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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / State Transportation Innovation Councils (STIC) / STIC Incentive Projects (FY 2014-2025)

STIC Incentive Projects (FY 2014-2025)

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State Fiscal Year STIC Incentive Projects Funds Allocated
AK 2016 Develop training courses and associated materials to implement quality environmental documentation and NEPA Assignment as standard practices for the State of Alaska $100,000
AK 2017 Develop and implement a performance specification for acceptance of asphalt paving compaction based on continuous-full-coverage density data collected by ground penetrating radar $100,000
AK 2018 Develop a manual and framework for implementation of an Alaska Utility Information Management System $100,000
AK 2020 Streamline Horizontal Infrastructure Monitoring with Unmanned Aircraft and Machine Learning $100,000
AK 2019 Creation and implementation of a comprehensive, statewide, multi-division augmented and virtual reality program $100,000
AK 2021 Avalanche Mitigation, Documentation and Emergency Response with UAS $100,000
AK 2022 Develop and implement an application to be used during maintenance of roadways to provide audible, real-time direction on maintenance routes to the operators $100,000
AK 2023 Development of an intelligent truck transportation management application for freight and fuel movement through route optimization, scenario analysis, and incident management $100,000
AK 2024 Weather Station Incorporation: Integrating DOT&PF Advanced Winter Hazards (Avalanche) Weather Station Information into RWIS, MADIS and WxDE Networks $100,000
AL 2014 Development of Procedures and Best Practices for Utilizing 3-D Data for Survey, Design, Visualization and Clash Detection Analysis $100,000
AL 2015 Development of specifications and best practices for the use of Queue Warning Systems on ALDOT Construction Projects $100,000
AL 2016 Development of standards and specifications for utilization of 3-D Models/Data for construction, including survey, design, and construction procedures $100,000
AL 2017
  1. Develop and provide training on pavement preservation and management techniques ($60,000)
  2.  Institutionalizing the Traffic Incident Management Train the Trainer program ($40,000)
AL 2018 Update the Construction Manual to convert into e-documents with appropriate links to forms and webpages $100,000
AL 2019
  1. Implement the purchase and use of Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) equipment to be mounted and utilized with existing drill rigs ($45,000)
  2.  Development of Local Road Safety Plans for Alabama Counties Pilot Project ($55,000)
AL 2020 Develop Local Road Safety Plans (LRSP) for about eight Alabama counties $100,000
AL 2021
  1. Implement Measurement with Drilling (MWD) ($17,000)
  2. Pilot an Innovative On-Road Equipment Operations Training Program ($82,900)
AL 2022 Implement an Electronic Construction Manual (Phase 2) $100,000
AL 2024
  1. Implement an Electronic Construction Manual (Phase 3) ($85,000)
  2. Pilot Tethered Drones for Traffic Incident Management ($40,000)
AR 2014
  1. Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training ($6,000)
  2. 3D Modeling Implementation Plan ($94,000)
AR 2015 Development of a Local Public Agencies Manual that prescribes policies and procedures to be used for the development of federal aid projects in the State of Arkansas $100,000
AR 2016 Implementation of e-Construction through the use of mobile devices for field personnel $100,000
AR 2017 Purchase and evaluate modern Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveying equipment and methods for incorporation into inspection and quality assurance guidelines $100,000
AR 2018 Develop a corridor study to identify and implement STEP innovations $100,000
AR 2019 Implement the use of Geophysical testing methods on the Hot Springs Bypass Extension to expand the use of A-Game tools $100,000
AR 2021 Pilot an Arkansas Department of Transportation Maintenance Training Academy (MTA) $100,000
AR 2024 Pilot Roadway Debris Removal Devices in Arkansas $125,000
AZ 2014 Initiate an Innovation Exchange $85,000
AZ 2015
  1. 2015 Innovation Exchange Campaign ($25,000)
  2. Regional and Local Arizona Traffic Incident Management Training ($25,000)
  3. Development of GRS-IBS Specifications ($20,000)
  4. Advance Intelligent Compaction ($30,000)
AZ 2016
  1. Advanced Hydraulic Modeling Tools ($80,000)
  2. Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Challenge Program ($7,000)
  3. Arizona Road Diets Peer Exchange ($3,000)
  4. Technology and Transportation Summit ($10,000)
AZ 2017
  1. Purchase and evaluate 3-D GPS equipped tablets for use in field verification ($19,200)
  2. Purchase and evaluate Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for use in ADOT Bridge Inspection ($18,100)
  3. Pima Association of Government’s Technology and Transportation Summit ($10,000)
  4. Purchase and use Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for showcasing ADOT innovations in communication and outreach efforts ($2,700)
  5. Hold a Visioning Workshop for the AZTech Regional Partnership ($10,000)
  6. Hold a 2017 Arizona Council on Transportation Innovation (ACTI) Innovation Day ($24,000)
  7. Provide outreach, communication, facilitation, and coordination for the Arizona Council on Transportation Innovation (ACTI) ($16,000)
AZ 2018
  1. Demonstrate use of variable message signs for management of Weather, Special, and Major Traffic Events ($60,000)
  2.  Develop a specification for Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Systems for use on Bridge Rehab and Strengthening projects ($40,000)
AZ 2019 Implement a program to install cameras on snowplows to obtain site specific data to improve traffic control and traveler information systems in support of Weather-Responsive Management Strategies (WRMS) $100,000
AZ 2021
  1. Deploy Next Gen TIM Video Sharing for Responder Truck Mounted CCTV Camera ($20,000)
  2. Deploy Mobile Roadway Condition Detectors for ADOT's Snow & Ice Program ($80,000)
AZ 2024
  1. STEM Educational Outreach Solutions for Senior High School Students ($23,840)
  2. Partnership Opportunities with Tribal Communities for Workforce Development (Phase 1) ($64,000)
  3. Pilot Roadway Debris Removal Systems in Arizona ($37,160)
CA 2016
  1. Conduct Accelerated Bridge Construction Outreach ($45,000)
  2. First/Last Mile Innovation Training ($40,000)
  3. Roadway Departure Workshops ($15,000)
CA 2017
  1. Develop an on-line tool with steps, procedures, and check-in points for integrating permit requirements during the project development process ($50,000)
  2. Develop GIS data of flood prone areas and an interactive web map application for severe storm preparedness ($50,000)
CA 2018 Develop a strategic implementation plan for adopting the HSM as a guideline for Caltrans safety analysis $24,000
CA 2019
  1. Advancing Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Deployment to Benefit California’s Public Transportation System (Unmanned Aerial Systems) ($50,000)
  2. Implement the Weather Decision Tiers, a scientific model to pin-point areas along the highway susceptible to debris flow, rock fall, land slide, erosion, flooding, etc. after wildfires throughout all California (Weather Responsive Management Systems) ($50,000)
CA 2020
  1. Provide resources to define a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Template ($74,400)
  2. Host Caltrans first annual "Innovation in Action" virtual conference ($25,600)
CA 2021
  1. Advance the statewide deployment and implementation of Digital As-Builts ($44,800)
  2. Develop a standardized process for the delivery of in-house Quick-Build active transportation improvements ($55,200)
CA 2022
  1. Develop a standardized process for the delivery of in-house Quick-Build active transportation improvements (Part 2) ($24,800)
  2. Implement Project Delivery Quality Reviews for Virtual Design and Construction ($40,000)
CA 2023
  1. Advance modeling for Earth Retaining Structures ($52,000)
  2. Develop a Wrong-Way Driver Prevention Strategic Plan ($48,000)
CA 2024
  1. Advance modeling for Earth Retaining Structures (continued) ($22,400)
  2. Develop a Wrong-Way Driver Prevention Strategic Plan (continued) ($32,000)
  3. V2X Deployment Pathways for Caltrans D7: Solutions, Applications and Pilots ($65,600)
CO 2014
  1. Development and Implementation of a Re-vegetation Training Program ($50,000)
  2. Promotion and outreach for the Everyday Ideas initiative for encouraging the use of innovation throughout the transportation community including the local agencies ($20,000)
  3. Development of a framework for a sub-regional ITS Plan (City of Centennial) ($30,000)
CO 2015
  1. Development of a decision matrix for when to use cold in-place recycling of asphalt pavement ($21,000)
  2. Development of a Contract Time Estimation tool to improve the accuracy and consistency of estimating construction contract time ($15,000)
  3. Implementation of a Cloud-based Learning and Event Management System by the Colorado Local Technical Assistance Program ($15,000)
CO 2016
  1. e-Construction - Advancing the Use of Mobile Devices with a Mobile Field Inspection Application ($49,088)
  2. Monitoring Traffic in Work Zones Using Intelligent Traffic Control Devices ($46,400)
CO 2017
  1. Purchase equipment and implement strategies for a traffic incident safety analysis program in the City of Delta ($20,000)
  2. Implement CDOT's Lean Everyday Ideas for local agencies including guardrail tool kits and asphalt hotboxes ($40,000)
  3. Purchase and install Roadside Weather Information Systems (RWIS) along Weld County Road 49 to communicate road conditions resulting from severe weather with local and state agencies ($40,000)
CO 2018
  1. Host a Local Innovation Implementation Summit, to demonstrate and highlight EDC technologies to local government agencies ($29,800)
  2. Develop a SMART Mobility Statewide Plan ($70,200)
CO 2019
  1. Develop Project Optimization with 2D Hydraulic Analysis ($85,000)
  2. Public Engagement and Partnerships Innovation: Develop strategic and targeted community outreach around wildlife and transportation projects ($15,000)
CO 2020
  1. Design and construct a Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) crossing ($25,000)
