U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations |
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-10-014
Date: June 2010
The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Highways for LIFE (HfL) program is accepting grant applications for fiscal year 2010 demonstration construction projects. The HfL program is designed to encourage State and local transportation agencies to build projects using proven innovations that have been infrequently or never used by the agency. The proposed innovations must be available now and ready to use. These innovations can include the technologies being deployed by FHWA's new Every Day Counts initiative.
Projects should meet the HfL performance goals of improving safety, reducing congestion caused by construction, and improving quality and customer satisfaction. Projects will also be evaluated on whether they will serve as a platform for promoting innovation and new technology through such forums as showcases, workshops, and peer-to-peer exchanges. Additional evaluation criteria include whether the agency will consider making the innovation a standard practice after a successful demonstration project.
Selected projects may receive a program grant and/or a waiver to allow 100 percent Federal-aid funding for the project. States that have not previously been selected as a HfL recipient will receive first consideration for funding. To date, 21 States have received HfL funding.
Applications must be submitted to FHWA's division offices. As the division offices must review and send recommended applications to the HfL program by August 31, 2010, agencies should check with their local division office to determine the deadline for submitting applications. The application form is available on the HfL Web site at www.fhwa.dot.gov/hfl/projects/20100506.cfm. For more information, contact your local FHWA division office. To learn more about HfL, contact Mary Huie at FHWA, 202-366-3039 (email: mary.huie@fhwa.dot.gov). To see reports, videos, and other information about previous HfL projects, visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/hfl.
To learn more about Highways for LIFE, visit www.fhwa.dot.gov/hfl.