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June 2009 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on All Estimated Roads by Region and State

Table - 5. Changes on ALL* Estimated Roads by Region and State**
Region And State June May
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2009 (Preliminary) 2008 2009 (Revised) 2008
Connecticut 25 2,678 2,681 -0.1 25 2,784 2,821 -1.3
Maine 99 1,300 1,270 2.4 101 1,276 1,283 -0.5
Massachusetts 70 4,687 4,618 1.5 69 4,583 4,575 0.2
New Hampshire 43 1,150 1,135 1.3 33 1,072 1,086 -1.2
New Jersey 52 6,358 6,306 0.8 54 6,262 6,287 -0.4
New York 167 11,505 11,410 0.8 167 11,917 11,787 1.1
Pennsylvania 37 9,326 9,322 0.1 41 9,226 9,333 -1.2
Rhode Island 36 753 741 1.5 39 770 762 1.1
Vermont 75 628 598 5.1 56 649 622 4.4
Subtotal   38,385 38,081 0.8   38,539 38,556 -0.0
South Atlantic
Delaware 35 885 866 2.1 41 795 787 1.0
District of Columbia 1 343 322 6.6 1 328 321 2.0
Florida 230 16,279 15,990 1.8 229 16,388 16,836 -2.7
Georgia 206 8,823 8,753 0.8 207 9,499 9,691 -2.0
Maryland 65 4,968 4,872 2.0 66 4,969 4,973 -0.1
North Carolina 66 8,719 8,554 1.9 67 8,750 8,837 -1.0
South Carolina 132 4,250 4,170 1.9 136 4,316 4,392 -1.7
Virginia 199 6,960 6,804 2.3 197 7,041 7,045 0.0
West Virginia - 1,813 1,773 2.3 - 1,806 1,799 0.4
Subtotal   53,040 52,104 1.8   53,892 54,681 -1.4
North Central
Illinois - 10,077 9,940 1.4 - 9,278 9,321 -0.5
Indiana 75 6,058 5,879 3.0 82 6,062 5,980 1.4
Iowa 149 2,775 2,718 2.1 147 2,818 2,780 1.4
Kansas 92 2,519 2,437 3.4 88 2,576 2,511 2.6
Michigan 110 8,686 8,656 0.3 113 8,754 8,666 1.0
Minnesota 68 4,956 4,995 -0.8 71 4,975 4,993 -0.4
Missouri 129 5,980 5,778 3.5 131 6,109 6,021 1.5
Nebraska 53 1,744 1,681 3.8 54 1,762 1,697 3.8
North Dakota 44 756 703 7.6 44 726 680 6.7
Ohio 163 9,360 9,346 0.2 167 9,351 9,370 -0.2
South Dakota 55 870 852 2.1 54 810 788 2.8
Wisconsin 151 5,188 5,037 3.0 168 5,271 5,171 1.9
Subtotal   58,969 58,022 1.6   58,492 57,978 0.9
South Gulf
Alabama - 5,167 5,070 1.9 - 5,197 5,200 -0.1
Arkansas 39 2,908 2,751 5.7 39 2,810 2,810 0.0
Kentucky 82 4,100 3,966 3.4 93 4,154 4,127 0.6
Louisiana 17 4,084 3,928 4.0 16 3,861 3,852 0.2
Mississippi - 3,732 3,651 2.2 - 3,789 3,779 0.3
Oklahoma - 4,013 3,933 2.0 - 4,328 4,326 0.1
Tennessee 23 5,904 5,796 1.9 20 5,674 5,760 -1.5
Texas 154 20,033 19,480 2.8 158 20,753 20,592 0.8
Subtotal   49,941 48,575 2.8   50,566 50,446 0.2
Alaska 83 473 461 2.7 85 499 494 1.0
Arizona 65 5,759 5,586 3.1 73 5,551 5,548 0.0
California 18 28,235 27,520 2.6 228 26,929 27,092 -0.6
Colorado 97 3,790 3,839 -1.3 92 4,012 4,149 -3.3
Hawaii 16 818 797 2.6 18 623 641 -2.8
Idaho 161 1,343 1,310 2.5 162 1,328 1,314 1.1
Montana 68 1,076 1,033 4.2 70 932 917 1.6
Nevada 81 1,683 1,702 -1.1 81 1,931 1,976 -2.3
New Mexico 90 2,138 2,090 2.3 92 2,276 2,274 0.1
Oregon 112 3,003 2,899 3.6 120 3,007 2,952 1.9
Utah 82 2,129 2,123 0.3 85 2,163 2,206 -1.9
Washington 113 5,052 4,797 5.3 111 5,171 5,107 1.3
Wyoming - 852 831 2.5 - 802 801 0.2
Subtotal   56,351 54,988 2.5   55,224 55,471 -0.4
Totals 3,928 256,686 251,767 2.0 4,191 256,715 257,135 -0.2

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT. * All Estimated roads include travel from Table 3 and 4 plus remaining roads.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration