U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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CORRIDORS OF THE FUTURE CORRIDOR: Interstate 10 (I-10) Freight Corridor - California to FloridaSubmitted by:The National I-10 Freight Corridor Coalition, including California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Corridors of the Future funding:
Project Description:The application results from work performed by the I-10 National Freight Corridor Study. The application includes establishing a template ITS architecture as a first step in solving the congestion issues along the 2,600-mile corridor. Other options noted in the application for addressing growth in congestion and need for capacity along the corridor include widening, truck/auto separation, multi-modal rail corridor, waterway corridor, urban truck bypass, and truck productivity. This application focuses on various bottlenecks along the I-10 corridor and includes operational (ITS) and infrastructure improvements to create efficient coast-to-coast movement. Included among the proposed improvements are urban bypass around El Paso and Phoenix and truck/auto separation in the Los Angeles, Phoenix/Tucson, Houston, and Gulf Coast areas. Status:Projects to address the options presented in the application are beginning to be placed on the states' long range plans. However, most of these projects are still conceptual. The vast majority of what is proposed consists of operational improvements. Corridor Statistics:The entire I-10 corridor is over 2,400 miles with approximately 700 miles traversing through urban areas. Currently, the average daily traffic throughout the entire corridor is over 41,000 with a maximum over 300,000. Average daily truck traffic is over 8,000 with a maximum over 55,000. Among the 700 mile urban segments, over 53 percent are currently under heavy congestion. Without any further improvement to the corridor, the projected 2035 average daily traffic will be over 85,000 which includes over 20,000 trucks. By 2035, 96 percent of urban segments will be under heavy congestion. Congestion for non-urban segments will increase from the current 4 percent to over 45 percent. |