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FHWA Home / OIPD / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: May 19, 2017

EDC News

May 19, 2017

Innovation of the Month:

Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian

Getting people to their destinations safely and conveniently is the goal of the safe transportation for every pedestrian (STEP) program in Every Day Counts round four
(EDC-4). The Federal Highway Administration is encouraging agencies and communities to advance road diets, crosswalk visibility enhancements, pedestrian refuge islands, raised crosswalks, and pedestrian hybrid beacons.

STEP offers several benefits:

  • These safety countermeasures offer proven solutions for reducing pedestrian fatalities at uncontrolled crossing locations.
  • By focusing on uncontrolled locations, agencies can address a significant pedestrian safety problem.
  • Improving crossing opportunities boosts quality of life for pedestrians of all ages and abilities.

Visit the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center for information on resources, planning and design tools, and training.

Pedestrian refuge island Pedestrian hybrid beacon

Florida Events Focus on Safety

The Florida Department of Transportation partnered with the Local Technical Assistance Program and FHWA on an intersection safety and roadway departure workshop in Gainesville on May 9 and 10. The workshop provided local agency participants with the latest information on countermeasures to reduce intersection and roadway departure crashes, including roundabouts and other intersection and interchange geometrics, high-friction surface treatments, and the Safety EdgeSM. FHWA staff also presented information on roadway departure countermeasures at the Florida Public Works Expo sponsored by the American Public Works Association in Tallahassee on May 8 through 12.

Smarter Work Zones Demonstrated in Texas

A demonstration showcase on May 8 and 9 enabled transportation practitioners from 10 States to see portable queue warning systems, a smarter work zone technology application promoted in EDC-3, deployed at construction sites in Austin, TX. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) uses the systems to improve safety and mobility on construction projects around Texas. The systems alert drivers to a line of vehicles ahead so they can slow down safely. The demonstration included presentations on Austin’s Combined Transportation, Emergency, and Communications Center, TxDOT’s intelligent transportation system standards for work zones, and the State’s integration of connected vehicle technology into work zones.

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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