  2. Improve mobile Road Weather Information System (RWIS) & road friction data collection ($75,000)
CO 2021
  1. Support the Adoption of Innovative Ideas from CDOT's Lean Everyday Ideas (LEI) ($10,000)
  2. Develop TIM Training Modules for Tabletop and After Action Review ($90,000)
CO 2022
  1. Implement the 2D Quick Check Statewide Initiative (Phase 2) ($82,500)
  2. Expand UAS Program and develop standard/specifications ($17,500)
CO 2023
  1. Implement Road Weather and Camera imagery in remote areas of the Front Range Colorado foothills ($20,000)
  2. Colorado Road & Bridge Institute ($68,080)
CO 2024
  1. CDOT and UDOT Peer-to-Peer Exchange: Discuss Methods of Improving Nighttime Visibility at Intersections, Guidance to Implement a Regional or Statewide ATSPM System, etc. ($8,960)
  2. Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Responder Safety Training Events ($36,000)
  3. Integrate UAS Support to the TIM Program ($80,000)
CT 2015 Advancing the use of mobile devices for e-Construction in field inspection applications $100,000
CT 2016 Advancing the use of mobile devices for e-Construction in field inspection applications $100,000
CT 2017
  1. Advance e-Construction for Connecticut DOT (Part A) ($86,159)
  2. Advance e-Construction for Connecticut Municipal (Part B) ($11,120)
CT 2023 Pilot and Develop specifications for Ultra High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) for Culvert Lining Repairs $100,000
CT 2018 Advance Unmanned Aerial Systems to assist in the development of projects from the planning stages, through design and construction, and for maintenance purposes after the project is complete $94,354
CT 2019 Advance Unmanned Aerial System program, including training, equipment, and peer exchanges $100,000
CT 2021
  1. Develop comprehensive and intuitive video instructions for the Compass operational processes ($15,000)
  2. Use project 3D Model for digital as-builts and asset management ($85,000)
CT 2024
  1. Develop and Pilot Wrong Way Rumble Strips ($40,000)
  2. Determine uses of AI Technology within CTDOT's Project Management Solution (COMPASS) ($85,000)
DC 2016 Enhance the functionality of the Work Zone Project Management System $80,000
DC 2017 Expand Enterprise Project Management application by developing a funding obligation module $96,000
DC 2021 Implement Multimodal Street Design Software $91,140
DC 2024 Impact Detection System for Crash Cushions and Guardrails in the District of Columbia $53,876.76
DE 2015
  1. Scanning tour to evaluate the various software packages for e-Construction ($7,400)
  2. Advancement of Intelligent Compaction/Continuous Compaction Control technologies ($32,940)
  3. Development of the Delaware Watershed Resources Registry ($48,888)
DE 2017
  1. Purchase and evaluate advanced Quality Assurance and Quality Control tools for soil and asphalt compaction ($44,300.47)
  2. Enhance the DelDOT Mobile App to provide the ability to send automatic notifications of events, construction, restrictions and closures through geo-fencing technology ($25,917)
  3. Purchase, use, and evaluate Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to develop and refine operations procedures for collecting additional field data for efficient bridge and pavement design ($29,782.53)
DE 2018
  1. Develop a Construction Inspection Internship Program that incorporates lessons learned on current construction innovations ($36,000)
  2. Implement phase 2 of the Water Resource Registry ($16,000)
  3. Use Innovative Public Outreach tools to conduct a varied and comprehensive public outreach strategy ($48,000)
DE 2020
  1. Enhance Delaware DOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) website to include VPI ($80,000)
  2. Training to enhance public outreach to communities who have experienced inequity in the transportation planning process ($20,000)
DE 2016
  1. Procurement of an Automated Cylinder End Grinder for the purpose of testing UHPC ($16,000)
  2. Procure and implement a Document Management System (DMS) that can store engineering content at DelDOT ($63,854.40)
DE 2019
  1. Develop a series of professional videos that explain the transportation process to translate complex concepts for use in public meetings ($54,000)
  2. Develop a series of videos showing the sequence of construction of typical bridges projects to be used on websites and at public workshops ($78,000)
DE 2021
  1. Develop an e-Ticketing program to assist with the administration and documentation of materials data. ($7,062.63)
  2. Implement a Parklet Pilot Program ($45,873.60)
  3. Implement dynamic chevron warning system program ($46,422.40)
DE 2022
  1. Deploy design tools and training to implement DelDOT Lighting Policy ($17,200)
  2. Implement a flood monitoring system ($82,500)
DE 2023
  1. Implement UAS for inspections, survey work and Traffic Incident Management (TIM) ($23,400)
  2. Dover Kent MPO Virtual Reality (VR) Experience ($29,856)
  3. Pilot a Debris Removal Tool ($34,400)
DE 2024
  1. DelDOT TIM Training ($80,000)
  2. Implement Dynamic Chevron Warning System Program (Phase 2) ($41,577.60)
DE 2025 Pilot Speed Awareness Monitor (SAM) Trailers with Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Cameras to Reduce Speed and Identify High-Risk Offenders $60,857.60
FL 2015 Development and deployment of the Safe Accessible Pedestrian Facilities Inventory Model (SAPFIM), a GIS-based, hand held tool that allows for the collection of pedestrian facility data to assess safety and accessibility $100,000
FL 2016 Purchase mobile devices for construction field inspection to fully implement e-Construction as a standard practice $80,000
FL 2017 Develop a GIS based System of Engagement (SOE) toolbox for FDOT and Local Agencies to share safety and operations data $100,000
FL 2018 Develop standard specifications for basalt fiber-reinforced polymer (BFRP) bars for the internal reinforcement of structural concrete $100,000
FL 2019 Develop a Non-Motorized Transportation network of data collection locations to improve safety and reduce crash instances statewide $100,000
FL 2020 Develop a multiregional planning effort to advance TSMO along the I-4 corridor $100,000
FL 2021 Build a Crowdsourced Air Quality Monitoring Network $15,085
FL 2022 Develop a Non-Motorized Transportation network of data collection locations to improve safety and reduce crash instances statewide (Phase 2) $100,000
FL 2023 Community Air Quality Monitoring Network in Hillsborough County $100,000
FL 2024 Statewide ADA e-Data Collection Program $125,000
FLH 2015 Advancement of Internally Cured Concrete $100,000
FLH 2022 Peer Exchange and Industry Challenge on emerging mobility and electrification solutions by National Park Service and State of Michigan $100,000
FLH 2024 Pilot deployments and evaluations of emerging mobility projects in and around National Park Service (NPS) units in the State of Michigan (NPS & State of Michigan) $125,000
GA 2015 Development of a curve identification tool for selecting High Friction Surface Treatment sites $100,000
GA 2016 Advancing the use of mobile devices for e-Construction in field inspection applications $100,000
GA 2018 Implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tracking Technologies for Construction Supervision $100,000
GA 2019 Development of GDOT Virtual Public Involvement guidance for encouraging public participation and soliciting feedback during the transportation planning process $100,000
GA 2022 Develop a Roadmap for Digital Delivery Implementation $100,000
GA 2023 Leverage Probe Data for Incident Management in Rural Areas $100,000
GA 2021 Implement a Contracts Management Software (CMS) Solution $100,000
GA 2024 Highway Capacity Analysis, Roadway Design, and Traffic Operations Collaboration $120,000
HI 2016 Host workshops, develop strategies, and analyze data to integrate accessibility and design into Hawaii transportation decision-making $100,000
HI 2018 Implement localized version of UAS, Crowdsourcing, Virtual Public Involvement, and Pavement Preservation $200,000
HI 2020 Utilize two drones for an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) demonstration project involving bridge inspection, corridor mapping, and construction monitoring $100,000
IA 2014
  1. Design and performance verification of a bridge column/footing/pile system for accelerated bridge construction ($56,003)
  2. Develop an implementation plan for using 3D tools for structural detailing ($43,997)
IA 2015
  1. Development and delivery of technical guidance and training on the implementation of a self-cleaning culvert technology ($64,000)
  2. Expand the use of mobile devices for e-Construction in field inspection applications ($36,000)
IA 2016
  1. Expand the use of mobile devices for e-Construction in field inspection applications ($36,000)
  2. Support for the “Innovations in Transportation Conference” ($8,000)
  3. Deployment of Iowa DOT Traffic Operations Open Data Service ($56,000)
IA 2017 In situ modulus measurement using automated plate load testing (APLT) to support the implementation of pavement mechanistic-empirical (ME) design $100,000
IA 2018
  1. Advance virtual reality for transportation projects for improved public outreach and technology transfer purposes ($95,200)
  2. Host a workshop to improve NEPA synchronization utilizing the newly updated Red Book ($4,800)
IA 2019 Advance complete streets concepts into design process $64,000
IA 2020
  1. Advance the use Electrical Resistivity technology as part of an effort to promote FHWA’s EDC-5 Advanced Geotechnical Exploration Methods (A-GaME) ($77,997.20)
  2. Update the Iowa Design manual to reflect the Complete Streets policy ($22,002.80)
IA 2021
  1. Implement e-ticketing in rural areas ($8,000)
  2. Develop a guidebook for the application of Polymer-modified Asphalt Overlays ($32,000)
  3. Develop Digital As-Builts into BIM pilot project ($40,000)
  4. Hold a Peer Exchange on UHPC with a focus on link-slab and beam end repair techniques ($20,000)
IA 2022
  1. Hold a Peer Exchange with AGC and ACEC for Bridge Digital Delivery ($36,000)
  2.  Pilot Hyperflow in the City of Dubuque for Signal Performance Assessment ($64,000)
IA 2023 Advance the use of Bridge Rating software for Local Public Agencies (LPA) $100,000
IA 2024
  1. Implementing a Reliable Concrete Testing Method ($28,000)
  2. Digital As-Builts for Asset Management and Load Rating Reference ($97,000)
