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Traffic Volume Trends - November 2002

Based on preliminary reports from the State Highway Agencies, travel during November 2002 on all roads and streets in the nation changed by -0.6 percent as compared to November 2001 resulting in estimated travel for the month at 228.2 billion vehicle-miles. This total includes 89.1 billion vehicle-miles on rural roads and 139.1 billion vehicle-miles on urban roads and streets.

Travel for the current month as well the cumulative yearly total on all roads and streets is shown below. Similar totals for each year since 1970 are also included.

Travel in Millions
All Roads and Streets
Year November Year to Date
1970 89,684 1,030,417
1971 95,555 1,090,100
1972 100,791 1,167,324
1973 104,381 1,209,431
1974 105,079 1,184,562
1975 106,990 1,222,129
1976 112,996 1,296,132
1977 118,486 1,347,151
1978 123,690 1,423,616
1979 123,381 1,405,906
1980 123,420 1,396,059
1981 124,804 1,425,848
1982 127,061 1,465,342
1983 133,700 1,519,332
1984 137,272 1,580,675
1985 140,872 1,633,179
1986 147,813 1,688,612
1987 155,676 1,768,748
1988 162,957 1,860,788
1989 169,735 1,939,510
1990 171,565 1,978,880
1991 169,693 1,999,432
1992 177,380 2,066,153
1993 182,322 2,109,876
1994 190,074 2,164,501
1995 194,131 2,229,434
1996 199,643 2,280,740
1997 202,422 2,353,051
1998 211,178 2,409,060
1999 221,856 2,457,994
2000 223,031 2,531,131
2001 229,480 2,553,375
2002 228,213 2,597,595

Traffic Volume Trends is a monthly report based on hourly traffic count data. These data, collected at approximately 4,000 continuous traffic counting locations nationwide, are used to determine the percent change in traffic for the current month compared to the same month in the previous year. This percent change is applied to the travel for the same month of the previous year to obtain an estimate of travel for the current month.

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