October 17, 2014
Innovation Implementation: Intelligent Compaction
Intelligent compaction can enhance quality control on highway projects by increasing uniformity of road-building materials—soils, aggregate bases and asphalt pavements—and accelerate construction. Intelligent compaction technology provides real-time feesdback on compaction to equipment operators and infrastructure owners.
State highway agencies across the country are learning about the benefits of and implementing intelligent compaction. That includes eight that have completed demonstration projects and 15 more that are engaged in demonstrations now.
- A special provision is enabling the Utah Department of Transportation to use intelligent compaction on three projects during the 2014 construction system.
- The Indiana Department of Transportation is using intelligent compaction to collect data on soil compaction on a U.S. 50 project.
- The Tennessee Department of Transportation has developed a special provision for intelligent compaction. The agency received a Highways for LIFE grant from the Federal Highway Administration to use intelligent compaction on four projects in 2013 and planned three more projects for 2014.
FHWA Launches EDC-3 Summits
FHWA kicked off a series of seven regional summits on the third round of Every Day Counts innovations in Arlington, Virginia. More than 200 transportation professionals from seven Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia attended the October 7 and 8 event. The summit presented numerous EDC success stories and provided training on the 11 EDC-3 innovations. It also set the stage for State Transportation Innovation Councils to review, select and implement innovations to pursue over the next two years. The summits feature live broadcasts of sessions on the EDC-3 innovations through Web conferencing.
Arkansas Conducts Bridge Project Study
The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department is conducting a planning and environmental linkages study for the Arkansas River I-30 Bridge project in Little Rock to expedite the National Environmental Policy Act process. The study involves meetings with a Technical Work Group of resource agency and local transportation representatives, a Project Partner Group of local officials and a Technical Oversight Committee of project consultants and AHTD and FHWA staff. The groups are reviewing a purpose and need report, alternatives screening methodology and a draft "universe" of alternatives. The study is on track to be completed in spring 2015. The project is AHTD's first design-build project.
Arkansas Explores Design-Build
FHWA tailored a design-build workshop for Arkansas as the state embarks on its first design-build highway project. Twenty-five participants representing AHTD, its management consultants and a metropolitan planning organization attended the day-and-a-half event taught by experts from FHWA and the consulting industry. The second day was a roundtable discussion for state and federal staff on the roles and responsibilities for design-build and provided the building blocks for a design-build project agreement.
Delaware Hosts 3-D Workshop
The Delaware Department of Transportation and FHWA hosted a workshop on 3-D engineered models for construction in Dover. The October 9 event drew more than 80 participants, including highway agency staff, contractors, consultants and surveyors. They learned how 3-D engineered models can be used and gained hands-on experience with the equipment. The technology has been used in Delaware in the past, but participants were interested in learning how it could be applied to asset management, scheduling and cost estimating.
Michigan Holds Second Train-the-Trainer Session
Michigan now has about 100 people who can train first responders in traffic incident management techniques. The state held its second traffic incident management train-the-trainer session in the Detroit area in late September for 27 participants. A third session is set for October 24 and 25 in northern Michigan in conjunction with the Michigan Fire Service Instructors Association annual conference.