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Center for Accelerating Innovation

FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: February 16, 2017

EDC News

February 16, 2017

Innovation of the Month:

Using Data to Improve Traffic Incident Management

Through Every Day Counts round four (EDC-4), the Federal Highway Administration is supporting State and local agencies in using data to improve traffic incident management (TIM).

Many States already use data to identify trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and enhance the performance of programs to clear highway incidents safely and quickly.

The Michigan Department of Transportation, for example, produces a monthly TIM performance report for the Southeast Michigan Traffic Operations Center and the agency’s western region. Michigan creates a number of graphs that show average roadway clearance times and incident clearance details.

Using Data to Improve Traffice Incident Management photo
Another example comes from the Virginia Department of Transportation, which produces monthly and quarterly TIM performance reports. Graphs show trends in average incident clearance times and other data.

See the National Cooperative Highway Research Program’s Guidance for Implementation of TIM Performance Measurement Web page for an overview and model database.

Contact Paul Jodoin of the FHWA Office of Operations for information and technical assistance.

Michigan Speakers Encourage Involvement in Advancing Innovation

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and FHWA staff presented an overview of the Michigan State Transportation Innovation Council at the MDOT—American Council of Engineering Companies Partnering Conference on February 2 in in Lansing. The presentation focused on how transportation stakeholders are collaborating to expand innovation use in Michigan. The speakers also discussed EDC-4 innovations and solicited ideas to encourage more stakeholder involvement in advancing innovation.

Stakeholders Learn About Innovation Programs

Two events enabled transportation stakeholders to learn about innovation programs administered by FHWA’s Center for Accelerating Innovation and continue a dialogue on patented and proprietary products initiated during the EDC-4 summits in fall 2016. FHWA staff presented “State Transportation Innovation Councils: Leading the Way in an Era of Rapid Change” at the Mid-Atlantic Quality Assurance Workshop held February 7 to 9 in Hershey, PA. Speakers discussed Getting Your Innovative Product to Market” at the American Traffic Safety Services Association Annual Convention and Traffic Expo on February 11 to 13 in Phoenix, AZ.

Sign Up For Ultra-High Performance Concrete Connections Webinars

FHWA is sponsoring a webinar series on ultra-high performance concrete connections (UHPC) for prefabricated bridge elements. The six webinars—one each month from March to August—will cover information on UHPC uses, benefits, and lessons learned. Register for the Introduction to UHPC webinar on March 7 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. ET. The webinar will provide guidance on identifying UHPC applications, typical UHPC components, mechanical properties, durability, costs, and ways to mix and place UHPC.

Learn About Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation

Agencies interested in learning about the principles of implementing quality environmental documentation (IQED) can contact Rob Ayers at the FHWA Resource Center to request a workshop. Using the IQED core principles—tell the story, keep the document brief, and ensure legal sufficiency—can expedite the development of environmental documents required for transportation projects. FHWA is also integrating IQED principles into National Highway Institute training courses and the environmental Discipline Support System.

Participate in Civil Integrated Management Survey

Transportation professionals are invited to participate in an online survey on the use of Civil Integrated Management practices at transportation departments. The survey is being conducted by the University of Texas at Austin and supported by the Transportation Research Board Civil Integrated Management Subcommittee. Related to the EDC 3D engineered models effort, Civil Integrated Management is the technology-enabled collection, organization, and use of data throughout the life cycle of a transportation asset.

Read About New Office of Innovative Program Delivery

“Innovation Corner” in the latest issue of Public Roads magazine features an overview of the new Office of Innovative Program Delivery (OIPD). FHWA is expanding OIPD, which includes the Center for Accelerating Innovation, to improve the agency’s ability to advance innovation in the transportation community. “Hot Topic” in the same issue explains the role of OIPD’s Center for Innovative Finance Support in helping agencies identify and use project financing tools.

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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