U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Kentucky Division
Kentucky Division
Federal Highway Administration
John C. Watts Federal Building
330 West Broadway
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Phone: (502) 223-6720
FAX: (502) 223-6735
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A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W
"*" denotes acting role
Specific Program or Category | Primary Contact | Secondary Contact |
ALERT Bulletin (AIM) | Tenges, Ryan | |
Access Management (Non‐Freeway) | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David * |
Administrative Support | Bush, Kristie * | Borres, Boday |
Aggregates and Bases | Tenges, Ryan | Griffith, Sam |
Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Rule (e.g. O3, CO, NOx, PM2.5, PM10, VOC, GHG) | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
Alternative Fuels Cooridors | Akkad, Noura | Higdon, Tonya |
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ‐ Accessibility Design | Eldridge, Brad | Overstreet, Thava |
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ‐ Civil Rights | Overstreet, Thava | Jacobs, Steven |
Appalachian Development Highway System | Griffith, Sam | Whitworth, David |
Appraisals/Acquisition (ROW) | Overstreet, Thava | Jacobs, Steven |
Asset Management (Transportation Assets Management Process/Plans)(TAMP) | Akkad, Noura | Higdon, Tonya |
Audit Coordination | Clarke, Keenan | Jacobs, Steven |
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordination and Outreach | Tenges, Ryan | Vail, Nick |
Bid Price Data | Matumueni, Justin | Eldridge, Brad |
Brent Spence Bridge (I‐75/I‐71) Major Project | Damron, Keith | Ballantyne, John * |
Bridge Design | Sandefur, Kevin | |
Bridge Formula Program (BFP) BIL | Sandefur, Kevin | |
Bridge Program (NBIP, NTIP, bridge design, etc.) | Sandefur, Kevin | |
Bridge Replacement & Rehabilitation Program | Sandefur, Kevin | |
Briefings | Givan, Shundreka | Borres, Boday |
Brooks Act ‐ Consultant Contracts | Eldridge, Brad | Matumueni, Justin |
Buy America | Matumueni, Justin | Eldridge, Brad |
Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
Civil Rights | Overstreet, Thava | Jacobs, Steven |
Clean Water Act ‐ USACE 404/401 Permits | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Community Impact Assessments | Ballantyne, John * | Vail, Nick |
Complete Streets Initiative | Tenges, Ryan | Vail, Nick |
Compliance Assessment Program (CAP) | Bush, Kristie | Leaders, Team |
Concurrence in Award/Rejection | Matumueni, Justin | Griffith, Sam |
Congestion Management (Design & Operations) | Akkad, Noura | Eldridge, Brad |
Congestion Management Process (CMP) – MPO/TMA | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program and Annual Reports | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
Congressional Inquiries | Borres, Boday | Givan, Shundreka |
Congressional Inquiries (Project Specific) | Whitworth, David | |
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (C/AV) V2V, V2I, etc. | Akkad, Noura | Tenges, Ryan |
Construction Contract Requirements | Griffith, Sam | Whitworth, David |
Construction Program | Griffith, Sam | Whitworth, David |
Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP), Emergency Preparedness (EP) | Borres, Boday * | Tenges, Ryan |
Contract Administration | Matumueni, Justin | Griffith, Sam |
Crash Data and Traffic Records | Tenges, Ryan | |
Current Billings | Clarke, Keenan | Jacobs, Steven |
DBE & Supportive Services | Overstreet, Thava | |
DELPHI Accounting System | Jacobs, Steven | |
DFS SES Objectives ‐ Mid‐year and End of Year | Bush, Kristie | |
Dashboard Report | Givan, Shundreka | Bush, Kristie |
Davis Bacon Act – Wage and Rates (Labor Compliance Enforcement, FHWA-1494) | Overstreet, Thava | Whitworth, David * |
Davis Bacon Act – Wage and Rates (Project related) | Matumueni, Justin | Griffith, Sam |