ID 2014 Development of design standards for Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System technology $100,000
ID 2015 Hosting a demonstration workshop on Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil - Integrated Bridge System bridge construction for statewide participation by local agencies $84,500
ID 2016 Hosting a 2-day workshop to advance 3D Modeling and Automated Machine Guidance $97,888
ID 2017
  1. Provide demonstration workshops on pedestrian safety countermeasures to local governments ($35,000)
  2. Collect and build a digital warehouse to store traffic volume data for a local highway jurisdiction to advance the DDSA initiative in Idaho ($50,000)
ID 2018 Deploy Acceptance of Asphalt Paving Compaction Via Continuous-Full-Coverage Density Testing by the Pave Scan Rolling Density Meter Ground Penetrating Radar System $100,000
ID 2019 Host a demonstration workshop on bridge preservation and maintenance for Idaho local jurisdictions as well as opportunities to bundle bridge preservation projects within multiple Idaho jurisdictions for cost savings $100,000
ID 2020 Assist the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) to partner with the US Forest Service to complete an advanced environmental wetland mitigation on a project $66,936
ID 2021 Implement Idaho Career Opportunities-Next in Construction Program (ICONIC) in Southeast Idaho $100,000
ID 2022
  1. Assist the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) with advance wetland mitigation for the Bia Ogwa Bear River Massacre Site Battle Creek Restoration ($25,000)
  2. Project Expand the Idaho Career Opportunities-Next in Construction Program (ICONIC) ($75,000)
ID 2023 Pilot Workforce development program for female correctional residents $100,000
ID 2024 Idaho Career Opportunities-Next in Construction Program (ICONIC): Pilot Workforce development program for female correctional residents (Part 2) $100,000
IL 2014 Advancement of 3D Engineered Models $100,000
IL 2015 Development of 3D civil cell libraries and training to advance 3D modeling $60,000
IL 2016 Procure equipment, develop training, and provide training to facilitate the implementation of 3-D modeling statewide $100,000
IL 2017
  1. Develop 2D Hydraulic modeling capacity and implement supporting processes ($92,000)
  2. Provide training of Safety Analyst software for use on safety management projects ($4,800)
IL 2023 Implementation of e-Ticketing Statewide $100,000
IL 2018
  1. Establish 2D hydraulic modeling capacity statewide through training, pilot projects, developing standards, and peer exchanges ($64,000)
  2. Advance 3D Modeling Program, through training and equipment purchases ($36,000)
IL 2019 Implement CHANGE 2-D Hydraulic modeling initiative including guidance manual, 2D quick checks, and pilot use of on a bridge crossing project $100,000
IL 2020
  1. Develop 3D Mapping of Underground Utilities ($30,000)
  2. Portable Laser Texture Meter for Chip Seal Quality Assurance Testing ($25,784)
  3. Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Handheld Thermal Imaging to Reduce Thermal Segregation ($32,000)
IL 2021 Implement 3D Vehicle Classification and Measurement System $100,000
IL 2022
  1. Deploy a Pavement Texture Scanner and train staff on operation ($16,000)
  2. Expand use of UAS for Traffic Incident Management Statewide ($80,000)
IL 2024
  1. Pilot EDC-7 Next Generation TIM - Debris Removal Systems ($80,800)
  2. Roller-Mounted Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Asphalt Pavement Quality Control and Assurance ($44,200)
IN 2014 Development of Intelligent Compaction standard specification for soil embankment and subgrade compaction $80,000
IN 2016 Implementation of LiDAR-Based Mobile Mapping System for Lane Width Evaluation and Reporting in Work Zones for INDOT Traffic Management $100,000
IN 2017 Implementation of Connected Vehicle Corridor Deployment and Performance Measures for Assessment $100,000
IN 2018 Implementation of Intelligent Snowplow System $100,000
IN 2022 Apply origin-destination data patterns in Freeway Weaving Areas $100,000
IN 2019 Develop Mobile Mapping System Manual of Operations $100,000
IN 2020
  1. Implement Enhanced Probe Data for Tactical Work Zone Operations ($41,000)
  2. Expand project bundling with machine learning for local agencies ($35,000)
  3. Expand current Virtual Public Involvement (VPI) efforts ($24,000)
IN 2021 Upgrade web-based Winter Operations Dashboard using enhanced probe data $100,000
IN 2023 Host Midwest Regional Innovation Peer Exchanges $100,000
IN 2024 Connected Vehicle (CV) Trajectory Data to Evaluate Entire Network Speeds and Hard Braking for Network Arterials Screening and Update Signal and Stop Controlled Performance Measures $125,000
KS 2014 Development of standard drawings for low-cost bridge options $100,000
KS 2015
  1. Customization of AASHTO's Bridge Management (BrM) software program for a Kansas specific web based platform ($60,000)
  2. Development of cross section templates to advance 3D models for roadway design projects ($40,000)
KS 2016
  1. Low Distortion Projection (LDP) ($40,000)
  2. Statewide Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Initiative ($60,000)
KS 2017 Develop revised processes and training needed to continue with the implementation of 3D subsurface modeling $81,600
KS 2018
  1. Development of an efficient standard procedure to evaluate concrete bridges with unknown reinforcement details for establishing approximate load ratings ($31,600)
  2. Test non-intrusive or minimally intrusive traffic data collection technologies evaluating accuracy for traffic volume, 6 bin vehicle length classes, per vehicle speed, file compatibility, power consumption, and maintenance ($51,261)
  3. Develop a survey of Kansas public works professionals regarding the current and potential future use of drone technology, and develop training to advance the use of this technology at the local level ($17,139)
KS 2019
  1. Evaluate and recommend a standard tablet capable of running AASHTOWARE web and mobile applications in the field to prepare for statewide e-construction deployment ($22,250)
  2. Implement Virtual Public Involvement for the development of the State’s Long Range Transportation Plan ($48,000)
  3. Implement a Learning/Event Management System ($29,750)
KS 2021
  1. Implement STEP Countermeasures and create guides for installing semi-permanent STEP countermeasures at existing crosswalks ($15,682)
  2. Evaluate traffic crash data systems for modernization opportunities ($84,038)
KS 2020
  1. Develop a smartphone application that will provide free access to a library of guides, calculators, policies, etc. to Kansas local government road officials and the public ($30,300)
  2. Create a series of webinars for local Kansas transportation professionals that are geared towards innovation and emerging topics relevant to Midwestern audience ($19,698)
KS 2022
  1. Pilot the deployment of a cloud-based AI engine for roadway intelligence ($39,999)
  2. Conduct a pilot of the Hyperflow tool in the City of Olathe to provide an online dashboard for system-wide signalized corridor performance assessment using connected vehicle data ($52,000)
KS 2023
  1. Implement road debris removal systems ($49,600)
  2. Deploy non-intrusive data collection equipment ($50,400)
KS 2024 Over height Vehicle Sensor Installation Pilot $125,000
KY 2014 Development and deployment of the Kentucky Utilities and Rail Tracking Systems (KURTS) $100,000
KY 2015 Development and execution of an e-Construction implementation plan $100,000
KY 2016 Implement an electronic Engineering Policy Guide at the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, including development, technology delivery, and training $100,000
KY 2017 Implement an Automated Asset Inventory Data Collection System $100,000
KY 2018 Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology to expand data collection capability in highway districts, including equipment purchase and training for surveying, contract inspection, and asset inspection $100,000
KY 2019 Implementation of countermeasures for STEP toolbox on public roads in KY $100,000
KY 2020 Implement Smarter Work Zones (SWZ) statewide $100,000
KY 2021 Develop and deploy Work Zone Data Exchange (WxDx) feed $100,000
KY 2024 Tethered Drones for Traffic Incident Management (TIM) $120,000
LA 2014 Development of an Alternative Delivery Selection Matrix, standardized Request for Qualifications and Statements of Qualifications for Construction Manager at Risk $100,000
LA 2015 Completion of the Construction Manager at Risk manual including rollout with Stakeholders $100,000
LA 2016
  1. Advancing 3D modeling by updating Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development’s current InRoads design software standards to meet the requirements of the new OpenRoads software ($38,080)
  2. Improve and integrate Traffic Data for Data Driven Safety Analysis ($28,514)
  3. Improve the partnerships with Local Public Agencies (LPA) through focus group sessions, partnership meetings, charter development, and recommendations for streamlining ($36,120)
LA 2017 Evaluate and implement e-construction in inspection and construction documentation activities to determine viability of agency-wide deployment $100,000
LA 2022 Implement severe weather interstate closure gates (Phase 2) $100,000
LA 2018 Demonstrate and evaluate an Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measure (ATSPM) system $100,000
LA 2019
  1. Develop a Community Mapping Survey Tool (CMST) including GIS and outreach methodology for virtual public involvement ($58,060)
  2. Advance EDC5 Value Capture and alternative funding opportunities for infrastructure investment ($41,940)
LA 2020
  1. Develop a pilot program for pavement preservation and other LPA projects that do not involve right-of-way acquisition ($46,595)
  2. Implement severe weather interstate closure gates ($53,405)
LA 2021 Implement UAS Program, including procedures and manuals $50,000
MA 2014
  1. Development of Design-Build RFP Templates and Design-Build Manual ($80,000)
  2. Regional Stakeholder Partnering Workshops to Establish an LPA "Pilot" Program ($20,000)
MA 2015
  1. Host three (3) Smarter Work Zone workshops ($24,000)
  2. Develop Massachusetts Road Diet policies and performance measures ($76,000)
MA 2016 Develop and implement a statewide Construction Project Documentation (CPD) SharePoint System $100,000
