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Motor Fuel Attribution
FHWA Estimation of Highway Trust
Fund Tax Receipts From Each State

This is a text version of a Powerpoint presentation: mfattrib.ppt (709 KB)

Motor Fuel Attribution - Slide 1

FHWA Estimation of Highway Trust Fund Tax Receipts From Each State

Apportionments - Slide 2

Funds for several FHWA programs are apportioned to the States:

Apportioned Programs - Slide 3

The following FHWA programs use motor fuel data as part of the apportionment calculation:

Apportionment Formulas For Programs Distrbuted Using Motor Fuel Data - Slide 4

Program: STP (Statute 104(b)(3) *)

Program: IM (Statute 104(b)(4)*)

Program: NHS (Statute 104(b)(1)*)

Minimum Guaranee: (Statute 105 *)

Each State's share of apportionments for aggregate sum of specified programs is at least 90.5% of its percentage contributions to the Highway Account of the HTF (100%)

* Denotes appropriate section in Tital 23, U.S. Code. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Financing Federal-Aid Highways, Appendix E.

The Attribution Process - Slide 5

Attribution - Slide 6

State-by-State contributions to the Federal Highway Trust Fund are not available from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Attribution - Slide 7

Attribution - State Data - Slide 8

Attribution - Slide 9

From State-reported motor fuel data:

Attribution - Slide 10

Summary - Slide 11

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