U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-09-013
Date: May 2009
The following events provide opportunities to learn more about products and technologies for accelerating infrastructure innovations.
Warm-Mix Asphalt and Recycling Symposium
June 8-10, 2009, Sacramento, CA
Symposium topics will include shingle recycling, building perpetual pavements using a rubblized concrete base, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and State perspectives on recycled asphalt pavement. The second day of the symposium will focus on warm-mix asphalt, including best practices at the plant and paving site, emissions reductions, and accelerated performance testing. The symposium is sponsored by the National Asphalt Pavement Association and FHWA.
Contact: Audrey Copeland at FHWA, 202-493-0341 (email: audrey.copeland@fhwa.dot.gov), or visit www.hotmix.org
Twenty-Sixth Annual International Bridge Conference (IBC)
June 14-17, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA
The IBC will feature more than 100 technical presentations, 17 workshops, and 3 seminars covering all aspects of bridge engineering. More than 150 exhibitors will also showcase current technologies. FHWA is sponsoring workshops on Accelerated Bridge Construction, Sharing Bridge Management Practices, State of the Practice in Bridge Load Rating and Posting, and the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program. FHWA is also sponsoring seminars on Highway Tunnel Inspection, Maintenance, and Operation; and Load Rating of Gusset Plates of Connections of Steel Truss Bridges.
Contact: Myint Lwin at FHWA, 202-366-4589 (email: myint.lwin@fhwa.dot.gov); or visit the conference Web site at www.eswp.com/bridge.
Eighth International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways, and Airfields
June 29-July 2, 2009, Champaign, IL
The conference will cover issues relating to the bearing capacity and mechanistic-based design of highway and airfield pavements and railroad track structures. Sponsors include FHWA, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, Transportation Research Board (TRB), and the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Contact: Cheryl Richter at FHWA, 202-493-3070 (email: cheryl.richter@fhwa.dot.gov), or visit www.BCR2A.org.
2009 Petersen Asphalt Research Conference and Pavement Performance Prediction Symposium
July 13-17, 2009, Laramie, WY
Current research aimed at understanding and improving asphalt pavement performance will be featured at the conference. The 3-day conference is followed by a 2-day symposium, which focuses on key aspects of pavement performance. Participants may register for both the conference and symposium or either one separately. The conference and symposium are organized by the Western Research Institute (WRI).
Contact: Steve Salmans at WRI, 307-721-2306 (email: ssalmans@uwyo.edu); or Terry Arnold at FHWA, 202-493-3305 (email: terry.arnold@fhwa.dot.gov). Information is also available at www.petersenasphaltconference.org.
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)/FHWA National Bridge Conference
September 12-15, 2009, San Antonio, TX
The conference will present state-of-the-art information on precast concrete design, fabrication, and construction. Featured topics will include accelerated construction, designing for seismic forces, high-performance concrete, and innovative precast concrete structures.
Contact: For more information, visit www.pci.org (click on "News and Events" and then select "PCI-FHWA National Bridge Conference").
Eighth National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Putting the Asset Management Pieces Together
October 19-21, 2009, Portland, OR
The conference will highlight emerging issues in transportation asset management, including trade-off analysis, optimization, system management, and safety. Three thematic tracks will be featured: Safety, Pavement Management, and Data and Information Infrastructure. Practical examples of asset management implementation within a State, region, or local community will also be spotlighted.
Contact: Tom Palmerlee at TRB, 202-334-2907 (email: tpalmerlee@nas.edu); or Francine Shaw-Whitson at FHWA, 202-366-8028 (email: francine.shawwhitson@fhwa.dot.gov). Information is also available online at www.trb.org/conferences/2009/asset.