MA 2017 MassDOT Construction Project Documentation (CPD) SharePoint System $48,000
MA 2019
  1. Implement an e-Construction program through the deployment of field devices and a cloud based file storage solution ($70,818.45)
  2. Implement UAS LIDAR Support for Highway Division Surveying and Mapping ($28,000)
MA 2020 Implement Mobile Roadway Condition Detectors for use in the MassDOT Snow & Ice Program $100,000
MA 2021
  1. Implement Electric Vehicle Technician Pre-Apprentice Program ($12,500)
  2. Implement digital radar speed signs along Rural Roadway Departure locations ($50,000)
  3. Implement a 2D and 3D Hydraulic Modeling Program ($28,600)
MA 2022 Pilot a Massachusetts Construction Industries (MCI) Workforce Development Program $100,000
MA 2024 Pilot Debris Removal Systems $125,000
MD 2014 Development of standard drawings and specifications for low-cost bridge/culvert structures (Prince George's County DPW&T) $100,000
MD 2015 Hosting a Traffic Incident Management Conference to expand the depth and breadth of first responders training $28,800
MD 2017 Advance e-Construction roadmap in Maryland through purchase of mobile devices for field inspection personnel $100,000
MD 2018 Implementation of continuous full coverage density testing using ground penetrating radar to meet statewide Pavement Preservation goals $100,000
MD 2019
  1. Implementation of Measurement while Drilling in Maryland (A-GAME initiative) ($60,000)
  2. Deployment of an In-Vehicle Pedestrian Safety Application in Maryland ($40,000)
MD 2021 Develop a Storm Water Management (SWM) Electronic Data Portal and Maintenance Application $100,000
MD 2022 Implement e-Ticketing in Maryland $100,000
MD 2020 Implement education and outreach to promote Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Program $60,000
MD 2023 Formalizing asset condition-based corridor/ network assessment procedures for Maryland SHA corridors and highway network $100,000
MD 2024
  1. Geographic Information System (GIS)-Based Surplus Property Request System ($45,000)
  2. Tethered Drones for Enhanced Situational Awareness ($80,000)
ME 2014
  1. Traffic Incident Information Exchange, E911 Location Verification and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Integration ($27,000)
  2. Continued refinement of business processes, technologies, and user training in support of the exchange and use of 3D model data for construction ($54,720)
ME 2015
  1. Advancement of Prefabricated Full-depth Precast Concrete Deck Panels with Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC) Connections ($49,680)
  2. Development of an environmental compliance/commitments database ($32,000)
  3. Development of a bat MEGIS data layer to help Maine DOT screen projects for both state and federal endangered species impacts ($16,000)
ME 2016
  1. Establishing Planning and Environment Linkages by incorporating environmental and NEPA-related risks assessments into candidate project screening ($38,400)
  2. Expansion of Maine DOT’s use of mobile devices for E-Construction in field inspection applications ($61,600)
ME 2017
  1. Provide Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPMs) Education to signal designers and operators ($64,000)
  2. Provide Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training ($16,000)
  3. Provide training and develop standard operating procedures to implement the use of Variable Speed Limit Systems ($20,000)
ME 2018
  1. The evaluation of Maine’s post 1945 steel and concrete bridges for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's 2012 Historic Program Comment ($48,000)
  2. Hold a Construction Inspection Certification Program Peer Exchange with Oregon DOT ($8,000)
  3. Develop a new feature in MaineDOT’s Map Viewer application - This feature will allow users to access straight line diagrams of any segment of MaineDOT’s highway network for the purpose of making better pavement preservation decisions ($65,000)
ME 2019
  1. Develop an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) program, including needs assessment, equipment specifications, and operation/safety procedures ($40,000)
  2. Implementation of Split Processing for Signal Monitoring and Operations ($20,000)
  3. Develop use cases and specifications for using Automated Flagging Units (AFUs) ($20,000)
ME 2020
  1. Create a framework for evaluating the Route 1 roadway's significance and physical integrity and assist in the Section 106 review process ($47,200)
  2. Implement an automatic State Police traffic event notification system into Maine DOT's Advance Traffic Management System ($16,240)
  3. Develop a Virtual Public Involvement Management Application ($29,919.44)
ME 2021 Migrate CADD Software to Produce 3D Models for Digital As-Builts $100,000
ME 2022
  1. Implementation of e-Ticketing at MaineDOT ($16,000)
  2. Develop a Groundwater Quality Management System with a geo-refencing mapping system ($60,000)
ME 2023 Establish a Transportation & Infrastructure Workforce Development Collaborative Pilot Program $100,000
ME 2024
  1. Create an Equity Outreach Dashboard for Virtual Public Involvement Activities ($22,624.34)
  2. Procurement of safety devices to be used to promote and encourage TIM training in rural area ($20,000)
  3. Enhancing Road Weather Information System (RWIS) Capabilities via Advanced Spatial and Temporal Analytics ($44,980)
  4. Statewide Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) committee peer exchange/scan tour ($8,000)
  5. Tethered Drone with Lights for Nighttime Work Zones ($28,000)
MI 2015 Development of a comprehensive set of data collection standards and other informational materials to continue advancing Geospatial Utility Infrastructure Data Exchange (GUIDE) $100,000
MI 2016
  1. Develop Data-Driven Safety Analysis (DDSA) guidance ($28,000)
  2. Adopt the use of the Super Air Meter for field testing of fresh Portland cement concrete, including purchasing equipment, training, specification development, and outreach ($72,000)
MI 2017
  1. Assemble a compendium of Community Connections analysis tools, techniques and resources that supports Michigan's Multi-modal Development and Delivery (M2D2) implementation and recommend revisions to existing guidance ($30,000)
  2. Advance Michigan's Civil Integrated Management (CIM) program through pilot projects, lessons learned, training, and providing recommendations for project PDF and digital delivery of projects ($70,000)
MI 2019
  1. Implement Virtual Public Involvement (VPI) to engage individuals or to visualize projects and plans ($30,000)
  2. Implement advanced geotechnical characterization techniques as identified in the A-GAME (i.e. Cone Penetration Test) ($70,000)
MI 2021
  1. Develop a Local Agency Emergency Response Playbook ($53,600)
  2. Analyze the demographics of VPI pilot projects and identify improvements needed to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of public outreach ($46,400)
MI 2023 Wrong Way signs/signals $92,000
MI 2014
  1. Report on Pilot Application of Geospatial Utility Infrastructure Data Exchange (GUIDE) ($49,972.60)
  2. Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) scan in Missouri and development of DDI guidance document ($14,400)
  3. Development of Construction Manual Guidance & Standard Specification language for utilization of AMG/AMC & Stringless Paving ($35,165.23)
MI 2018
  1. Develop a Local Agency Pavement Warranty Training program ($74,803)
  2. Hold a 2D Hydraulic Modeling Peer Exchange ($25,197)
MI 2020
  1. Hold a Local Roads Research Board Peer Exchange ($15,954)
  2. Host training and a peer exchange to deploy cone penetration testing in support of A-GaME ($40,000)
  3. Implement UAS Program, including guidelines and piloting an emergency UAS command center ($44,000)
MI 2022
  1. Organize a Wrong Way Driving Peer Exchange ($29,600)
  2. Hold a Noise Abatement Peer Exchange ($20,020)
  3. Deploy flashing green lights to improve the safety of winter maintenance vehicles ($50,380)
MI 2024 Develop Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixtures & Rubber Modified Asphalt Chip Seals Construction Specifications $125,000
MN 2014
  1. Development of performance specifications for Asphalt Mixture Performance Testing for Fatigue and Thermal Cracking ($40,000)
  2. Implementation of Thin Bonded Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Pavements ($19,500)
  3. Development of a "Best Practices" document for Soil Stabilization Design and Construction Procedures ($35,000)
MN 2015 Development of procedures for the use and placement of Downstream Speed Notification Signs and the associated monitoring equipment on urban freeway and interstate projects $100,000
MN 2019 Enhance 2D hydraulic modeling by purchasing and implementing 3D sonar equipment for underwater surveys at waterway crossings $100,000
MN 2022 Develop and demonstrate a Red Light Running Warning System $100,000
MN 2023 Design and Implementation of Portable Smart Work Zone Traffic Signs $100,000
MN 2018 Implement Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) program, including developing manuals and providing statewide training $100,000
MN 2024 Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) Prestressed Bridge Girders $125,000
MO 2014
  1. Development of Details and Specifications for Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bridge Deck Panel ($85,000)
  2. High Friction Surface Treatment Exchange ($15,000)
MO 2015
  1. Development of specifications for electronic deliverables and specifications for the use of 3D models in inspection and administration ($92,980)
  2. Smarter Work Zone Peer Exchange/Scan Tour of Michigan and Iowa ($7,020)
MO 2016
  1. Accelerating Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Data Collection by integrating data feeds with Regional Integrated Transportation Information Systems ($60,000)
  2. Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) Peer Exchange ($2,490)
  3. Host a Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Summit ($37,370)
MO 2017 Advance 2-D hydraulic modeling (CHANGE) through the purchase of sonar equipment and training $100,000
MO 2018
  1. Participate in training courses to advance EDC4 and EDC5 Operation related innovations, including Operations Academy and Connected and Automated Vehicle courses ($20,959)
  2. Advance Julie’s Automated Waste-Removal System (JAWS) Activity to advance EDC3 and EDC5 Safety and Operation related innovations ($79,041)
