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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC News: March 1, 2018

EDC News

March 1, 2018

Innovation of the Month:

Data-Driven Safety Analysis

The Every Day Counts (EDC) innovation of the month for March is data-driven safety analysis (DDSA), which uses tools to evaluate future roadway safety performance so transportation agencies can target investments with more confidence and reduce severe crashes.

Traditional crash and roadway analysis methods rely mostly on subjective or limited quantitative measures of safety performance. DDSA employs evidence-based models that enable agencies to quantify safety impacts.

In EDC round four (EDC-4), the DDSA deployment team is helping States incorporate DDSA in policies and processes. One focus is on helping local agencies gain proficiency with DDSA tools.

DDSA Spotlight video
DDSA includes two approaches that agencies can implement individually or in combination. Predictive analysis helps identify roadway sites with the greatest potential for improvement and quantify the expected safety performance of project alternatives. Systemic analysis uses crash and roadway data to identify roadway features that correlate with severe crash types.

Watch an Innovation Spotlight video on DDSA.

Contact Jerry Roche of the Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety or John McFadden of the FHWA Resource Center for information and technical assistance.

North Carolina Develops Deep Compaction Grouting Specifications

State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) Incentive funds helped the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) implement deep compaction grouting technology and develop specifications. NCDOT used deep compaction grouting—a subsurface soil treatment—to stabilize settling bridge approach slabs and restore the grade of the approach slabs for dual bridges over a railroad in Cary. Ongoing settlement of the approach slabs created maintenance problems and generated driver complaints about the “bump at the end of the bridge.” Monitoring showed that minimal settlement of the approach slabs occurred in the year after compaction grouting was used. Applying experience gained on this and three additional projects, NCDOT developed specifications for compaction grouting of bridge approach slabs and other ground improvement applications. As a result, NCDOT expects the use of compaction grouting to become common across the State. For information, contact Scott Hidden of NCDOT.

EDC News speakerphone image

Send Us Your Every Day Counts Stories

Share your experiences using EDC innovations with EDC News readers. We’re looking for one-paragraph stories on the highway transportation challenge your agency faced, how you implemented an EDC innovation to address the challenge, and the impacts or results, such as improvements in safety, mobility, and quality and savings in time, money, and lives. Include a link to a web page or online report or a staff member’s name and contact information for readers who want more information. Stories can feature innovations from any EDC round. Send your ideas to innovation@dot.gov. Contact Jeff Zaharewicz with questions.

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Jeffrey A. Zaharewicz
(202) 366-1325

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Page last modified on March 27, 2018
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000