Delta Regional Authority | Higdon, Tonya | Ballantyne, John |
Department of Homeland Security | Whitworth, David * | |
Design Program | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David * |
Design Standards (AASHTO Roadside Design Guide) | Tenges, Ryan | Eldridge, Brad |
Design Standards (Geometric ‐ AASHTO Green Book) | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David * |
Design‐Build Procurement | Griffith, Sam | Whitworth, David * |
Discretionary Grants Programs (TIGER, BUILD, INFRA, RAISE, etc.) | Buckner, Aaron | Tenges, Ryan |
Discretionary Programs Funding | Jacobs, Steven | Clarke, Keenan |
Driver Behavior | Tenges, Ryan | |
E2 Travel Authorizations, Fund Certification, and Vouchers | Bush, Kristie | Clarke, Keenan |
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | Tenges, Ryan | Borres, Boday |
Early and Advance (Hardship and Protected Buy) Acquisitions | Overstreet, Thava | Ballantyne, John * |
Emergency Coordination (EC), ESF1, Alerts (AIM) | Tenges, Ryan | Jacobs, Steven |
Emergency Relief (ER) Program | Matumueni, Justin | Whitworth, David * |
Employee Assistance Program | Bush, Kristie | Tenges, Ryan |
Employee Performance Management | Givan, Shundreka | Borres, Boday |
Endangered and Threatened Species, ESA Section 7 | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Environmental Justice (EJ) – NEPA | Ballantyne, John * | Vail, Nick |
Environmental Justice (EJ) – Planning | Vail, Nick | Overstreet, Thava |
Environmental Mitigation, Programs, Project Development (NEPA) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) | Overstreet, Thava | |
Erosion Control | Ballantyne, John * | Griffith, Sam |
Every Day Counts (EDC) Innovation Implementation (STIC Network and Incentives, AID Demo Grants, AMR Program, IFS) | Akkad, Noura | Ballantyne, John |
FHWA 1494 Report (Labor Compliance Enforcement Report) | Overstreet, Thava | |
Federal Land Transfers | Overstreet, Thava | |
Federal Lands Highway Program Coordination including Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) | Higdon, Tonya | Ballantyne, John |
Federal‐aid Project Involvement: Design, Construction & Operations ‐ Districts 1, 2, 3, 7,10 | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David |
Federal‐aid Project Involvement: Design, Construction & Operations ‐ Districts 4, 6, 8, 9 | Matumueni, Justin | Whitworth, David |
Federal‐aid Project Involvement: Design, Construction & Operations ‐ Districts 5, 11, 12 | Griffth, Sam | Whitworth, David |
Ferry Boat Program | Higdon, Tonya | Ballantyne, John |
Financial Management (FIRE) | Jacobs, Steven | Clarke, Keenan |
Financial Management Information System (FMIS) | Jacobs, Steven | Clarke, Keenan |
Floodplains | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David * |
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) | Clarke, Keenan | Bush, Kristie * |
Freight Planning, Performance, and Coordination | Higdon, Tonya | Akkad, Noura |
Functional Replacement (ROW) | Overstreet, Thava | |
Funding Guidance | Jacobs, Steven | Clarke, Keenan |
GSA Fleet Vehicles | Leaders, Team * | Clarke, Keenan |
Geotechnical (Roadway) | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David * |
Geotechnical (Structures) | Sandefur, Kevin | |
Ground Water Runoff and Karst Areas | Ballantyne, John * | Sandefur, Kevin |
Hazard Elimination Program (HES) | Tenges, Ryan | |
Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) & Certification | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
High Risk Rural Road Roadside Safety Audits | Tenges, Ryan | |
Highway Capacity Manual | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David * |
Highway Design (Geometrics) | Eldridge, Brad | Akkad, Noura |
Highway Lighting and Luminaries | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David * |
Highway Performance Monitoring Systems (HPMS) | Higdon, Tonya | Akkad, Noura |