MO 2019
  1. Implement a Safety Circuit Rider Program (STEP) ($60,000)
  2. Attend Peer Exchanges to learn more about the Use of Crowdsourcing ($5,185)
  3. Develop Geometric Design Training through MnDOT Training Partnership (Intersection Design) ($27,907)
  4. Attend Operations Academy Sr. Mgmt. (Road Weather Management, Traffic Incident Management) ($6,908)
MO 2020
  1. Implement a Safety Circuit Rider Program (Part 2) ($60,000)
  2. Develop Geometric Design Training through MnDOT Training Partnership (Part 2) ($40,000)
MO 2023
  1. Develop and run a crowd sourcing project ($56,000)
  2. Project Bundling Tool ($44,000)
MO 2021
  1. Implement accessible online training opportunities using Closed Captioning ($10,000)
  2. Complete a UHPC Demonstration Project to extend useful life of existing bridge no. R0507 (Part 1) ($90,000)
MO 2022
  1. Hold Safe Streets Workshops ($60,000)
  2. Complete a UHPC Demonstration Project to extend useful life of existing bridge no. R0507 (Part 2) ($40,000)
MO 2024
  1. Work Zone Education and Sign Package Program Enabling Resource-Deficient Local Public Agencies (LPAs) ($35,293)
  2. Nighttime Visibility for Safety: Pedestrian Lighting Guidance and Testing ($45,707)
MS 2014 Development an Accelerated Bridge Construction guideline $100,000
MS 2015 Advancing the Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation principles into MDOT’s Environmental Manual $80,000
MS 2016 e-Construction State’s Construction Manual $100,000
MS 2017 Develop construction inspection expectations and sampling/testing requirements for common projects administered by local public agencies $100,000
MS 2018 Incorporate construction inspection optimization and sampling/testing requirements into existing specifications, manuals, and policies for local public agency projects $100,000
MS 2019 Develop web-based LPA certification training and standardized templates for simple LPA projects $99,840
MS 2020 Develop Local Road Safety Plans (LRSP) for at least two Mississippi counties $100,000
MS 2021 Implement into standard practice the use of Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) and Measurement While Drilling (MWD) technologies $100,000
MT 2015 Development and execution of a Design Workflow Study & 3D Model Centric Implementation Plan to transition from a 2D paper plan workflow to 3D model workflow $80,000
MT 2016 Implement a statewide data innovation to incorporate resource leveling control practices into the Preconstruction Project Management scheduling application $100,000
MT 2018 Development of an on-line utility permitting system $100,000
MT 2023 Develop and document workflows to advance the departmental Digital Delivery Innovation Initiative $100,000
MT 2020
  1. Implement the Utilities Permitting Administration System (UPAS) application ($30,480)
  2. Develop a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) ($24,000)
MT 2022 Develop systems engineering documentation and RFP for an ATSPM system $100,000
NC 2014 Development and implementation of a Local Government Agency Certification Program $100,000
NC 2015 Development of deep compaction grouting specifications and technology to stabilize settling bridge approach slabs $75,000
NC 2016 Develop standards and specifications for preventive maintenance and repair of the NCDOT Ferry System in order to implement the principles of asset management $87,000
NC 2017
  1. Develop and implement a strategy for Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPMs) using high resolution data ($50,000)
  2. Develop and implement a collaborative Complete Streets and STEP training ($50,000)
NC 2018
  1. Demonstrate and promote a Performance-Based Tow and Recovery Program ($64,000)
  2. Hold a peer exchange relative to bike and pedestrian safety project prioritization tools ($36,000)
NC 2019
  1. Identify innovative hydraulic design practices to advance project delivery, through peer exchanges, guidance reviews, and training ($30,000)
  2. Deploy a tool to aid communities in identifying appropriate countermeasures that address safety concerns at specific locations ($20,000)
  3. Evaluate the capabilities, limitations, and technical challenges associated with Advanced Collaboration Technologies ($50,000)
NC 2020
  1. Standardize the use of Leading Pedestrian Interval ($50,000)
  2. Safety Service Patrol Technology Pilot and Assessment Project ($50,000)
NC 2021
  1. Develop job tools to improve organizational knowledge transfer ($40,000)
  2. Automate full road closure information into the Waze crowdsourcing navigation app ($60,000)
NC 2022
  1. Implement emergency alerting service, direct message to cell phones. ($50,000)
  2. Create a Ladders of Opportunity plan to Advance NCDOT's Diverse Engineering Workforce ($50,000)
NC 2023
  1. Pilot debris removal systems ($65,680)
  2. Develop data governance workflow for Rail Division to improve rail crossing inventory ($34,320)
NC 2024 Develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) Data Extraction Methodology to Improve Vulnerable Road User Safety $125,000
ND 2014 Innovation Exchange Campaign $100,000
ND 2015 Implementation of e-Construction through the expanded use of mobile devices for field personnel $100,000
ND 2016 Continued Support for the NDDOT’s Transportation Innovation Program (TRIP) $100,000
ND 2023 Develop a Heavy Equipment Operations training program $100,000
ND 2017 Advance the e-Construction initiative, including combining two required diaries into one "General Project Diary" and adding a general file upload feature to upload, organize and search documents $100,000
ND 2018 Advance Unmanned Aerial Systems and include unmanned inspection systems $100,000
ND 2019
  1. Implement an Unmanned Aerial and Inspection Systems Program ($50,000)
  2. Implement and expand the use of Density Profiling System technology within the NDDOT ($50,000)
ND 2020 Measure the time required to return to normal speeds after a storm event, by automating the collection of speed data $100,000
ND 2021 Employ Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS) asphalt performance testing equipment $100,000
ND 2022
  1. Implement a vendor agnostic e-Ticketing portal ($8,000)
  2. Pilot the use of an asphalt extractor to analyze the properties of Recycled Asphalt Pavements (RAP) ($84,000)
ND 2024
  1. Pilot the use of a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) and Handheld X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) to provide a material fingerprint used for acceptance testing ($62,500)
  2. Implement the use of Tethered UAS for emergency response events ($62,500)
NE 2016 Implement Safety & Asset Management (SAM) by providing the hardware, software, training and technical support necessary for the initial development of TAM systems $11,200
NE 2018 Implement a Learning/Event Management System through the LTAP program housed in the University of Nebraska $31,300
NE 2021 Standardize the City of Lincoln's Integrated eConstruction to automate the delivery of infrastructure projects $79,920
NE 2022
  1. Implement Materials-Truck Identification to Enhance e-Ticketing ($15,000)
  2. Pilot Hyperflow in the City of Lincoln for Signal Performance Assessment ($80,000)
NE 2024 Standardizing Lincoln's Integrated e-Construction (SLIC) to automate the delivery of infrastructure projects (Phase 2) $125,000
NH 2014
  1. State Historic Architectural and Archeological Database ($40,000)
  2. Development of Standards to Support 3D Modeling ($30,000)
  3. Ground-Penetrating Radar ($30,000)
NH 2015
  1. Implementation of e-Construction through the expanded use of mobile devices ($84,000)
  2. Development of a Design-Build guidance document ($16,000)
NH 2016
  1. Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training ($16,000)
  2. Implement e-Document Storage Solutions, including research, integration, preparing standard operating procedures, developing mobile applications, and training. ($84,000)
NH 2017
  1. Develop 2D hydraulic models to be used in a training course and to promote the CHANGE initiative ($17,600)
  2. Develop guidance and procedures for Design-Build Accelerated Project Delivery ($16,000)
  3. Deploy dedicated short range communications (DSRC) infrastructure to respond to the AASHTO's Signal Phasing and Timing Challenge ($66,400)
NH 2018
  1. Develop standard details for Innovative Green Infrastructure Restoration and Resiliency Approaches for Linear Transportation ($24,955)
  2. Develop process and baseline data for High Resolution Rock Slope 3D mapping ($10,000)
  3. Develop a Mobile Construction Project Management process for small scale projects and local municipalities ($24,000)
  4. Advance SHRP2 R06B program, Techniques to Fingerprint Construction Materials (Keeping up with Innovation adding FTIR and XFR Capability to the Toolbox) ($41,045)
NH 2019 Implement 3D Modeling to provide better design models to the construction contractor $100,000
NH 2020 Development of a Geotechnical Manual to document and standardize the use of A-GAME and other geotechnical innovations $80,000
NH 2021 Implement Culvert Outlet Diffuser $20,000
NH 2022 Expand digital inspection efforts using GNSS rovers and unmanned aircraft systems with LiDAR technology $100,000
NH 2023
  1. Implement a balance mix design ($40,000)
  2. Workforce Outreach Strategy for Public Works ($8,000)
  3. Implement standardized e-Ticketing solution across construction projects ($41,200)
NH 2024
  1. Evaluating Video-based Technologies for Vehicle Detection ($48,000)
  2. New England Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Workshop/Peer Exchange ($39,600)
  3. Tethered Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Use in NHDOT Missions, including Traffic Incident Management (TIM) ($28,000)
NJ 2015
  1. Advancement of Data Driven Safety Analysis ($41,600)
  2. Advancing the use of mobile devices in the administration and oversight of the Local Public Agencies program ($21,464)
NJ 2017
  1. Purchase, use, and evaluate Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) with the goal of developing guidance and specifications for bridge inspection and traffic incident monitoring ($47,956)
  2. Hold Local Agency Peer Exchanges for Local Safety Program delivery utilizing Data Driven Safety Analysis tools ($18,564)
  3. Purchase and evaluate the use of tablets for construction and work zone inspection ($32,404)
