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April 2011 Traffic Volume Trends

Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State

Table - 3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State**
Region And State April March
Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change Number of Stations Vehicle-Miles (Millions) Percent Change
2011 (Preliminary) 2010 2011 (Revised) 2010
Connecticut 5 165 171 -3.5 5 164 166 -1.1
Maine 67 448 478 -6.4 67 479 496 -3.4
Massachusetts 8 212 223 -4.9 8 212 223 -4.8
New Hampshire 29 283 296 -4.3 29 288 293 -1.9
New Jersey 23 377 388 -3.0 22 374 389 -3.9
New York 54 1,139 1,181 -3.5 53 1,171 1,213 -3.4
Pennsylvania 20 1,989 2,073 -4.0 19 1,919 1,959 -2.0
Rhode Island - 51 52 -3.3 - 45 45 -0.3
Vermont 39 221 228 -3.3 41 226 234 -3.3
Subtotal   4,885 5,090 -4.0   4,878 5,018 -2.8
South Atlantic
Delaware 24 135 140 -3.5 23 118 120 -1.8
District of Columbia - 0 0 0.0 - 0 0 0.0
Florida 105 2,017 2,068 -2.5 108 2,136 2,131 0.2
Georgia 79 2,057 2,115 -2.7 79 1,970 1,974 -0.2
Maryland 24 723 758 -4.6 22 743 764 -2.8
North Carolina 16 1,575 1,622 -2.9 16 1,543 1,600 -3.6
South Carolina 70 1,358 1,381 -1.7 67 1,342 1,350 -0.5
Virginia 221 1,689 1,730 -2.4 232 1,697 1,710 -0.8
West Virginia 7 641 601 6.6 - 664 675 -1.6
Subtotal   10,195 10,415 -2.1   10,213 10,324 -1.1
North Central
Illinois - 1,366 1,404 -2.7 - 1,285 1,307 -1.7
Indiana 32 1,401 1,450 -3.3 35 1,278 1,277 0.1
Iowa 81 1,074 1,107 -3.0 85 1,037 1,051 -1.4
Kansas 66 826 843 -2.1 67 802 796 0.9
Michigan 59 1,528 1,629 -6.2 59 1,542 1,599 -3.6
Minnesota 37 1,352 1,413 -4.3 37 1,301 1,360 -4.4
Missouri 83 1,438 1,480 -2.9 84 1,292 1,286 0.5
Nebraska 35 699 712 -1.8 35 661 663 -0.2
North Dakota 28 345 345 0.1 28 349 337 3.3
Ohio 49 1,656 1,709 -3.1 48 1,635 1,643 -0.5
South Dakota 30 387 390 -0.6 30 391 397 -1.4
Wisconsin 83 1,508 1,585 -4.9 86 1,532 1,570 -2.4
Subtotal   13,580 14,067 -3.5   13,105 13,286 -1.4
South Gulf
Alabama - 1,489 1,534 -2.9 - 1,431 1,457 -1.8
Arkansas 27 861 893 -3.5 27 973 971 0.1
Kentucky 25 1,430 1,508 -5.2 25 1,375 1,396 -1.5
Louisiana 15 955 982 -2.7 18 899 898 0.1
Mississippi 16 1,101 1,132 -2.7 37 1,160 1,162 -0.2
Oklahoma - 1,129 1,160 -2.7 46 1,072 1,052 1.9
Tennessee 5 1,517 1,586 -4.4 7 1,748 1,731 1.0
Texas 109 3,922 3,916 0.1 110 4,200 4,149 1.2
Subtotal   12,404 12,711 -2.4   12,858 12,816 0.3
Alaska 35 101 102 -0.7 35 98 96 2.2
Arizona - 978 1,003 -2.5 53 901 930 -3.1
California 23 3,527 3,636 -3.0 14 3,019 3,331 -9.4
Colorado 76 840 845 -0.6 76 947 932 1.7
Hawaii 6 101 102 -1.6 6 101 100 0.2
Idaho - 426 438 -2.7 - 425 432 -1.6
Montana 61 422 434 -2.8 63 402 413 -2.7
Nevada 30 321 326 -1.4 30 293 300 -2.5
New Mexico - 723 742 -2.6 - 741 751 -1.4
Oregon 103 839 856 -1.9 100 834 872 -4.3
Utah 44 472 472 -0.1 45 447 446 0.2
Washington 35 875 903 -3.0 34 834 866 -3.6
Wyoming 7 358 362 -1.0 7 338 346 -2.4
Subtotal   9,983 10,221 -2.3   9,380 9,815 -4.4
Totals 1,991 51,047 52,504 -2.8 2,118 50,434 51,259 -1.6

Note: Where Number of STATIONS are shown as dashes, the values for the Vehicle-Miles and Percent Change are derived from the estimated VMT based on data from surrounding States or the nationwide average VMT.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration