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TRB Committee on Transportation Survey Methods (A1D10)

TRB Committee AD150 MINUTES

Mid-Year Meeting/NATMEC at the Rosen Plaza May 15, 2002

I. Introductions and Round Robin

Gene Wolf - GEOSTATS

David Pearson - TTI

Nancy McGuckin - Consultant

Johanna Zmud -NuStats

Joy Sharp - BTS

Ed Christopher - FHWA Resource Center -and- Laurie Wargelin - MORPACE

Jennifer Russo - Morpace -and- Ben Pierce - Battelle

Gene Bandy - Baltimore MPO -and- Mark Schlappi - Maricopa Council of Governments

Mark Lepkofski - Battelle

II. Future Direction and Member Feedback


Committee Scope

Meeting Time?

Website Update:

Next mid-year meeting (2003) April 6th at Planning Applications? Most of the mid-year meetings will be in Portland in July - we will discuss at annual meeting.

III. Paper Review Process

Current review process:

A standards document might make it easier to review (and reject) papers. Now that paper review is on the web, detailed standards for review may not be as available to committee members as when the standards were on the back of the paper form

Proposed Action Steps:

TRB has paper review standards - Nancy McGuckin and David Pearson agreed to begin the review of current standards. Will get paper copies with current standards, and send those out to the committee members. With a couple of other members we can look at them and make recommendations

  1. changes to the standards
  2. process? How many reviewers, do reviewers see the papers after comment period, close the loop on reject/accept

Other topics related to Paper Review:

IV. Committee Ambassadors

Want to establish a regular and formal approach to liaison with other committees. A tentative list of committees and possible ambassadors include:

V. Call for papers

Co-sponsor session with Urban Data Committee on GPS results (not from Battelle or Geostats) - look for Universities, European experience

Jean Woilf will send a draft call for papers out next week for review.


Ben Pierce Battelle, SCAG GPS Interim Findings

Jean Wolf CALTRANS Statewide GPS

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