NJ 2018 Implementation of Connected Vehicle - Road Service Safety Messages $31,680
NJ 2019 Implement Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) strategic plan, including training and equipment $98,386
NJ 2020
  1. Develop and Implement a New Jersey STIC Communications Plan ($60,000)
  2. Develop a training program for Local Agencies to utilize Bluebeam ($38,491)
NJ 2021 Establish a pilot program for enhanced crowdsourcing for operations in New Jersey $55,000
NJ 2024 Implementation of High Performance Internal Cured Concrete (HPIC) for Bridge Decks $125,000
NM 2014 Creation of a digital experience (via kiosks and mobile devices) and other educational material on the use of Diverging Diamond Interchanges $100,000
NM 2016 Develop and implement a user’s manual to convert LiDAR cloud data to point data in order for AutoCAD to read as a digital terrain model $100,000
NM 2017
  1. Purchase tablets for construction field inspection to pilot e-Construction on several projects ($40,000)
  2. Coordinate and sponsor an NHI training session for 2-D Hydraulic Modeling ($15,000)
  3. Develop a mix design for bridge deck overlay utilizing local materials for Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) ($45,000)
NM 2018
  1. Purchase and evaluate the use of tablets for construction inspection, including integration with Site Manager ($20,000)
  2. Development of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Mixture Proportions Produced with Local Materials for Prefabricated Bridge Element Concrete Connections ($32,000)
  3. Develop Training to Facilitate the Implementation of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) at the Agency Level which will advance the viability of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Connections for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES) ($16,000)
  4. Deployment of a ceilometer that uses optical lidar (light detection and ranging) technology to continuously monitor a portion of I-10 for dust hazards ($32,000)
NM 2019 Implementation of a rockfall monitoring system $98,497
NM 2020 Implement e-Ticketing technologies for efficient asphalt delivery ticket collection and quantity calculations $100,000
NM 2021 Implement Smart Pile technology $64,700
NM 2022
  1. Implement a back calculation algorithm to Analyze GPR Signals ($72,000)
  2. Implement Automated Bridge Inspection Practice Via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ($28,000)
NM 2023
  1. Develop Robotic-enabled Automated Underwater Bridge Inspection tools ($80,000)
  2. Develop an agency portal for e-Ticketing ($20,000)
NM 2024
  1. Implementation of Debris Removal Systems ($111,800)
  2. Utilizing historic geotechnical data for the development of state-specific design correlations ($13,200)
NV 2015 Development of statewide mapping and computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) standards and source files for 3D design workflows $100,000
NV 2016 Develop and pilot a “Smarter Work Zone System” for the Nevada DOT $100,000
NV 2014 Development of an Implementation Plan for the Nevada DOT Local Public Agency (LPA) Certification Program $96,200
NV 2024
  1. Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) & Maturity Model Peer Exchange with WASHTO state members ($52,000)
  2. Pilot e-ticketing projects with the intention of full statewide implementation in 2026 ($47,200)
NY 2014
  1. Development of 3D/4D Modeling and Civil Integrated Management (CIM) Guidance ($70,000)
  2. Development and implementation of a STIC Communication Plan ($30,000)
NY 2015
  1. Conduct a TIM Peer Exchange for sharing of best practices from within and outside NYS ($48,000)
  2. Conduct additional Traffic Incident Management training ($52,000)
NY 2016
  1. New York STIC Innovation Workshop ($38,000)
  2. Mobile LiDAR Scanning, Data Extraction, Digital Mapping and Modeling of Pedestrian Sidewalk Ramp Locations along a 60 mile segment of Route 25, Long Island, New York ($62,000)
NY 2017 Developing data collection and integration processes, methodologies, and protocols for asset management using 3D and GIS files $100,000
NY 2022 Implement mobile Retro-Reflectometer to Evaluate Various Pavement Marking Materials and Procedures $100,000
NY 2023 Deploy Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) for Pavement Evaluations and Decision Making $100,000
NY 2018
  1. Advance the use of Collaborative Hydraulics (CHANGE) ($40,000)
  2. Develop a UAS Strategic and Operational Plan, and Implement into the Daily Work Procedures ($50,000)
NY 2019
  1. Advance Soil Exploration methods with the use of Cone Penetration Testing ($45,000)
  2. Improve Pavement Skid Resistance Specifications though accelerated polishing of aggregates and Dynamic Friction Testing ($50,000)
NY 2020
  1. Improving Soil Testing Capability with Multi-Stage Triaxial Soil Testing ($20,000)
  2. Implement Ground Penetrating Radar/Rolling Density Meter (GPR/RDM) for Quality Assurance of Asphalt Mixture In-Place Density ($76,000)
NY 2021 Share Transportation Industry Career Pathways with Students in Central New York $100,000
NY 2024
  1. Developing a Multi-Agency Strategic Workforce Development Partnership ($100,000)
  2. Deployment of Drone Simulator Equipment and Software for TIM ($8,000)
  3. Peer to Peer Information Exchange:  Tunnel and Part-Time Shoulder Lane Design, Construction and Maintenance ($8,000)
  4. Symposium/Peer Exchange on Smart Intersection: (C-V2X& AI) Urban Deployment, Utilization and Challenges ($8,000)
OH 2014
  1. Implementation of Quality Environmental Document Manual/Guidance ($60,000)
  2. Local Public Agencies (LPA) Day - Training on the Updated Certification Process ($24,000)
  3. Cost Savings Innovations Best Practices Database ($16,000)
OH 2015
  1. Combining 3D modeling with a construction project's Critical Path Method schedule ($37,080)
  2. Implementation of Mobile Inspector into SiteManager for Project Inspectors ($62,920)
OH 2016
  1. Hold 12 LPA Days to advance e-Construction, Road Diets, and Data-Driven Safety Analysis with Ohio’s Local Community ($60,000)
  2. Development of a software application utilizing portable devices (smart phone/tablet) for construction contractors to perform required NPDES erosion and sediment control inspections ($40,000)
OH 2017
  1. e-Construction - to purchase and evaluate software for use on mobile devices in order to execute work orders and conduct condition inspections ($28,000)
  2. e-Construction and asset management - to develop a sign condition inventory that can be integrated with GIS ($39,427.33)
  3. e-Construction - to purchase and evaluate web-based software for e-Construction for several local municipalities ($26,400)
  4. Local Technical Assistance Program support for EDC and STIC promotional activities and materials ($6,172.67)
OH 2018 Community Connections - to create of a decision matrix that allows for input and output of multiple variables as well as scenario planning $100,000
OH 2019 Implementation of GPR Rolling Density Meter as an acceptance method for Asphalt Density $100,000
OH 2020
  1. Implement UAS platforms, including equipment, training, and licensing for bridge inspection and survey ($40,000)
  2. Develop Data Collection tools for State and Federally Funded LPA Projects ($60,000)
OH 2021
  1. Pilot Hyperflow tool for Signal Performance Assessment and Retiming (Franklin County Engineers Office) ($32,000)
  2. Implement Beyond Vision Line of Sight UAS Operations ($34,000)
  3. Implement Precast Raised Crosswalk (City of Cincinnati, on behalf of Westwood Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation) ($34,000)
OH 2022 Develop UAS Incident Reconstruction Training (Tiffin University Drone Academy) $99,850
OH 2023
  1. Develop a local UAS HUB in Stark County ($32,531)
  2. Pilot use of a tethered UAS for Traffic Incident Management and Traffic Monitoring ($66,920)
OH 2024
  1. Pilot UAS with 3D Scan Software and Ground Control Point Hardware for Mapping, Photogrammetry and Other Uses ($24,816.50)
  2. Implement Mobile Road Weather Information Sensors to Increase Highway Safety and Mobility ($100,000)
OK 2014
  1. 3D Modeling Equipment for Construction Verification ($47,000)
  2. Use of Chat Mine Aggregate on a High Friction Surface Treatment ($53,000)
OK 2015 Development of standard drawings for low-cost bridge options for use by Local Public Agencies (LPAs) on low-volume locally owned roads $100,000
OK 2016 Develop standard drawings for Precast Concrete Drainage Structures per the AASHTO and ASTM Specifications $100,000
OK 2017
  1. Develop and implement an outreach plan to accelerate Innovation Deployment in Oklahoma ($60,000)
  2. Demonstration of Autonomous Truck Mounted Attenuators for Innovative Work Zone Safety ($40,000)
OK 2018
  1. Demonstrate the use of and develop special provisions/plan notes for Rubberized Asphalt Concrete using recycled finely Ground Tire Rubber (GTR) ($60,000)
  2. Accelerating Innovation Deployment in Oklahoma - Phase 2 - EDC outreach toolkit for HFST ($40,000)
OK 2019
  1. Deploy UAS to map vehicular highway collisions ($60,000)
  2. Demonstration of Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Concrete in Oklahoma Using Aramid Fibers ($40,000)
OK 2020
  1. Implement Bridge Deck Cure and Seal technique to improve the current curing method ($32,000)
  2. Use innovative test methods for water/cement ratio of concrete ($28,000)
  3. Advance CAV in Oklahoma ($40,000)
OK 2021
  1. Develop and Demonstrate Wireless Sensor for Detection of Black Ice ($40,000)
  2. Demonstrate Two-Coat Deck Seal System ($60,000)
OK 2022
  1. Develop a Pre-Apprenticeship Stakeholder-Focused Training Program ($50,000)
  2. Expand utility surveying capabilities and implement consistent process for field data collection to incorporate into statewide GIS database ($50,000)
OK 2023
  1. Pilot Internal Curing for Bridge Decks ($68,000)
  2. Develop a Strategic Plan & Roadmap for Digital Delivery ($32,000)
OK 2024
  1. Utilize an AI team to increase project efficiency and reduce manual efforts for data extraction ($69,000)
  2. Innovative High-Performance Geotextiles for Stabilization of Problematic Roadway Subgrades ($56,000)
OR 2014 Advancement of a web-based Categorical Exclusion system $100,000
OR 2015 Development an accreditation guidance for a Stormwater Technology Testing Center $100,000