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP, HES, RRP) | Tenges, Ryan | |
Highway Safety Standards Section 402 | Tenges, Ryan | |
Highway Statistics (Section 500 Series) | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Highway Systems (Interstate Designations, NHS Changes, STRAHNET Changes, Functional Classification Changes, FAP) | Higdon, Tonya | Ballantyne, John |
Highway Use Tax Evasion Grants (HUTE) | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) | Overstreet, Thava | Borres, Boday |
Historic Bridge Program | Sandefur, Kevin | Ballantyne, John * |
Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Design and Construction | Tenges, Ryan | Matumueni, Justin |
Hydraulics & Hydrology, FEMA No-Rise Certificate | Sandefur, Kevin | Akkad, Noura |
Impaired Driving (Section 159) – Cert | Tenges, Ryan | |
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture (Statewide and MPOs) | Akkad, Noura | Tenges, Ryan |
Interstate Access Policy and Freeway Management | Eldridge, Brad | Akkad, Noura |
I‐69 EIS for I-69 Henderson to Evansville Ohio River Crossing ORX | Ballantyne, John * | Eldridge, Brad |
I‐69 Ohio River Crossing Major Project (I‐69 ORX) | Damron, Keith | Eldridge, Brad |
I‐75/I‐71 Interchanges in Northern KY ‐ INFRA Grant Project | Matumueni, Justin | Whitworth, David |
LTAP (Local Transportation Assistance Program) | Tenges, Ryan | Akkad, Noura |
Legislation | Givan, Shundreka | Borres, Boday |
Linking Planning and NEPA ‐ Planning Environmental Linkages (PEL) Studies | Ballantyne, John * | Higdon, Tonya |
Livability Programs | Vail, Nick | Ballantyne, John * |
Local Public Agency (LPA) Contract Administration and Program Oversight | Buckner, Aaron | Ballantyne, John |
MPO Area Boundaries | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
MPO Planning Assistance Grants (PL Funding) ‐ Unified Planning Work Programs (UPWP) | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
MPO Urban Area Boundaries | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
MUTCD / Traffic Operations | Akkad, Noura | Eldridge, Brad |
Maintenance Program | Akkad, Noura | Matumueni, Justin |
Major Projects Program | Damron, Keith | Whitworth, David |
Materials Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC)(Construction and Materials) | Tenges, Ryan | Ballantyne, John * |
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Coordination: Bowling Green (BGWC), Louisville MPO (KIPDA), Radcliff/Elizabethtown MPO (REZ) | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Coordination: Cincinnati Area MPO (CIN), Clarksville Area MPO (CLK), Evansville Area MPO (ENV), Huntington Area MPO (KYO), Lexington Area MPO (LEX), Owensboro‐Daviess County MPO (OWN), Paducah MPO (NEW!) | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
Motor Fuel Data | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Motorcycle Safety | Tenges, Ryan | |
Mountain Parkway INFRA Project | Matumueni, Justin | Eldridge, Brad |
NEPA Coordination: Brent Spence Bridge, I‐69 ORX Henderson to Evansville, Mountain Parkway Extension, Ring Road, US 460 & 119 (Appalachian Corridor) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
NEPA Program Administration (Programmatic Agreements, Annual Reporting, PAPAI, Agency Coordination w/ USFWS, USACE, SHPO, etc.) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
NEPA Project Level Reviews | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
NEPA Project and Corridor Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
National Bridge Inspection Program (NBIP) | Sandefur, Kevin | |
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) | Akkad, Noura | Ballantyne, John |
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program - BIL | Akkad, Noura | Ballantyne, John |
National Highway Freight Program (NFP) - BIL | Higdon, Tonya | Akkad, Noura |
National Highway Performance Program (NFPP) - BIL | Higdon, Tonya | Akkad, Noura |
