U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations |
Publication Number: FHWA-RD-02-013
Date: August 2002
The following events provide opportunities to learn more about products and technologies for accelerating infrastructure innovations.
Tunnel Management System Workshop
August 27-28, 2002, Washington, DC
Contact: Sonya Hill, FHWA, 202-366-1337, sonya.hill@fhwa.dot.gov
September 17-18, 2002, Boston, MA
Contact: George Romack, FHWA, 202-366-4606, george.romack@fhwa.dot.gov or Tony Caserta, FHWA, 202-366-4593, anthony.caserta@fhwa.dot.gov
September 18-19, 2002, Boston, MA
Contact: George Romack, FHWA, 202-366-4606, george.romack@fhwa.dot.gov or Tony Caserta, FHWA, 202-366-4593, anthony.caserta@fhwa.dot.gov
October 22-23, 2002, San Francisco, CA
Contact: Bob Mihalek, FHWA, 202-366-1567 or Thomas Van, FHWA, 202-366-1341, thomas.van@fhwa.dot.gov
November 18-19, 2002, Dallas, TX
Contact: Mary Anderson, FHWA, 202-366-0222 or Sonya Hill, FHWA, 202-366-1337, sonya.hill@fhwa.dot.gov
The workshops will present a new tunnel management system that provides guidance on preparing and conducting tunnel inspections, current procedures for maintaining and repairing tunnel components, and a computer software program to aid in collecting tunnel data and planning corrective and preventive actions. The development of the new system was jointly sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration.
Seventh Annual Eastern Winter Road Maintenance Symposium and Equipment Expo
September 4-5, 2002, Charleston, WV
Symposium topics include the state of the practice in anti-icing and new products and equipment for winter maintenance.
Contact: Deborah Vocke at FHWA, 410-962-3744 (fax: 410-962-3419; email: deborah.vocke@fhwa.dot.gov). Information is also available on the Web at www.easternsnowexpo.org/main.htm.
Third International Symposium on Binder Rheology and Pavement Performance
September 23-24, 2002, San Antonio, TX
The symposium will address such topics as development of binder specifications, lab testing procedures, and binder production methods.
Contact: Abatech, Inc., at 215-258-3640 (fax: 561-679-2464; Web: www.asphalt-technology.com/sanantonio.htm).
National HERS-ST Conference and Software Rollout: Introduction and Training
September 24-25, 2002, Charlotte, NC
FHWA will be distributing and providing training on the HERS-ST software at the conference. HERS-ST can help highway agencies develop highway needs reports, predict highway condition and performance, and communicate effectively with higher-level decision makers. The software is a Windows-based program that has Geographical Information System and graphical output capabilities.
Contact: David Winter at FHWA, 202-366-4631 (email: david.winter@fhwa.dot.gov), or visit the HERS-ST Web site at www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/asstmgmt/hersindex.cfm.
Pontis User Training Meeting
September 27-28, 2002, Phoenix, AZ
The meeting is designed to help highway agencies get more out of using the Pontis software and to explore the future direction of the bridge management tool. Group training sessions will be held for both advanced and beginning users. The City of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Transportation are cohosting the event.
Contact: Michael Ziegler of the City of Phoenix, 602-534-0966 (email: michael.ziegler@phoenix.gov).
First Annual Concrete Bridge Conference
October 6-9, 2002, Nashville, TN
The Concrete Bridge Conference will serve as a national venue for the exchange of ideas and information on all aspects of concrete bridge design and construction. Such topics as high-performance concrete, new forming methods, and new materials will be covered. The event is being cosponsored by the National Concrete Bridge Council and FHWA.
Contact: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute at 312-786-0300 (Web: www.nationalconcretebridge.org).
First International Conference on Scour of Foundations
November 17-20, 2002, College Station, TX
The conference will cover such topics as bridge scour, erosion of soils, scour monitoring, numerical modeling, and international guidelines and practices.
Contact: Jean-Louis Briaud at Texas A&M University's Department of Civil Engineering, 979-845-3795 (fax: 979-845-6554; email: briaud@tamu.edu; Web: tti.tamu.edu/conferences/scour).