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Federal Highway Administration / Publications / Focus / February 2002

Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations

Publication Number: FHWA-RD-02-007
Date: February 2002

Highway Technology Calendar

The following events provide opportunities to learn more about products and technologies for accelerating infrastructure innovations.

Sealer/Binder Workshop: Providing Early Protection

March 1, 2002, Myrtle Beach, SC

The workshop will look at the effectiveness of sealers, rejuvenators, and binders for preserving a pavement's service life. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Foundation for Pavement Preservation (FPP) are sponsoring the workshop, which is being hosted by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT).

Contact: Julie Trunk at FHWA, 202-366-1557 (fax: 202-366-9981; email: julie.trunk@fhwa.dot.gov), or Steve Hersey at FPP, 703-610-9036 (fax: 703-610-9005; email: info@fp2.org).

SMA in the USA Workshop

March 25-27, 2002, Frederick, MD

This workshop will provide the latest technical and performance updates on Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) pavements in the United States. The workshop is sponsored by FHWA, Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), Virginia DOT, Asphalt Pavement Alliance, International Society for Asphalt Pavements, and State asphalt pavement associations.

Contact: John Bukowski at FHWA, 202-366-1287 (email: john.bukowski@fhwa.dot.gov) or Gloria Burke at Maryland SHA, 800-477-7453 (email: gburke@sha.state.md.us).

Third International Symposium on 3D Finite Element for Pavement Analysis, Design, & Research

April 2-5, 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The symposium will highlight new worldwide developments in the use of the 3D finite element method for investigating pavement structural problems.

Contact: Samir N. Shoukry at West Virginia University, 304-293-3111, ext. 2367 (fax: 304-293-6689; email: samir.shoukry@mail.wvu.edu; Web: www.3dfem.org).

International Center for Aggregates Research (ICAR) 10th Annual Symposium

April 14-17, 2002, Baltimore, MD

The symposium will feature discussion on asphalt concrete, bases, and fines. The event is being cosponsored by the Aggregates Foundation for Technology, Research, and Education and the National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association.

Contact: ICAR at 512-471-4498 (email: icar@mail.ce.utexas.edu; Web: www.ce.utexas.edu/org/icar).

Third National Seismic Conference and Workshop on Bridges and Highways

April 28-May 1, 2002, Portland, OR

The conference will feature the latest research and developments in seismic engineering for bridges, highway systems, and components. The event is being sponsored by the Oregon DOT, Washington State DOT, and FHWA.

Contact: For registration information, contact Michael Higgins at Pure Technologies, 410-309-7050 (fax: 410-309-7051; email: mike.higgins@soundprint.com). For information on conference content, contact Roland Nimis at FHWA, 415-744-2653 (fax: 415-744-2620; email: roland.nimis@fhwa.dot.gov).

Nineteenth Annual International Bridge Conference

June 10-12, 2002, Pittsburgh, PA

Current products, methods, and applications in the bridge industry will be discussed at the conference.

Contact: Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania, 412-261-0710 (fax: 412-261-1606; email: conf@eswp.com).

First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management

July 14-17, 2002, Barcelona, Spain

Conference topics will include bridge management systems, high-performance materials, nondestructive testing, and composites. Sponsors of the event include the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, Transportation Research Board, and FHWA.

Contact: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, iabmas02@cimne.upc.es (Web: www.cimne.upc.es/congress/iabmas02).

Ninth International Conference on Asphalt Pavements

August 17-22, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark

The conference will address the design, construction, maintenance, and performance of asphalt pavements.

Contact: DIS Congress Service Copenhagen A/S at isap2002@discongress.com (Web: www.asphalt.org/calendar/copenhagen2.html).

Seventh Annual Eastern Winter Road Maintenance Symposium and Equipment Expo

September 4-5, 2002, Charleston, WV

Symposium topics include the state-of-the-practice in anti-icing and new products and equipment for winter maintenance.

Contact: Deborah Vocke at FHWA, 410-962-3744 (fax: 410-962-3419; email: deborah.vocke@fhwa.dot.gov).

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