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Federal Highway Administration / Publications / Focus / January 2000

Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations

Publication Number: FHWA-RD-00-055
Date: January 2000

Highway Technology Calendar

The following events provide opportunities to learn more about Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) products and technologies, as well as other technologies for building better, safer roads.

Short Course in Asphalt Technology

January 31-February 4, 2000, Auburn, AL

February 28-March 3, 2000, Auburn, AL

This 5-day short course, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and the National Highway Institute, will provide participants with a basic understanding of all phases of hot-mix asphalt technology.

Contact: Linda Kerr at the National Center for Asphalt Technology, 334-844-6241 (fax: 334-844-4485; email: lindak@eng.auburn.edu; Web: www.eng.auburn.edu/center/ncat).

Superpave Binder Course

February 23-25, 2000, Indianapolis, IN

The course will provide instruction on the Superpave binder specifications and testing procedures. Each participant will perform tests on the bending beam rheometer, dynamic shear rheometer, and rotational viscometer. An overview of binder aging methods and direct tension tests will also be provided.

Contact: For information on registration, contact Nona Schaler at Purdue University, 765-494-2756 or 800-359-2968, x. 92N (fax: 765-494-0567; email: njschaler@conf.purdue.edu). For information on course content, contact Rebecca McDaniel at the North Central Superpave Center, 765-463-2317, x. 226 (fax: 765-497-2402; email: rsmcdani@purdue.edu; Web: ce.ecn.purdue.edu/~spave/).

The Asphalt Conference & Expo

February 27-March 1, 2000, Savannah, GA

This conference will cover a variety of asphalt-related topics, including Superpave production, pavement maintenance, and plant operations. The conference is being presented by the Asphalt Contractor in association with the Federal Highway Administration, Asphalt Institute, and Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association.

Contact: Wendy Cantwell at the Asphalt Conference & Expo, 816-229-0956 (fax: 816-229-0956).

Superpave Volumetric Mix Design Fundamentals

February 29-March 3, 2000, Indianapolis, IN

This course is designed for contractors and State personnel who will be involved in mixture design and testing but who are unfamiliar with basic test procedures. No knowledge of the basic principles of mix design or mixture volumetrics is required.

Contact: For information on registration, contact Nona Schaler at Purdue University, 765-494-2756 or 800-359-2968, x. 92N (fax: 765-494-0567; email: njschaler@conf.purdue.edu). For information on course content, contact Rebecca McDaniel at the North Central Superpave Center, 765-463-2317, x. 226 (fax: 765-497-2402; email: rsmcdani@purdue.edu; Web: ce.ecn.purdue.edu/~spave/).

Superpave: Building Roads for the 21st Century

April 10-12, 2000, Denver, CO

Sponsored by the Asphalt Institute and the Federal Highway Administration, this conference is a follow-up to the 1998 "Superpave: Today and Tomorrow" forum in St. Louis, MO. Sessions will focus on materials, design and production, construction and quality control/quality assurance, and performance. Practitioners experienced in the use of the Superpave system will present their findings.

Contact: Paige Anderson at the Asphalt Institute, 606-288-4964 (fax: 606-288-4999; Web: www.asphaltinstitute.org).

Long-Term Pavement Performance Specific Pavement Studies

SPS) Workshop

April 27-28, 2000, Newport, RI

The workshop will review the state of data collection activities for the SPS-1, -2, -5, and -6 projects. New engineering products resulting from the LTPP data analysis will also be discussed.

Contact: Bill Bellinger at FHWA, 202-493-3156 (fax: 202-493-3161; email: william.bellinger@fhwa.dot.gov).

International Symposium and Innovative Technology Tradeshow 2000: Moving Innovation into Practice for a Sustainable Future

August 14-17, 2000, Washington, DC

This symposium on the design and construction technology of the future will include a special track on transportation infrastructure and public works.

Contact: CERF, 202-842-0555 (fax: 202-789-2943; email: 2000@cerf.org; Web: www.cerf.org).

Fifth Annual Eastern Winter Road Maintenance Symposium and Equipment Expo

September 6-7, 2000, Roanoke, VA

The symposium and equipment expo will coincide with the Transportation Research Board's "Fifth International Symposium on Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology," which is scheduled for September 3-8, 2000.

Contact: Deborah Vocke at FHWA, 410-962-3744 (fax: 410-962-3655; email: deborah.vocke@fhwa.dot.gov).

Asphalt Technology 2000

December 10-13, 2000, Austin, TX

The conference is designed to provide a forum for transportation professionals and industry representatives to share information on practical engineering solutions to pavement problems. Topics covered will include specifications, pavement maintenance, and state-of-the-art technology.

Contact: Sharon Campos at the University of Texas at Austin, 512-471-3396 (fax: 512-471-0831; email: scampos@mail.utexas.edu).

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