U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-04-025
Date: May 2004
From load and resistance factor design (LRFD) to high-performance materials and bridge inspection and management, the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Structures Technical Service Team can provide transportation customers with the latest in bridge information and technology. Headquartered in FHWA's Resource Center office in Baltimore, Maryland, the team also has technical specialists located across the country (see sidebar). It is one of 10 new specialized Technical Service Teams created by FHWA in 2003.
The five primary areas of emphasis for the team this year are:
The team's primary function is to provide training and technical assistance in each of these areas, working in concert with FHWA's Office of Bridge Technology. "One advantage of the team is our ability to quickly respond to the FHWA Division Offices and States who need technical assistance," says Team Leader Shoukry Elnahal of FHWA. "We can quickly put together training workshops on a particular topic, or respond on short notice to provide onsite technical assistance and consultation. We can also provide assistance to the Division Offices and States throughout all phases of the design and construction of major projects, including the review of plans and construction activities."
Looking at its priorities this year, the team is placing particular emphasis on the implementation of the new American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' (AASHTO) LRFD specifications. "Our goal here is to provide all of the technical assistance that is required to assist every State in meeting the AASHTO implementation deadline of 2007," says Elnahal. "In addition to providing the necessary technical assistance and training, we are reviewing and evaluating available LRFD software for possible use by bridge designers. We are also helping States put together LRFD implementation plans and are following up to provide any assistance they may need during the implementation phase."
The team is also finding that there is considerable demand for information on bridge management and inspection and has been providing training and technical assistance to States, through the FHWA Division Offices, on a wide variety of bridge inspection and management topics. "Our goals are to make sure that States always have the latest information related to the National Bridge Inspection Standards, and to assist them in establishing bridge management systems that they can use to organize their bridge data and analyze engineering and economic factors to make smart decisions about maintaining, improving, and replacing their structures," says Elnahal.
The team's Web site (https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/resourcecenter/teams/structures/index.cfm) offers information on training courses, upcoming structures-related events, best practices, and success stories. Also available are a range of publications on structures topics and links to other useful Web sites. For assistance or to learn more, contact one of the team members listed in the sidebar below or Shoukry Elnahal at 410-962-2362 (fax: 410-962-4586; email: shoukry.elnahal@fhwa.dot.gov).
FHWA Structures Technical Service Team Contacts
Load and Resistance Factor Design
Tom Saad, 708-283-3521 (fax: 708-283-3501; email: thomas.saad@fhwa.dot.gov)
Jeff Smith, 404-562-3905 (fax: 404-562-3700; email: jeff.smith@fhwa.dot.gov)
Accelerated Construction and Prefabricated Bridge Elements
Jesus Rohena, 410-962-2542 (fax: 410-962-4586; email: jesus.rohena@fhwa.dot.gov)
Tom Saad, 708-283-3521 (fax: 708-283-3501; email: thomas.saad@fhwa.dot.gov)
High-Performance Materials
Lou Triandafilou, 410-962-3648 (fax: 410-962-4586; email: lou.triandafilou@fhwa.dot.gov)
High-Performance Concrete
Douglas Edwards, 404-562-3673 (fax: 404-562-3700; email: douglas.edwards@fhwa.dot.gov)
High-Performance Steel
Derrell Manceaux, 303-716-2096 (fax: 303-969-5953; email: derrell.manceaux@fhwa.dot.gov)
Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
Jeff Smith, 404-562-3905 (fax: 404-562-3700; email: jeff.smith@fhwa.dot.gov)
Bridge Inspection and Bridge Management
Larry O'Donnell, 708-283-3502 (fax: 708-283-3501; email: larry.o'donnell@fhwa.dot.gov)
Douglas Edwards, 404-562-3673 (fax: 404-562-3700; email: douglas.edwards@fhwa.dot.gov)
Roland Nimis, 415-744-2653 (fax: 415-744-2620; email: roland.nimis@fhwa.dot.gov)
Safety, Reliability, and Security
Roland Nimis, 415-744-2653 (fax: 415-744-2620; email: roland.nimis@fhwa.dot.gov)
Derrell Manceaux, 303-716-2096 (fax: 303-969-5953; email: derrell.manceaux@fhwa.dot.gov)
Waider Wong, 410-962-9252 (fax: 410-962-4586; email: waider.wong@fhwa.dot.gov)
Jeff Smith, 404-562-3905 (fax: 404-562-3700; email: jeff.smith@fhwa.dot.gov)