FEDERAL-AID POLICY GUIDE Septermber 8, 1998, Transmittal 24 |
G 6011.9 |
This entire chapter on Value Engineering is new to the Federal-Aid Policy Guide.
Par. | 1. | Purpose |
2. | Authority | |
3. | Definitions | |
4. | Policy | |
5. | Characteristics | |
6. | Application | |
7. | Background Information | |
8. | FHWA Responsibilities | |
9. | State Responsibilities | |
10. | Use of Consultants | |
11. | Reporting |
(1) Designate a VE coordinator and encourage State to host VE training provided by the FHWA, a qualified VE consultant, and/or develop their own VE training.
(2) Encourage State to use VE by actively participating in VE studies and advising them that VE study costs are eligible (as preliminary engineering costs) for Federal-aid participation.
(3) Assure all applicable NHS projects receive a VE analysis and encourage additional studies of other projects.
(4) Assure the State has an active VE program and encourage them to include a VECP clause in their construction contracts.
(5) Summarize the State's VE activity on all Federal-aid projects annually and provide the information to the FHWA VE coordinator.
(1) Promote VE and serve as the technical expert on VE matters for FHWA, State and local highway agencies.
(2) Provide VE briefings to FHWA, State and local executives and upper management.
(3) Provide VE training and technical expertise to FHWA, State, and local highway agencies. Assist States develop VE programs.
(4) Coordinate VE with other FHWA activities aimed at cost reduction or product improvement.
(5) Compile VE activity data received from the division offices and prepare annual report for DOT.
(6) Represent FHWA in VE forums with the U.S. DOT and other Federal and State governmental agencies, including membership in SAVE International (formerly the Society of American Value Engineers). Serve as FHWA's representative to the AASHTO VE Task Force.
(1) reduce project cost(s) or improve value or service at no increase or a minor increase in cost, and
(2) provide States with innovative contractor ideas or techniques to be considered when preparing plans, specifications, and estimates on future projects.
The net savings of each proposal should be shared with the contractor at a stated reasonable rate. Reimbursement for such share is eligible for pro-rata reimbursement with Federal-aid funds. States should retain the right to accept or reject all proposals and acquire all rights to use accepted VE proposals in current and future projects without restriction. An example VECP provision is contained in the AASHTO Guide for VE.