National Historic and Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program | Sandefur, Kevin | Ballantyne, John * |
National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS) | Sandefur, Kevin | |
Navigation and U.S. Coast Guard Clearance | Sandefur, Kevin | Ballantyne, John * |
New Employee Training | Borres, Boday | Leaders, Team |
Newtown Pike Extension Project | Whitworth, David | Ballantyne, John |
Occupant Protection | Tenges, Ryan | |
Office Space Management | Bush, Kristie * | Borres, Boday |
On the Job Training (OJT) | Overstreet, Thava | |
Operating Budget (GOE Reconciliation) | Clarke, Keenan | |
Operating Budget TBB | Jacobs, Steven | |
Outdoor Advertising | Overstreet, Thava | |
PEER - Personal Employee Engagement Representative | Tenges, Ryan | Bush, Kristie |
PROTECT (Reslience Improvement Plans and Programs) | Akkad, Noura | Vail, Nick |
Pavement Design | Tenges, Ryan | |
Pavement Management Systems (PMS) | Tenges, Ryan | Akkad, Noura |
Pavement Warranties | Tenges, Ryan | |
Planning Programs (MPO) | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
Planning Programs (Statewide) | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Planning Recurring Actions http://staffnet.fhwa.dot.gov/hep/staffepp/rlpa.htm | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Police Traffic & Enforcement Services | Tenges, Ryan | |
Program and Process Reviews | Bush, Kristie | |
Program and Risk Assessments | Bush, Kristie | Leaders, Team |
Project Management | Griffith, Sam | Matumueni, Justin |
Public Involvement ‐ Environmental NEPA (Policy Plans, Project Plans, and Virtual PI) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Public Involvement ‐ State and MPO Planning (Participation Plans and Virtual PI) | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (Construction & Materials) | Tenges, Ryan | Griffith, Sam |
Quality, Corporate Management Strategies | Givan, Shundreka | Borres, Boday |
Railroad Crossing Safety | Tenges, Ryan | |
Railroad Safety Program (RRS & RRP) | Tenges, Ryan | |
Rails to Trails Program | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Reconnecting Communities Program (RCP) - Planning Grants | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Recreational Trails Program (RTP) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Recruiting and Trainee Coordinator | Tenges, Ryan | Bush, Kristie * |
Research and Development | Tenges, Ryan | Eldridge, Brad |
Rest Areas | Matumueni, Justin | Ballantyne, John |
Right-of-Way Access Control, Changes, Airspace, etc. | Overstreet, Thava | |
Right-of-Way Disposals | Overstreet, Thava | |
Right-of-Way Encroachment Permits | Whitworth, David | |
Right-of-Way Legal Settlements | Overstreet, Thava | |
Right-of-Way Relinquishments to Locals or other agency | Higdon, Tonya | Overstreet, Thava |
Right‐of‐Way (ROW) Program and ROW Certifications | Overstreet, Thava | |
Risk Based Project Involvement (RBPI) ‐ Selection, Coordination and Management | Eldridge, Brad | Jacobs, Steven * |
Roadside Audits | Tenges, Ryan | |
SCOPE Reports | Givan, Shundreka | Borres, Boday |
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program | Tenges, Ryan | Buckner, Aaron |
Safety (Internal-Occupational Safety & Health Manager) | Borres, Boday | Leaders, Team |
Safety Engineering and Infrastructure Programs | Tenges, Ryan | |
Safety Programs (Non‐Infrastructure) | Tenges, Ryan | |
Scenic Byways Program | Vail, Nick | Higdon, Tonya |
Section 4(f) – Publicly Owned Parks, Recreational Areas, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges, or Public and Private Historical Sites | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Section 6(f) – Land and Water Conservation Funds | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Standard Specifications, Special Notes, Special Provisions | Tenges, Ryan | Whitworth, David |
State and Project Briefings | Jacobs, Steven * | Bush, Kristie |
Statewide Planning and Research (SPR) Work Program – Part A Statewide Planning Assistance Grants | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Statewide Planning and Research (SPR) Work Program – Part B Research Program | Akkad, Noura | Ballantyne, John |
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Stewardship & Oversight Agreement | Borres, Boday | Bush, Kristie |
Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) | Tenges, Ryan | |
Structures Program | Sandefur, Kevin | |
Suspensions and Debarment | Givan, Shundreka | Borres, Boday |
TCSP Transportation, Community, and System Preservation Program ‐ Discretionary Grants | Buckner, Aaron | Jacobs, Steven |
Technology Transfer (T2), TDIPP, and Marketing Funds | Akkad, Noura | |
Threatened and Endangered Species | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Time & Attendance (CASTLE) | Bush, Kristie * | Jacobs, Steven * |
Title VI | Overstreet, Thava | |
Tolls (Project Level) | Matumueni, Justin | |
Tourism | Higdon, Tonya | Vail, Nick |
Traffic Analysis | Akkad, Noura | Eldridge, Brad |
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) | Akkad, Noura | Tenges, Ryan |
Traffic Operations Center – Traffic and Roadway Information | Akkad, Noura | Ballantyne, John |
Traffic Operations and Signals | Akkad, Noura | Eldridge, Brad |
Transportation Alternatives (TA) (STBG-TA) formerly TAP, Transportation Enhancements (TE) | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Transportation Asset Management Process (TAMP) - Bridge Management Systems (BMS) | Sandefur, Kevin | Akkad, Noura |
Transportation Asset Management Process (TAMP) - Overall Coordination, Plans Updates, Certifications, Consistency Determinations, etc. | Akkad, Noura | Ballantyne, John * |
Transportation Asset Management Process (TAMP) - Pavement Management Systems (PMS) and Pavement Data Quality Management Plans (DQMP) | Tenges, Ryan | Akkad, Noura |
Transportation Performance Measures (TPM) Overall Coordination - Targets, Reporting, and Updates | Akkad, Noura | Higdon, Tonya |
Transportation Performance Measures (TPM) ‐ PM1 Safety ‐ Target Setting, Monitoring, Updates | Tenges, Ryan | Akkad, Noura |
Transportation Performance Measures (TPM) ‐ PM2 Bridge ‐ Target Setting Monitoring, Updates | Sandefur, Kevin | Akkad, Noura |
Transportation Performance Measures (TPM) ‐ PM2 Pavements ‐ Target Setting Monitoring, Updates | Tenges, Ryan | Akkad, Noura |
Transportation Performance Measures (TPM) ‐ PM3 Congestion Measures, Truck, & Travel Reliability ‐ Target Setting, Monitoring, Updates, Emissions, VOC, NOx, GHG | Vail, Nick | Akkad, Noura |
Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) | Akkad, Noura | Ballantyne, John |
Tribal Coordination with Federally Recognized Native American Indian Tribes − NEPA, S106, Project Development | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Tunnel Management | Sandefur, Kevin | |
UPACS | Clarke, Keenan | |
US 460 & 119 (Appalachian Corridor) | Griffith, Sam | |
Underground Storage Tanks | Whitworth, David | Ballantyne, John * |
Uniform Relocation Assistance Act | Overstreet, Thava | Ballantyne, John |
Unit Performance Plan (KY Division) | Bush, Kristie | Borres, Boday |
Utilities Program | Whitworth, David | Griffith, Sam |
Value Engineering | Eldridge, Brad | Whitworth, David |
Vehicle Size and Weight Enforcement Program (VSWE) | Higdon, Tonya | Ballantyne, John |
Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) | Akkad, Noura | Tenges, Ryan |
Wage Compliance Officer (In‐Depth Wage & Hour) | Overstreet, Thava | |
Wellness Committee | Tenges, Ryan | Overstreet, Thava |
Wetlands | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Wild and Scenic Rivers | Ballantyne, John * | Ballantyne, John |
Work Zones / Mobility and Safety | Akkad, Noura | Eldridge, Brad |