OR 2016 Implement of the results from a research project to improve ODOT’s Chip Seal Program, including implementation workshops, specification updates, and field demonstrations $100,000
OR 2017 Development of a streamlined information system to automate process flows and integrate the environmental process with ODOT’s project delivery process $100,000
OR 2018 Development of a transit ridership collection and analysis framework $100,000
OR 2020 Develop GPS Guided Equipment for Improved Management $60,000
OR 2023 Innovative Implementation of AASHTOWare Software using Computer Based Training modules and Quick Reference Guides $100,000
OR 2019
  1. Hold workshop with the nine federally recognized tribes in Oregon focused on an open exchange of vision, ideas, and knowledge to encourage improved partnerships between Oregon DOT and the tribes ($32,800)
  2. Hold Peer Exchange with Minnesota DOT regarding Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) program implementation and compliance ($18,080)
  3. Implement low-cost, remote surface monitoring of landslide movements using surface geospatial monitoring technologies on active landslides where drilling is both unsafe and impossible ($44,000)
OR 2021 Demonstrate UHPC as a structural overlay on the Willow Creek Bridge $100,000
OR 2022 Assess and summarize findings of using instrumented Becker Penetration Testing in Gravely Soils for Liquefaction Assessment $100,000
OR 2024 Oregon Guidebook and Template for Considering Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change in Environmental Reviews $45,280
PA 2014
  1. Rumble Strip Installation on Thin Pavement Overlays Compendium ($40,567.20)
  2. High Friction Surface Treatment Binder Evaluation ($59,432.80)
PA 2015 Development and deployment of a Salt and Snow Academy to train local governments with the most up to date and most cost effective methods for winter maintenance $80,000
PA 2016 Local Government Safety Seminar $80,000
PA 2017
  1. Business plan development and outreach for a Traffic Incident Management (TIM) training facility ($54,000)
  2. Modifications to Geo-Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) specifications to allow for higher volume, longer structures, and heavier stream velocities ($46,000)
PA 2018
  1. Expand the TIM Training Center study to include connected and automated vehicles, tolling/ITS/traffic signals, work zones, and commercial vehicles ($40,000)
  2. Develop revised Geo-Reinforced Synthetic Soil-Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) specifications ($40,000)
  3. Develop a study of workforce preparedness for Electronic Contracting and Communications ($20,000)
PA 2019
  1. Develop a UAS Strategic Plan ($50,000)
  2. Develop a Post Construction Stormwater Training and Field Guidebook ($50,000)
PA 2020
  1. Advancing UAS for Crash Reconstruction ($50,000)
  2. Piloting Augmented Reality in Transportation ($50,000)
PA 2021
  1. Develop design procedures and design tools for Bridge Deck Link Slabs ($40,000)
  2. Implement an Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPMs) Pilot ($60,000)
PA 2022
  1. Implementation of a Temporary Pavement Marking System ($30,000)
  2. Implement the use of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags ($70,000)
PA 2023
  1. Develop and implement a Pennsylvania-specific teen driver work zone safety course ($50,000)
  2. Implement Work Zone Changeable Message Sign (CMS) Queue Protection into ATMS corridor management tool ($50,000)
PA 2024
  1. Cold Central Plant Recycle (CCPR) Asphalt Mix Standards and Specifications for High Volume Routes ($93,000)
  2. Implementation of Debris Removal Systems ($29,897.60)
PR 2015 Development of standard drawings, guidelines, and technical specifications for the EDC innovations adopted in Puerto Rico $100,000
PR 2016 Implementation of a Traffic Management Center, including the acquisition of new and the improvement of existing networking infrastructure $100,000
PR 2017
  1. Provide a DDSA training curriculum for transportation and planning professionals ($22,000)
  2. Acquisition of mobile devices for field personnel to use with e-construction application ($20,000)
PR 2018 Implement the micro-surfacing pavement preservation technique. $100,000
PR 2020 Update the Guidelines for Geotechnical Site Investigations to include A-Game innovation deployment guidance $100,000
PR 2021
  1. Improve traffic incident management capabilities and traveler information dissemination ($12,000)
  2. Update the Guidelines for Geotechnical Site Investigations to include A-Game innovation deployment guidance (Phase II) ($60,000)
PR 2022 Hold a Drilled Shaft Workshop to review and update the special provisions $19,000
PR 2023 Advance lightweight aggregates for Internally Cured Concrete $1,000
PR 2024 Technical Assistance on Implementation of Polymer Modified Asphalt (PMA) Binders for Improving Rutting Pavement Performance $100,000
RI 2014
  1. Implementing Geospatial Data Collaboration and Creating a Programmatic Agreement for historic resources ($45,000)
  2. Facilitating CMGC Training and Hosting a CMGC Workshop ($15,000)
  3. Implementing 3D/4D/5D AutoCAD Infaworks 360 Program ($20,000)
  4. Developing 3D/4D/5D Modeling Standards for Intermodal Projects ($20,000)
RI 2015 Adaptive Signal Control $100,000
RI 2016 Implement the RIDOT e-Construction program, including workshops, training, software purchase and configuration, and purchasing electronic devices $100,000
RI 2017 Pilot the installation and oversight of road weather management sensors to advance an integrating mobile observation (IMO) system $100,000
RI 2018 Development of an Environmental Resiliency Tool $100,000
RI 2019 Evaluate and develop plan to improve RIDOT Uncontrolled Midblock Crosswalks $100,000
RI 2020 Develop and implement a UAS Program for transportation and construction operations $100,000
RI 2021
  1. Implement an e-Ticketing Program ($50,000)
  2. Develop crowdsourced data workflow and integrate into standard procedures ($50,000)
RI 2022 Implement a Crack Attenuating Mix Trial and Comparison $100,000
RI 2023 Create and manage a lending library for pedestrian and bicyclist safety demonstrations $100,000
RI 2024 Implement the use of Digital As-Builts to generate 3D models for State-owned Assets $125,000
SC 2014 3D Modeling Equipment for Construction Verification $100,000
SC 2015 Development and delivery of training on 3D Engineered Models in roadway design, storm sewer and subsurface utility engineering design, and quality assurance inspection on projects with electronic engineering data and 3D models $100,000
SC 2016 Purchase GPS surveying equipment and deliver 3D modeling training $100,000
SC 2018 Update existing deterioration model to forecast pavement condition $100,000
SC 2019 Implement UAS Workforce Development Program $100,000
SC 2020 Develop a DOT-specific Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) flight simulator and a flight proficiency exam $99,099
SC 2022 Develop  Standard Details and Specifications for repairing section loss on Steel Multi-Beam/Girder Bridges and deliver training on UHPC repairs $100,000
SC 2023 Develop standards and training for Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2) $100,000
SC 2024 Utilization of Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) to Perform a Comprehensive Pavement Evaluation in an Accelerated Time Frame $125,000
SD 2014 Development of a Highway ROW Inventory Asset Database (Phase 1) $100,000
SD 2015 Development of a Highway ROW Inventory Asset Database (Phase 2) $100,000
SD 2016 Host an innovation exchange with other States $72,000
SD 2017 Implement an innovative approach to paperless construction management through e-Construction (Phase 1) $100,000
SD 2018 Implement an innovative approach to paperless construction management through e-Construction (Phase 1) $100,000
SD 2019 Implementation of 3D Software process, including creation of civil cells/3D cells and training $100,000
SD 2020 Improve winter maintenance operations and measure performance using real-time traffic speed data $100,000
SD 2022 Expand 3D digital model field verification capabilities $100,000
SD 2023 Implement innovative traveler communications strategy $95,000
SD 2024 Implementation of an Automated Asphalt Extractor to Evaluate the Properties of Recycled Asphalt Pavements (RAP) $88,788
TN 2015 Development of an Advanced Traffic Incident Management Training Curriculum $100,000
TN 2016 Development of Predictive Analytics for HELP Truck Development $100,000
TN 2018 Promoting Innovations through Training to Improve Traffic Signal Operations in Tennessee $100,000
TN 2019 Develop new guidance that will institutionalize an innovative process for selecting intersection/interchange configurations that are needs based, data driven and free of any perceived institutional bias $100,000
TN 2021 Implement Virtual Public Involvement (VPI) practices $100,000
TN 2022 Implement Road Diet best practices and develop a Road Diet Guide $100,000
TN 2024 Implement UAV Technology for Enhanced Traffic Incident Management $125,000
TX 2017 Develop and implement strategies to improve data collection for traffic incident management (TIM) $100,000
TX 2019 Development of an Innovation Summit at the 3-Day TxDOT Short Course in College Station, Texas $100,000
TX 2022 Develop Workforce Development Lifecycle for Road and Bridge Agencies $100,000
TX 2023 Improving Emergency Response to Roadway Incidents Using Traffic Speed Deviation Alerts from Crowdsourced Data $100,000
TX 2020 Develop and implement a catalog of core competencies for critical job classifications within local transportation agencies to assist workforce development of cities and counties in Texas $100,000
TX 2021 Develop a process that transmits select CAD data (location, timestamps) to the Fort Worth TransVision TMC $100,000
TX 2024 Utilizing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) at International Ports to Reduce PM 2.5 and NO2 Emissions $125,000
USVI 2015 Advancement of Adaptive Signal Control $100,000
UT 2014 Development of a 3D Utility Database $100,000
UT 2015 Development of a guidance document for advertising 3D Engineered Models for Construction as the legal document $100,000
UT 2016 Advance the Design-Build program to include the use of Progressive Design-Build as an alternative contracting method $100,000
