concrete slab bridge from the 1940s-50s era.)
Go here for more information: Program Comment for Common Post-1945 Concrete and Steel Bridges
FHWA Holds Programmatic Agreements Workshop
FHWA hosted a regional workshop on programmatic agreements to streamline the review process for highway projects in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. Topics discussed at the July 10-12 event included the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Desert Tortoise, Canada Lynx and Meadow Jumping Mouse, as well as shared ecosystems such as one along the Virgin River. The workshop resulted in concepts for several potential multistate agreements. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided training on the Endangered Species Act, developing effective biological assessments and creating programmatic biological assessments.
For more information on Programmatic Agreements, go to Programmatic Agreements II .
Peer Exchange Focuses on Local Public Agencies
Representatives of the FHWA California Division, California Department of Transportation and city of Santa Rosa visited with their counterparts at the Washington State Department of Transportation and FHWA Washington Division the week of July 22.The purpose of the California team's visit was to learn about Washington's administration of the local agency Federal-Aid Highway Program and identify ways to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the California program. The California group was particularly interested in Washington's local public agency certification program.
To learn more about Locally Administered Federal Aid Projects, go to Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects.
Washington Bridge Project Uses Accelerated Construction
The Washington State Department of Transportation is using prefabricated components to build a permanent replacement span for the Skagit River Bridge on I-5, part of which collapsed on May 23 after a truck that was too tall to be in the right lane struck critical steel supports. I-5 was reopened to traffic on June 19 after a temporary replacement span was installed. After moving the permanent span into place in early September, crews will begin upgrading the remaining three truss sections of the bridge. Crews will raise and reinforce the bridge's overhead structural support system to reduce the chances of another bridge strike in the future.
For more information on Accelerated Bridge Construction, see Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC).