Publication Details
FHWA Computation Procedure for the Pavement Condition Measures
Primary Topic: Pavement Management
Description: The FHWA Computation Procedure for the Pavement Condition Measures presents the steps for Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to compute pavement condition measures for the purpose of determining: (1) the minimum Interstate pavement condition level for each State (23 CFR 490.317); and (2) whether or not a State DOT has made significant progress towards the achievement of its pavement condition targets (23 CFR 490.109). While designed for internal use, FHWA is making the document public, to be transparent and give State DOTs a frame of reference when establishing their targets.
FHWA Publication Number: FHWA-HIF-18-022
Publication Year: 2018
Document Links: PDF (file size: 2 mb)