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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) Demonstration / Creating a Benchmark for Traffic Signal Performance

Creating a Benchmark for Traffic Signal Performance

Location Dover, New Hamphire

New Hampshire DOT logo
City of Dover logo

Award Recipient New Hampshire Department of Transportation / City of Dover
Innovation Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures
Award Fiscal Year 2017
Project Aspect Traffic Control Devices

The City of Dover: Creating a Benchmark for Traffic Signal Performance Project will implement Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM's) to achieve improvements in highway efficiency, safety, air quality, and mobility within the Central Avenue corridor. In addition, this project will integrate New Hampshire DOT's Traffic Management Center with Dover's centrally managed signal system to enhance response to incidents on the Spaulding Turnpike by creating a seamless diversion of traffic off the highway and onto Dover's street network in an emergency situation. The project's goal is to implement proven innovative strategies and methodologies for reducing the labor involved in managing Dover's traffic signals on this primary north-south artery through automation. To achieve this goal, four coordinated signal systems will be equipped with enhanced communications, advanced detection, and travel time recording devices in support of the City's existing ATC controller platform and central management software. It is expected that a number of metrics will be used to document the benefits of this new management approach, including Arrivals on Green, Travel Times, and Split Utilization. Results of the proposed improvements will be broadcast to users through social media and general feedback requested through on-line customer surveys.

Grant Award $519,600
Partner New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Duration/Status March 2019 through January 2021
Project Contact Stephen S. Sawyer, Jr., PE
Senior Vice President
Sebago Technics
(207) 200-2100

Bill Boulanger
Deputy Director of Community Services
City of Dover, NH
Streets and Utilities Management
(603) 516-6450


Fawn Thompson
Program Coordinator
(404) 562-3917

Page last modified on June 26, 2019
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000