UT 2017 Develop a geospatially enabled indexing program in order to provide an easy point access to data from across the department without copying or duplication $100,000
UT 2018
  1. Launch a state-wide pilot program to implement the use of e-Ticketing for Concrete Deliveries ($50,000)
  2. Develop and implement Performance Based Traffic Control to increase mobility through work zones ($50,000)
UT 2020 Develop and implement an emergency bridge inspection application $100,000
UT 2023 Pilot Structural Health Monitoring and Assessment of Bridges $100,000
UT 2019 Implement an Integrated Knowledge Management Framework for the organization to create models for defining a desired future state $100,000
UT 2021
  1. Develop a standardized QC/QA plan for 3D Digital Models ($50,000)
  2. Create a comprehensive listing of all data sets that UDOT uses for easy reference ($50,000)
UT 2022
  1. Implement a Road Weather Information System on the North Ogden Divide ($40,000)
  2. Develop an asset management tool for Right of Way Excess/Surplus ($60,000)
UT 2024 Create and Implement a Transportation Stakeholder Academy $100,000
VA 2014
  1. Development of standard operating procedures and training course for management and recycling of sodium contaminated stormwater runoff for snow and ice control ($3,950)
  2. Development of training course for management and disposal of "road kill" as compost ($10,732.20)
VA 2015 Incorporation of a web-based data integration system into VDOT’s Project Document Management System (PDMS) to enhance system usability, minimize manual input redundancy, and increase user adoption $100,000
VA 2016
  1. Development of standard Specification and drawings for Carbon Fiber Prestressed piles ($30,000)
  2. Installation of wildlife fencing and jump outs designed to guide wildlife into the underpass, including game cameras to verify the effectiveness of the installation ($70,000)
VA 2017 Implement a tablet based construction quality management program to support e-Construction $100,000
VA 2018 Implementation of Systemic Low Cost Countermeasures for Unsignalized Intersections $100,000
VA 2019
  1. Implement enhancements to a navigational tool for the Locally Administered Projects Manual (LAP-Map) ($75,000)
  2. Implement the use of Crowdsourced Data to identify maintenance needs ($25,000)
VA 2020
  1. Develop an Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Transit planning tool kit ($35,000)
  2. Implement Rolling Density Meter (RDM) quality assurance testing ($65,000)
VA 2021
  1. Evaluate tools to deploy an emergency and maintenance vehicle alert system ($75,000)
  2. Expand use of laser ablation coating removal statewide ($25,000)
VA 2022
  1. Develop Technical Guidance and Best Practices for Monitoring and Reporting Bus Stop Condition ($25,000)
  2. Pilot the use of Automated Flagger Assistant Devices (AFAD) throughout the state ($75,000)
VA 2023 Implementation of 3D Ground Penetrating Radar for Improved Infrastructure Assessment $100,000
VA 2024
  1. Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Deployment ($25,000)
  2. Implementation of Innovate Multimodal Safety Improvements ($50,000)
  3. Develop Guidance for Restricted Crossing U-Turns (RCUT) in Virginia ($50,000)
VT 2014 Development of a Design-Build Guidance Document $100,000
VT 2015
  1. Training in Lean methodologies in support of an innovative Continuous Improvement initiative VTrans ($50,000)
  2. Conduct Innovation peer exchange scan tours including documentation and development of implementation plans ($50,000)
VT 2016 Development of a mapping framework for data integration $100,000
VT 2017 Develop an electronic document management system for construction submittals $100,000
VT 2018
  1. Develop an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) program ($84,000)
  2. Develop an implementation plan for a web-based cultural resources data system ($16,000)
VT 2019
  1. Advance A-GAME through the use of geophysical methods ($44,000)
  2. Provide training and technology to local agencies to advance asset management program ($13,200)
  3. Hold a Statewide Municipal Innovation Showcase in partnership with Vermont Local Roads to facilitate knowledge sharing ($22,000)
  4. Develop project closure process improvements and introduce new performance measures to expedite project delivery ($20,800)
VT 2020
  1. Establish standardized training and SOP for Storm Damage Assessments using GIS capabilities ($48,000)
  2. Develop and provide GIS training for staff with limited GIS experience ($25,500)
  3. Update policies and procedures on prequalification, bidding, and award of contacts to include performance-based criteria ($5,760)
VT 2021 Analyze the performance of Vermont's bare bridge decks through non-destructive testing $100,000
VT 2022
  1. Implement an e-Ticketing solution ($36,800)
  2. Develop and hold hands-on training on how to use the Transportation Resilience Planning Tool ($63,200)
VT 2023
  1. Institutionalize the use of Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) tools for pavement smoothness and to develop 3D model of record ($50,120)
  2. Implement Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Tools for Digital Delivery in Construction ($49,880)
VT 2024
  1. Crack Seal Mapping to Aid Inspection of Crack Sealing Operations ($33,360)
  2. Develop a Nature-Based Solutions Toolbox to Supplement or Use In Place of Traditional Infrastructure ($91,640)
WA 2014
  1. Development and implementation of ProjectWise GIS Connector ($30,000)
  2. Innovation Conference to present low-cost innovative transportation solutions to WSDOT, Local Agencies, and Tribal Governments ($70,000)
WA 2015 Development of a Programmatic Biological Opinion for Bull Trout $100,000
WA 2016 Develop a program to Bundle Bridge Repair and Replacement Projects $100,000
WA 2017 Evaluate Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to determine Asphalt Mixture In-Place Density and share these results statewide $100,000
WA 2018 Low Volume Pavement Rehabilitation Online Scoping Tool $100,000
WA 2019 WSDOT Collaborative Hydraulics Manual Revision to incorporate 2D modeling $100,000
WA 2020
  1. Develop Construction Specifications for Buried Bridges ($50,000)
  2. Integrate New Active Transportation Network Analytical Tools and Data into the Multimodal Decision-Making Process ($50,000)
WA 2021
  1. Implement and evaluate the Extendable Front Snow Plow ($53,500)
  2. Implement sensors along local roadway for data collection, condition assessment, and V2X Applications ($46,500)
WA 2022
  1. Implement the use of Ground Penetrating Radar Rolling Density Meter for Bridge Density Measurements ($12,000)
  2. Hold Hot Mixed Asphalt Peer Exchange ($24,000)
  3. Implement the use of Laser Scanners for Chip Seal Embedment Measurement ($36,500)
  4. Implement a Real-Time Visibility Detection System ($27,500)
WA 2023
  1. Implement an Active Transportation Sensing (ATS) system on the Mobile Unit for Sensing Traffic (MUST) platform for traffic management ($40,000)
  2. Pilot the use of sensors on I-90 Homer Hadley floating bridge to create a Digital Twin ($30,000)
  3. Update Rockfall Attenuator Fence Design to Increase Capacity and Resilience ($30,000)
WA 2024
  1. Documentation of the VisionEval Modeling Effort for the Washington State Highway System Plan ($30,000)
  2. Synthesis of WSDOT Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Design and Construction Best Practices ($72,000)
  3. Pilot the use of sensors on I-90 Homer Hadley floating bridge to create a Digital Twin (cont.) ($22,400)
WI 2015 Development of a Local Public Agency guidance manual $100,000
WI 2017
  1. Develop and implement a quantities-to-plans (Q2P) tool that is integrated into the statewide process for project estimating ($60,000)
  2. Develop and implement a non-destructive testing procedure for guardrail posts ($40,000)
WI 2018 Develop a statewide DOT Standard Operating Procedure for consistent, statewide DOT incident response coordination $100,000
WI 2019 Develop standardized bridge plans with shared features will leverage design and achieve economies of scale for Local Public Agencies (LPA) $100,000
WI 2020 Develop and implement a Tribal Affairs Program Management (TPM) tool $100,000
WI 2021 Develop specific Local Public Agency utility accommodation practices, tools, and procedures $100,000
WI 2022 Develop and evaluate Construction/Field Data Collection business requirements $100,000
WI 2023 Advance Automated Incident Detection technologies on State Highways $100,000
WI 2024 Development and Delivery of an Innovative Safety Training Bootcamp $120,000
WV 2017 Purchase equipment and provide statewide training to demonstrate how to properly apply pavement preservation techniques, including scrub seals $100,000
WV 2019 Incorporate mobile sensors to obtain real time weather data of roadway for weather maintenance operations $100,000
WV 2024 Improving Worker Safety for Roadway Debris Removal Operations in WV $115,200
WY 2014 Advancement of the Geospatial Data Collaboration initiative $100,000
WY 2015 Expand the deployment of technology associated with the Road Condition Reporting mobile app $100,000
WY 2017 Develop and deploy additional e-Construction features to WYDOT’s paperless project management system for electronic workflow communications, construction ePrequalification, submittal review, material eCertification, equipment rental rate, and reporting $100,000
WY 2018 Advance e-Construction initiative through Construction Management System (CMS) improvements for partnering $100,000
WY 2019
  1. Provide Innovative Technical Speakers in support of WY advancing highway innovation ($20,000)
  2. Establish and evaluate the use of UAS technology for Crash investigations ($80,000)
WY 2020 Establish an UAS resource for WY Transportation Officials to evaluate the technology for adoption and mainstreaming into their organizations $100,000
WY 2021
  1. Develop Digital Contractor Prequalification, Bidding Requests and Performance System ($50,000)
  2. Improve Parametric Estimating Process ($50,000)
WY 2023
  1. Develop and Implement e-Ticketing procedures ($69,600)
  2. Implement Measurement While Drilling for subsurface soil conditions ($30,400)
WY 2024 Development and Implementation of e-Ticketing (Phase 2) and Development of Mobile Application for the Construction Management System $100,000
Page last modified on January 24, 2025
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000