U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Briefing Room
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, December 11, 2000 Contacts: TaMara McCrae, FHWA, (202) 366-0660 Kathy Hoffman, RSF, (202) 857-1231, (202) 366-0660 FHWA 129-00 FHWA Announces National Roadway Safety Leadership Awards Federal Highway Administrator Kenneth R. Wykle today announced that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF) are sponsoring the fourth biennial 2001 National Roadway Safety Leadership Awards, which will recognize roadway safety excellence by State, local and Federal agencies and the private sector. "These prestigious awards allow us an opportunity to recognize and commend the government and industry initiatives and innovations to improve the safety on our nations highways," Wykle said. The awards will be given in three categories: safety improvements; operational improvements; and program planning, development and evaluation. Roadway Safety Foundation President Tom Chaffin added, "We are very pleased to co-sponsor this program with the FHWA to recognize and share these life-saving practices and innovations." The 1998 award recipients were the South Dakota Department of Transportation for its "Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program"; AAA Michigan for its "Road Improvement Program"; Lincoln, Neb., for its program to "Reduce Red Light Running"; Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, Drive Smart Virginia, Chesterfield County School System, and the Virginia Trucking Association for their "Don't Hang Out in the No Zone Program"; New York State Department of Transportation for its "Intelligent Transportation System/Commercial Vehicle Operation Business Plan"; Georgia Utilities Coordinating Council for its "Clear Roadside Program"; and California Department of Transportations District 5 for its "SR41/46 safety project." Entry forms for the awards program may be obtained from the FHWA or RSF and should be submitted by April 16, 2001. For further information contact the FHWA Office of Safety by telephone, (202) 366-1795, or through the Internet at http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov or contact the Roadway Safety Foundation, 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington DC 20036, telephone (202) 857-1200.
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