U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-06-029
Date: September 2006
What does it take to design a concrete pavement that is low maintenance and has an expected service life of 40 years or more? Find out the answer to this question and many more at the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) International Conference on Long-Life Concrete Pavements, to be held October 25-27, 2006, in Chicago, Illinois. The conference is being held as part of FHWA's Concrete Pavement Technology Program technology transfer activities.
Participants will learn about design, construction, testing, maintenance, and rehabilitation techniques that extend the service life of a concrete pavement and make long-life pavements more consistently attainable than ever before. "Achieving a longer initial service life is particularly crucial in high-volume urban corridors today to avoid frequent or extended lane closures for rehabilitation and the resulting disruptive user delays," says Joseph Denault, Vice President, HNTB Corporation, and formerly Chief Engineer for the West Virginia Department of Transportation. The conference is targeted towards pavement engineers and technologists who are involved in concrete pavement design, construction, materials, testing, and rehabilitation.
"Achieving a longer initial service life is particularly crucial in high volume urban corridors today to avoid frequent or extended lane closures for rehabilitation and the resulting disruptive user delays." |
Conference sessions will highlight case studies from the United States and around the world. Sessions will look at high performance jointed and continuously reinforced concrete pavements, European and Australian concrete pavement technology, and the use of mechanistic-empirical design procedures for long-life pavements, among other topics, and explore strategic directions for the future of long-life concrete pavement technology.
Conference sponsors also include the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, American Concrete Pavement Association, Canadian Cement Association, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Illinois Department of Transportation, International Society for Concrete Pavements, Portland Cement Association, and the Transportation Research Board.
For more information or to register for the conference, visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/concrete/2006conf.cfm. Information is also available from Shiraz Tayabji at CTL Group, 410-997-0400 (email: stayabji@ctlgroup.com), or Sam Tyson at FHWA, 202-366-1326 (email: sam.tyson@fhwa.dot.gov).